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N021. S. Ju, C. Zhang, B. Tang, L. L. Liu, D. W. Stephan*, Y. Wu* The Lewis superacidic aluminium cation: [(NHC)Al(C6F5)2]Chem. Commun.202460, 698-701


N020. V. Bedi, D. Mandal, Z. Hussain, S.-M. Chen, Y. Wu*, Z.-W. Qu*, S. Grimme, D. W. Stephan* The impact of Lewis acid variation on reactions with di-tert-butyl diazo diesters  Dalton Trans.202453, 439-443


N019. J. Xiong, M. Yan, L. Jin, W. Song, L. Xiao, D. Xu, Chunyang Zhai*, D. W. Stephan*, J. Guo* B(C6F5)3-catalyzed hydrogermylation of enones: a facile route to germacycles. Org. Biomol. Chem.202321, 8098-8101


N018.  M. Yan, L. Xiao, J. Xiong, L. Jin, D. W. Stephan*, J. Guo*  Borane catalyzed transesterification of tert-butyl esters using α-aryl α-diazoesters. Org. Biomol. Chem.2023218279-8283


N017. Y. Luo,+ Z. Zhao,T. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Zhao, D. W. Stephan*, Y. Wu*  Stannyl phosphaketene as a synthon for phosphorus analogues of β-lactam. Chem. Commun.202359, 10956-10959


N016. T. Chen, S. Ju, M. Tong, Y. Zhao, Y. Wu*, D. W. Stephan* Synthesis and characterization of phosphate-catecholate chelated Nd(III), Zr(IV) and Al(III) complexes. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.202326, e202300443(Invited contribution in the special collection of "Chinese EurJIC Talents")


N015. Z. Hussain, Y. Luo, Y. Wu*, Z.-W. Qu*, S. Grimme, D. W. Stephan* Reactivity of frustrated Lewis pairs with BOC protected diazocarboxylates: FLP capture of diazene. Chem. Commun.202359, 6191-6194


N014. Z. Hussain, Y. Luo, Y. Wu*, Z.-W. Qu*, S. Grimme, D. W. Stephan*  Diazene Chemistry: Metal-Free Models of N2 Reduction Intermediates.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023145, 7101–7106


N013. W. Song, J. Guo*, D. W. Stephan*   B(C6F5)3-catalyzed Wolff rearrangement/[2 + 2] and [4 + 2] cascade cyclization of α-diazoketones with imines. Org. Chem. Front.202310, 1754-1758


N012. L. Xiao, L. Jin, Y. Zhao, J. Guo*, D. W. Stephan*  B(C6F5)3-catalyzed cyclopropanation of 3-alkenyl-oxindoles with diazomethanes  Chem. Commun.202359, 1833-1836.


N011.  T. Chen, Y. Mei, L. L. Liu*, Y. Zhao, Y. Wu*, D. W. Stephan*  Alkoxyphosphorane /Borane Cooperative alkylations: A Frustrated Lewis Pair Version of the Mitsunobu Reaction  Chem. Eur. J. 202329, e202300264


N010. D. Mandal, Z. Hussain, Y.-A. Luo, Y. Wu*, D. W. Stephan*  Transient Hydroboration and hydroalumination of activated azo-species: Avenues to NBO and NAlO-heterobicycles  Chem. Commun.202359, 780-783


N009. J. Tan, C. Hu, X. Yang, S. Ju, L. Cao, Y. Wu*, L. L. Liu*, D. W. Stephan*  Structure and reactivity studies of the aluminum analogue of Piers’ borane [HAl(C6F5)2]3  Chem. Commun.202359, 282-285.



N008. Z. Zhao, J. Tan, T. Chen, Z. Hussain, Y. Li, Y. Wu*, D. W. Stephan*  Ambiphilic Behavior of Ge(II)-Pseudohalides in Inter- and Intramolecular Frustrated Lewis Pair Alkyne Addition Reactions  Inorg. Chem. 2022,  61, 18670–18677


N007. L. Jin, X. Zhou, Y. Zhao, J. Guo,* D. W. Stephan*   Catalyst-dependent chemoselective insertion of diazoalkanes into N-H\C-H\O-H\C-O bonds of 2-hydroxybenzothiazoles  Org. Biomol. Chem.202220, 7781-7786



N006. D. Mandal, T. Chen, Z.-W. Qu*, S. Grimme, D. W. Stephan* Reactions of Frustrated Lewis Pairs with Chloro-Diazirines: Cleavage of N=N Double Bonds, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022134, e202209241.


N005. D. Mandal, T. Chen, Z.-W. Qu, S. Grimme, D. W. Stephan*  Reactions of diethylazo-dicarboxylate with Frustrated Lewis pairs, Chem. Eur. J. 202228, e202201701



N004. Y. Zhao, L. Jin, J. Guo,* and D. W. Stephan* Catalytic hydroaminations of alkynes: a facile protocol to vinyl-carbazole derivatives via a frustrated Lewis pair mechanism,Chem. Commun., 202258, 3039–3042.


N003. Y. Wu,*+ Z. Zhao,+ T. Chen, J. Tan, Z.-W. Qu,* S. Grimme, Y. Zhao, D. W. Stephan*  The varied Frustrated Lewis Pair Reactivity of the Germylene Phosphaketene (CH{(CMe)(2,6-iPr2C6H3N)}2)GePCO, Chem. Eur. J.2022, 28, e202200666


N002. Y. Zhao, D. Mandal, J. Guo,* Y. Wu, D. W. Stephan,*  B(C6F5)3-Catalyzed site-selective N1-alkylation of benzotriazoles with diazoalkanes, Chem. Commun.2021,57, 7758-7761



N001. X. Yang, R Wei, Y. Shi, L. L. Liu, Y. Wu,* Y. Zhao, D. W. Stephan,* Oxyphosphoranes as precursors to bridging phosphate-catecholate ligands, Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 1194-1197



Publications from Toronto Lab: https://sites.chem.utoronto.ca/chemistry/staff/DSTEPHAN/pubs.html