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Journal Publications, Books, Patents, and Editorial:

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Journal Publications:


53. Leqi Li#, Xinyuan Ye#, Yan Wang, et al., submitted

52. Yan Wang, et al., submitted

51. Pengcheng Zhou, Yan Wang, et al., submitted

50. Rawan Omar, Yan Wang, et al., submitted

49. Sunghoon Lee*, Joo Sung Kim, Yan Wang, Joo Sung Kim, Yusaku Tagawa, Wenqing Wang, Lulu Sun, Xiaoping Liang, Md Osman Goni Nayeem, Tomoyuki Yokota, Kenjiro Fukuda and Takao Someya*, A ultrasoft nanomesh strain sensor with extreme mechanical durability against friction for on-skin applications, Device 2024, 100559, 19 Sep. 2024

48. Yujie Zhang, Yi Liu, Yuerui Lu, Shu Gong, Shu Gong, Hossam Haick, Wenlong Cheng*, Yan Wang*, Tailor-made Gold Nanomaterials for Applications in Soft Bioelectronics and Optoelectronics, Advanced Material (IF 27.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1) 2024, 240504618 July 2024

47. Yanting Gong, Yanting Gong, Kaijun Zhang, Iek Man Lei*, Yan Wang*, Junwen Zhong*, Advances in piezoelectret materials-based bidirectional haptic communication devices, Advanced Material (IF 27.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区) 2024, 2405308. 19 June 2024

46.Fan Mo, Pengcheng Zhou, Junwen Zhong*, Yan Wang*, A review of conductive hydrogel-based wearable temperature sensors, Advanced Healthcare Materials (IF 10, JCR Q1, 中科院1) 2024, 2401503. 14 June 2024

45. Rawan Omar, Walaa Saliba, Muhammad Khatib, Youbin Zheng, Calvin Pieters, Hadas Oved, Eric Silberman, Orr Zohar, Zhipeng Hu, Viki Kloper, Yoav Y Broza, Tal Dvir, Alon Grinberg Dana, Yan Wang* and Hossam Haick*, Biodegradable, Biocompatible and Implantable Multifunctional Sensing Platform for Cardiac Monitoring, ACS sensors (IF 9.618) 2024, 9, 1, 126–138. 03 Jan 2024

44. Zongman Zhang, Jiawei Yang, Haoyang Wang, Chunya Wang*, Yuheng Gu, Yumiao Xu, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Hossam Haick, Takao Someya*, Yan Wang*A 10-micrometer-thick nanomesh-reinforced gas-permeable hydrogel skin sensor for long-term electrophysiological monitoring, Science Advances (IF 14.14, JCR Q1, 中科院1) 2024, 10, eadj5389, 10 January 2024

43. Yan Wang*, Emerging Epidermal Electrodes Towards Digital Health and On-skin Digitalization, Soft Science 2024, 4, 5, 11 Jan 2024

Invited manuscript to the Special Issue Skin Electronics for Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring


42. Haoyang Wang, Wenqing Wang, Jae Joon Kim, Chunya Wang, Yan Wang, Binghao Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya*An Optical-based Multipoint 3-dimensional Pressure Sensor with a Flexible Thin-film FormScience Advances (IF 14.14), 2023, 9, eadi2445, 08 Sep 2023  


41. Zongman Zhang, Zhongtai Zhu,Pengcheng Zhou,  Yunfan Zou, Jiawei Yang, Hossam Haick*Yan Wang*Soft Bioelectronics for Therapeutics. ACS Nano (IF 18.03)17, 18, 17634–17667, 07 Sep 2023



40.  Pengcheng Zhou, Zongman Zhang, Fan Mo, Yan Wang*, A Review of Functional Hydrogels for Flexible Chemical Sensors, DOI: 10.1002/adsr.202300021invited review with Advanced Sensor Research 2023, 2023000213. May 2023



39.  Jiawei Yang, Zongman Zhang, Pengcheng Zhou, Yujie Zhang, Yi Liu, Yumiao Xu, Yuheng Gu, Shenglin Qin, Hossam Haick*, Yan Wang*Toward a new generation of permeable skin electronicsDOI: 10.1039/D2NR06236D Nanoscale (IF 8.307), 2023,15, 3051-3078. 03 Jan.2023

