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Dr. Inhee Maeng from GIST, Korea visits the lab (韩国光州科学技术院Dr. Inhee Maeng访问实验室)

Dr. Inhee Maeng

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Dr. Inhee Maeng is a postdoctoral researcher at Laboratory of Integrated optics in Advanced Photonic Research Institute, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea) from April 2014. She obtained her B.S, M.S and Ph. D (Terahertz Physics for experiment) at University of Seoul (Korea) in 2003, 2006 and 2012, respectively. And she started her postdoctoral research at School of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringYonsei University (Korea) from 2013 to 2014. She developed terahertz time domain spectroscopy system and optical pump terahertz probe system. And She have been moved to Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology and continue terahertz spectroscopy using high power laser system. Her research interests include developing terahertz spectroscopy systems and characterization of the carrier dynamics properties of nanomaterials

Title:  Carrier dynamics study of nanomaterials using Terahertz spectroscopy 

Date: July 12, 2019 (Friday) 10:30 AM

Venue: Room 510, MGI


    The dynamics of charge carriers in matter is extremely important for technological applications. The electronic conductivity of a material is dominated by the free and weakly bound electrons, that is, by charge carriers with low excitation energies. THz radiation is particularly sensitive to these carriers because of its low photon energy. Terahertz spectroscopy provides many useful insights into various materials and structures. In this seminar, we will explore that 1) Various terahertz spectroscopic systems (Terahertz time domain spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy) and 2) its measurements of nanomaterials such as nanowire, CVD-grown graphene and organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite thin film. This seminar will be providing with a rough introduction for terahertz research field.