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Bifurcating Worlds? A Systematic Review of How Visual and Language Data Are Combined to Study Teachers and Their Teaching
Review of Research in Education ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.3102/0091732x20903305
Rachel E. Schachter 1, 2 , Donald Freeman 2 , Naivedya Parakkal 2

Connecting teachers’ perspectives with their practice is an enduring challenge shaping what and how we understand teaching. Researchers tend to bifurcate teachers’ work between their private and their public lives. These “worlds” bring particular meanings that are rendered through the analyses of visual documentations of teaching and teachers’ language-based accounts of their teaching. Combining these two forms of data is a basic research challenge both operationally and conceptually. Operationally, the researcher determines how the forms are connected and which decisions reflect (and are anchored in) conceptual warrants. This review identified 52 studies that combine visual and language data to study teachers and teaching to examine how data were collected and analyzed in the studies and what types of the theoretical frameworks were used to warrant the interpretations resulting from the connections. The review found only seven studies that balanced both worlds by explicitly warranting how the two forms of data were interconnected. Otherwise, most studies foregrounded one form of data and drew on the other to support or explain the first. Whereas most of the authors rationalized the connection between the forms of data in their studies, few took the more complex step of theorizing how the two worlds were connected. We argue that such incomplete connections risk inaccurately representing the work of teaching. We propose some design questions and research procedures that researchers may use to avoid bifurcating teachers’ worlds.



将教师的观点与他们的实践联系起来是塑造我们理解教学的内容和方式的持久挑战。研究人员倾向于将教师的工作分为私人生活和公共生活。这些“世界”带来了特殊的意义,这些意义是通过对教学的视觉文件和教师基于语言的教学叙述的分析而呈现出来的。结合这两种形式的数据在操作和概念上都是一项基本的研究挑战。在操作上,研究人员确定形式如何连接以及哪些决定反映(并锚定)概念保证。本综述确定了 52 项结合视觉和语言数据的研究,以研究教师和教学,以检查研究中如何收集和分析数据,以及使用哪些类型的理论框架来保证由连接产生的解释。审查发现只有七项研究通过明确保证两种形式的数据如何相互关联来平衡两个世界。否则,大多数研究都将一种形式的数据放在首位,并利用另一种形式来支持或解释第一种形式。尽管大多数作者将他们研究中数据形式之间的联系合理化,但很少有人采取更复杂的步骤来理论化这两个世界的联系方式。我们认为,这种不完整的联系有可能不准确地代表教学工作。