Invited manuscript to the Special Issue 2023 Emerging Investigators Collection


38. Zhi Jiang, Nuan Chen, Zhigao Yi, Junwen Zhong, Feilong Zhang, Shaobo Ji, Rui Liao, Yan Wang, Haicheng Li, Zhihua Liu, Yang Wang, Tomoyuki Yokota, Xiaogang Liu, Kenjiro Fukuda*, Xiaodong Chen*, and Takao Someya*. A 1.3-micrometre-thick elastic conductor for seamless on-skin and implantable sensors. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41928-022-00868-x  Nature Electronics (IF 33.26) 5, 784–793 (21 Nov 2022)


37. Yan Wang*, Wenlong Cheng*. Advances in gold-based electronic skins. Sci Sin Chim, 2022, 52(9): 1627–1635. https://doi.org/10.1360/SSC-2022-0094 (August 2022)

王燕*,程文龙*. 金基电子皮肤研究进展中国科学化学 (中文核心), 2022, 52(9): 1637–1635. 

Invited manuscript to the Special Issue 庆祝王尔康院士90华诞专刊


36. Jae Joon Kim, Siyoung Ha, Lina Kim, Yutaro Kato, Yan Wang, Chihiro Okutani, Haoyang Wang, Chunya Wang, Kenjiro Fukuda, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Oh Seok Kwon*,Takao Someya* Antimicrobial Second Skin Using Copper Nanomesh. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) (IF 12.78) 2022, 119 (24) e2200830119. (June 2022)

35. Chunya Wang, Haoyang Wang, Binghao Wang, Hiroo Miyata, Yan Wang, Md Osman Goni Nayeem, Jae Joon Kim, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Hiroshi Onodera, Takao Someya* "On-Skin Paintable Biogel for Long-Term High-Fidelity Electroencephalogram RecordingScience Advances (IF 14.14) 2022, 8, eabo1396. (20 May 2022)


34. Yan Wang, Hossam Haick, Shuyang Guo, Chunya Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya*. "Skin bioelectronics towards long-term, continuous health monitoring". https://doi.org/10.1039/D2CS00207H Chemical Society Reviews (IF 60.61) 2022, 51, 3759-3793. (14 Apr 2022)

PhD and postdoc periods


33. Yan Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Haoyang Wang, Zhi Jiang, Yasutoshi Jimbo, Chunya Wang, Binghao Wang, Jae Joon Kim, Mari Koizumi, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya*. “Robust, self-adhesive, reinforced polymeric nanofilms enabling gas-permeable dry electrodes for long-term application”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) (IF 12.78) 2021, 118 (38) e2111904118. (September 2021). 


32. Jae Joon Kim#*, Yan Wang#*, Sunghoon Lee, Haoyang Wang, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya. “Skin Electronics: Next‐Generation Device Platform for Virtual and Augmented Reality”. Advanced Functional Materials (IF 19.92) 2021, 31.39: 2009602. (March 2021) ESI highly cited paper

Cover. Reported by Ball, Philip. "Skin-deep experiences." Nature Materials (IF 38.6) 20.4 (2021): 450-450.    


31. Yan Wang, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya*. “Electrospun nanofiber-based soft electronics”. NPG Asia Materials (IF 10.99), 13.1: 1-22. (March 2021). ESI highly cited paper


30. Binghao Wang, Alberto Scaccabarozzi, Haoyang Wang, Mari Koizumi, Mohamad Nugraha, Yuanbao Lin, Yuliar Firdaus, Yan Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Thomas Anthopoulos, and Takao Someya*. "Molecular Doping of Near-Infrared Organic Photodetectors for Photoplethysmogram SensorsJournal of Materials Chemistry C (IF 8.067). 9, 3129-3135. (January 2021)


29. Sunghoon Lee, Sae Franklin, Faezeh Arab Hassani, Tomoyuki Yokota, Md Osman Goni Nayeem, 
Yan Wang, Raz Leib, Gordon Cheng, David W. Franklin, and Takao Someya*. "Nanomesh pressure sensor for monitoring finger manipulation without sensory interferenceScience (IF 41.8) 370.6519 (2020): 966-970.  (November 2020) ESI highly cited paper

           Featured by Liu, Xinyu. "The more and less of electronic-skin sensors." Science (IF 41.8) 370.6519 (2020): 910-911.
Media Coverage by TwitterTech Explorist NewsNew AtlasInnovations ReportidwMiragenewsAzosensorsTechnology NetworksNews MynaviPhys OrgNanowerkScience DailyNewsbeezerNews BreakFlorida News TimesUTokyo FocusEurekalertWEST wearables, and Mindzilla.


