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1. Jun. 2009 NT09, Beijing, China

2. Sep. 2009 中国物理学会秋季学术会议, Shanghai, China

3. Sep. 2010 中国物理学会秋季学术会议, Tianjin, China (Best Poster)

4. Jul.  2011 The Annual World Conference on Carbon: Carbon 2011, Shanghai, China

5. Mar. 2012 IWEPNM 2012, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

6. Oct. 2012 5th Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, Hungary

7. Mar. 2013 IWEPNM 2013, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

8. Jan. 2014 The Global Human Resource Program Bridging across Physics and Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan

9. Mar. 2014 IWEPNM 2014, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

10. Oct. 2014 6thSzeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, Hungary

11. Mar. 2015 IWEPNM 2015, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

12. Jul. 2015 NT15: The Sixteenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Nagoya, Japan

13. Jan. 2016 Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation, Fakultät für Physik, Vienna, Austria

14. Feb. 2016 IWEPNM 2016, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

15. Jun. 2016 Nature Conference on Materials for Energy, Wuhan, China (Best Poster)

16. Aug. 2016 NT16, Vienna, Austria

17. Aug. 2016 CNTFA16: 4th Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Electronics and Applications Satellite (NT16), Vienna, Austria

18. Oct. 2016 7thSzeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, Hungary

19. Mar. 2017 IWEPNM 2017, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

20. Nov. 2017 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, United States of America

21. Mar. 2018 IWEPNM 2018, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

22. Jun. 2018 POLYMAT Spotlight, San Sebastian, Spain

23. Jul. 2018 Carbon 2018-The world conference on carbon, Madrid, Spain

24. Jul. 2018 NT18: 19th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-dimensional Materials, Beijing, China

25. Jun. 2019 14th Sino-US Forum on Nanoscale Science and Technology, Changsha, China

26. Jul. 2019 NT19: 20th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-dimensional Materials, Würzburg, Germany 

27. Jul. 2019 1st Symposium on Synthesis, Purification and Functionalization of Low-Dimensional Materials, Würzburg, Germany

28. Aug. 2019 ChinaNano 2019, Beijing, China

29. Sep. 2019 中国物理学会秋季学术会议,Zhengzhou,China

30. Oct. 2019 第十四届全国新型炭材料学术研讨会,Tianjin,China

31. Oct. 2019 10th A3 Symposium on Emerging Materials. Oct. 2019, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

32. Nov. 2019 第二十届全国光散射学术会议, Suzhou, China

33. Nov. 2019 The 7th International Conference On Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Xiamen, China

34. Nov. 2019 2019 广东材料发展论坛, Dongguan, China

35. Jan. 2020 光电材料与技术国家重点实验室优秀中青年学术沙龙,中山大学,中国

36. Jun. 2020 NanoLab Talks (Online seminar), invited by Prof. Carlo Spartaco Casari, Politecnico di Milano

37. Apr. 2021 中国化学学会第32届学术年会(The 32nd CCS Congress), Zhuhai, China

38. Jun. 2021 NT21: 21th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-dimensional Materials (Virtual), Houston, United States of America

39. Jun. 2021 Raman Workshop 2021 (Virtual), Zurich, Switzerland

40. Jul. 2021 21世纪化学中的纳米科技前沿,Guangzhou, China

41. Oct. 2021 第十五届全国新型炭材料学术研讨会, Shenzhen, China

42. Oct. 2021 中国物理学会2020/2021秋季学术会议, Lanzhou, China

43. Dec. 2021 广东光学大会, Foshan, China

44. Dec. 2021 第二十一届全国光散射学术会议, Changchun, China

45. Jun. 2023 NT23: 23rd International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-dimensional Materials , Arcachon near Bordeaux, France

46. Jun. 2023 中国化学学会第33届学术年会(The 33rd CCS Congress), Qingdao, China

47. Jul. 2023 碳纳米管限域体系研究研讨会, Shanghai, China

48. Jul. 2023 第22届全国分子光谱学学术会议暨2023年光谱年会, Yunnan, China

49. Aug. 2023 第十六届全国新型炭材料学术研讨会, Taiyuan, China

50. Oct. 2023 第四届中国新材料产业发展大会——纳米碳材料论坛, Wenzhou, China

51. Oct. 2023 International Workshop Celebrating 30 Years’ Anniversary Since the Discovery of SWCNTs Announcement, Taiyuan, China

52. Dec. 2023 2023广东材料发展论坛, Foshan, China

53. Dec. 2023 2023 年中山大学纳米研究前沿交叉科技论坛,Guangzhou, China

54. Dec. 2023 材料前沿研究国际研讨会, Zhuhai, China

55. Jun. 2024 中国化学学会第34届学术年会(The 34th CCS Congress), Guangzhou, China

56. Jul. 2024 Carbon 2024 - The World Conference on Carbon, Shenzhen, China