28. Jiabin Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Yasutoshi Jimbo, Yan Wang, Md Osman Goni Nayeem, Masaya Nishinaka, and Takao Someya*. "Nanomesh Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Comfortable On-Skin Electrodes with Local Amplifying FunctionACS Applied Electronic Materials (IF 4.494). 2020, 2, 11, 3601–3609 (November 2020)             

           Cover paperACS editor’s choice; Media Coverage by Twitter, and Official Wechat account of ACS Applied Electronic Materials 


27. Yan Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Haoyang Wang, Zhi Jiang, Jiabin Wang, Mari Koizumi, Takao Someya*. “A durable nanomesh on-skin strain gauge for natural skin motion monitoring with minimum mechanical constraints”. Science Advances (IF 14.14) 6.33: eabb7043. (July 2020)              

            Media Coverage by TwitterStatnanoUtokyo FocusPhys.ORGNano MagazineNanowerkWEST wearables, and FLIPBOARD



26. Shu Gong, Lim Wei Yap, Yi Zhu, Bowen Zhu, Yan Wang, Yunzhi Ling, Yunmeng Zhao, Tiance An, Yuerui Lu, and Wenlong Cheng*. "A Soft Resistive Acoustic Sensor Based on Suspended Standing Nanowire Membranes with Point Crack DesignAdvanced Functional Materials (IF 19.92), 1910717. (May 2020)   


25. Esma Dervisevic, Muamer Dervisevic, Yan Wang, Luis F. Malaver‐Ortega, Wenlong Cheng*, Kellie L. Tuck, Nicolas H. Voelcker, and Victor J. Cadarso. "Highly Selective Nanostructured Electrochemical Sensor Utilizing Densely Packed Ultrathin Gold Nanowires Film.Electroanalysis (IF 2.6) (doi.org/10.1002/elan.202060071) (May 2020)


24. Qingfeng Zhai, Yiyi Liu, Ren Wang, 
Yan Wang, Quanxia Lyu, Shu Gong, Joseph Wang, George P. Simon, and Wenlong Cheng*. "Intrinsically Stretchable Fuel Cell Based on Enokitake‐Like Standing Gold Nanowires." Advanced Energy Materials (IF 25.2) 10.2. 1903512. November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

23. Bowen Zhu, Yunzhi Ling,Lim Wei Yap, Mingjie Yang, Fenge Lin, Shu Gong, Yan Wang, Tiance An, Yunmeng Zhao, and Wenlong Cheng*. "Hierarchically Structured Vertical Gold Nanowire Array-Based Wearable Pressure Sensors for Wireless Health MonitoringACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 10.38) 11.32: 29014-29021. (July 2019)


22.  Zhijia Zhang, Lim Wei Yap, Dashen Dong, Qianqian Shi, Yan Wang, Wenlong Cheng*, and Xiaojun Han*. CatTailLike Mesostructured Silica Fibers Decorated with Gold Nanowires: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application as Stretchable Sensors. ChemPlusChem (IF 3.21) 2019, 84(8), 1031-1038.

21. Lim Wei Yap, Qianqian Shi, Shu Gong, Yan Wang, Yi Chen, Cun Zhu, Zhongze Gu, Kiyonori Suzuki, Yonggang Zhu, and Wenlong Cheng* "Bifunctional Fe3O4@ AuNWs particle as wearable bending and strain sensor." Inorganic Chemistry Communications (IF 2.495) 104: 98-104. (March 2019)

20. Qingfeng Zhai, Shu Gong, Yan Wang, Quanxia Lyu, Yiyi Liu, Yunzhi Ling, Joseph Wang, George. P. Simon, and Wenlong Cheng*. "Enokitake Mushroom-like Standing Gold Nanowires toward Wearable Noninvasive Bimodal Glucose and Strain Sensing." ACS applied materials & interfaces (IF 10.38) 11. 10.  9724–9729. (February 2019)

19.  Ling, Yunzhi, Shu Gong, Qingfeng Zhai, Yan Wang, Yunmeng Zhao, Mingjie Yang, and Wenlong Cheng*. "Embedding Pinhole Vertical Gold Nanowire Electronic Skins for Braille Recognition." Small (IF 15.15)15.13: 1804853. (February 2019)


18. Tiance An, Yunzhi Ling, Shu Gong, Bowen Zhu, Yunmeng Zhao, Dashen Dong, Lim Wei Yap, Yan Wang, and Wenlong Cheng*. "A Wearable Second Skin‐Like Multifunctional Supercapacitor with Vertical Gold Nanowires and Electrochromic Polyaniline." Advanced Materials Technologies (IF 7.295): 1800473. (December 2018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

17. Qingfeng Zhai, Yan Wang, Shu Gong, Yunzhi Ling, Lim Wei Yap, Yiyi Liu, Joseph Wang, George. P. Simon, Wenlong Cheng*. “Vertical Gold Nanowires Stretchable Electrochemical Electrodes”.  Analytical Chemistry (IF 8.008) 90.22, 13498-13505. (October 2018)

16. Yunmeng Zhao, Dashen Dong, Yan Wang, Shu Gong, Tiance An, Lim Wei Yap, and Wenlong Cheng*. "Highly Stretchable Fiber-shaped Supercapacitors based on Ultrathin Gold Nanowires with Double Helix Winding Design."  ACS applied materials & interfaces (IF 10.38)10.49, 42612-42620. (November 2018)

15. Bowen Zhu, Shu Gong, Fenge Lin, Yan Wang, Yunzhi Ling, Tiance An, and Wenlong Cheng*. “Patterning Vertically-Grown Gold Nanowire Electrodes for Intrinsically Stretchable Organic Transistors”.  Advanced Electronic Materials (IF 7.633) 5.1, 1800509. (November 2018)

14. Yunmeng Zhao, Dashen Dong, Shu Gong, Laurence Brassart, Yan Wang, Tiance An, and Wenlong Cheng**. “A Moss-inspired Electroless Gold-Coating Strategy to Stretchable Fiber Conductor by Dry Spinning”. Advanced Electronic Materials (IF 7.633) 5.1: 1800462. (October 2018)

13. Yan Wang, Shu Gong, Stephen J. Wang, Xinyi Yang, Yunzhi Ling, Lim Wei Yap, Dashen Dong, George P. Simon and Wenlong Cheng*. “Standing Enokitake-like Nanowire Films for Highly Stretchable Elastronics”. ACS Nano (IF 18.03) 12.10, 9742-9749. (September 2018)              

         Open access article by editor’s choice; Media Coverage: Materials TodayNano Today 23 (2018) 3-4.


12. Yan Wang, Shu Gong, Dashen Dong, Yunmeng Zhao, Lim Wei Yap, Tiance An, Yunzhi Ling, George. P. Simon and Wenlong Cheng*. Self-assembled Gold Nanorime Mesh Conductors for Invisible Stretchable Supercapacitor “. Nanoscale (IF 8.307) 10.34, 15948-15955. (August 2018)  



11. Shu Gong#, Yan Wang#, Lim Wei Yap, Yunzhi Ling, Yunmeng Zhao, Dashen Dong, Qianqian Shi, Hemayet Uddin, Wenlong Cheng*. “A Location- and Sharpness-Specific Tactile Sensor Based on Staircase-like Gold Nanowires”. Nanoscale Horizons (IF 11.684) 3.6, 640-647. (July 2018) 

              Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Paper Runner-up Award 2018  


10.  Yan Wang, Shu Gong, Daniel E. Gómez, Yunzhi Ling, Lim Wei Yap, George P. Simon and Wenlong Cheng*. “Unconventional Janus Properties of Enokitake-like Gold Nanowire Films” ACS Nano (IF 18.03) 12.8, 8717-8722. (July 2018)              

             Media Coverage: research work on “stretchable gold skin” was featured by Monash University, major Australia media, e.gHerald SunAustralia SBS evening news, and 9 news, and Chemical & Engineering News.   




2017 and before

9.  My Duyen Ho, Yunzhi Ling, Lim Wei Yap, Yan Wang, Dashen Dong, Yunmeng Zhao, and Wenlong Cheng*.     "    Percolating network of ultrathin gold nanowires and silver nanowires toward “invisible” wearable sensors for detecting emotional expression and apexcardiogram    ." Advanced Functional Materials (IF 19.92) 27.25, 1700845. (May 2017)  

8. Gong, S.; Zhao, Y.; Yap, L. W.; Shi, Q.; Wang, Y.; Bay, J. A. P. B.; Lai, D. T. H.; Uddin, H.; Cheng, W., “Fabrication of Highly Transparent and Flexible Nanomesh Electrode Via Self-Assembly of Ultrathin Gold Nanowires”. Advanced Electronic Materials (IF 7.633) 2.7, 1600121. (May 2016)

7. Shu Gong, Yunmeng Zhao, Lim Wei Yap, Qianqian Shi, Yan Wang, Johanis Aryo P. B. Bay, Daniel T. H. Lai, Hemayet Uddin, and Wenlong Cheng*. “Self-Assembled Ultrathin Gold Nanowires as Highly Conductive, Transparent and Stretchable Supercapacitor.”  Electroanalysis (IF 3.077) 28.6: 1298-1304. (April 2016)

6. Zheng Ma, Bin Su, Shu Gong, Yan Wang, Lim Wei Yap, George P. Simon, and Wenlong Cheng*. “Liquid-wetting-solid strategy to fabricate stretchable sensors for human-motion detection.” ACS Sensors (IF 9.618), 1.3: 303-311. (January 2016)

5. Yan Wang, Shu Gong, Stephen J. Wang, George P. Simon and Wenlong Cheng*. “Volume-invariant ionic liquid microbands as highly durable wearable biomedical sensors”. Materials Horizons (IF 15.717) 3.3, 208-213. (January 2016) 

             Cover paper  


4. Shu Gong, Daniel Lai, Yan Wang, Lim Wei Yap, Kae Jye Si, Qianqian Shi, Naveen N. Jason, Tam Sridhar, Hemayet Uddin, and Wenlong Cheng*. “Tatoolike Polyaniline Microparticle-Doped Gold Nanowire Patches as Highly Durable Wearable Sensors.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 10.38) 7.35: 19700-19708. (August 2015)

3. Ping Zhang, Xuejun Long, Yan Wang, Wu Chen, and Yongming Cui*. Synthesis and Crystal Structures 

of Oxovanadium (V) and Dioxomolybdenum (VI) Complexes Derived From N′-(3-Bromo-2-hydroxybenzylidene) -2 hydroxybenzohydrazideSynthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry

 (IF 0.7) 2015, 45, 6: 935-939.

2.   Xia Li#, Yan Wang#, Yuguang Li*, Yi Gou and Qiang Wang*. “Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Two Silver(I)transCinnamate Complexes as sUrease Inhibitors, Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie” ZAAC (IF 1.414) 640.2 (2014): 423-428. (October 2013)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

1.  Yongming Cui, Yan Wang, Yingjie Cai, Xuejun Long, and Wu Chen*. “Syntheses and structures of N'-(5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzylidene)- 4methoxybenzohydrazide and its dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex with catalytic epoxidation property Journal of Coordination Chemistry (IF: 1.751) 66.13: 2325-2334. (June 2013)


2. Yan Wang*, Chapter 26: Pressure tactile sensors, Elsevier book, Nature-inspired sensors, submitted Mar. 2024 

1. Yan Wang*, Chapter 34: Electronic skins, Elsevier book, Nature-inspired sensors, submitted Mar. 2024


3. Takao Someya; Akihito Miyamoto; Yan Wang; Sunghoon Lee; Shiho Nagai; Ikue Kawashima. "Electronic functional member, method for manufacturing same, and biological measurement sensor." U.S. Patent Application 17/436,251, filed August 4, 2022.

2. Takao Someya; Akihito Miyamoto; Yan Wang; Yorishige Matsuba; Ikue Kawashima. "Electronic functional member and strain sensor." U.S. Patent Application 17/442,787, filed June 23, 2022.

1. Granted patent, Australian Patent 2018263276, STANDING NANOWIRE-BASED ELASTIC CONDUCTORS, Cheng, Wenlong, Simon, George P., Wang, Yan. (PCT/AU2018/000058, WO2018201181)


1. Wang, Y.*, Nayeem, M. O. G., & Xiong, S. (2023). Special issue on “Advancements in materials for wearable electronics”. Materials Today Communications (IF: 4.06), 107017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.107017