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22) Yinpeng Pan, Lixuan Yuan, Lili Liu, Weiwei Fang, Yuyang Hou, Lijun Fu, Yuping Wu.Critical Advances of Aqueous Rechargeable Ammonium Ion Batteries.Small Structures, 2023: 2300201.( IF 15.9 ) 


21) Chen Wang, Xiaohui Peng, Weiwei Fang, Lijun Fu, Lili Liu, Yuping Wu. TiO2-based cathode with modest oxygen vacancies and defective Ti3+ for long-life lithium-oxygen batteries.Applied Surface Science, 2023, 614: 156262.( IF 6.7 )


19)Xiaohui Peng, Mingzhe Li, Lihua Huang, Qizhe Chen , Weiwei Fang, Yuyang Hou, Yusong Zhu, Jilei Ye , Lili Liu, Yuping Wu.RuO2-Incorporated Co3O4 Nanoneedles Grown on Carbon Cloth as Binder-Free Integrated Cathodes for Tuning Favorable Li2O2 Formation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 15(1): 1401-1409.( IF 9.5 ) 


18) Yihao Liu, Kun Wang, Xiaohui Peng, Chen Wang, Weiwei Fang, Yusong Zhu, Yuhui Chen, Lili Liu, Yuping Wu.Formation/Decomposition of Li2O2 Induced by Porous NiCeOx Nanorod Catalysts in Aprotic Lithium–Oxygen Batteries.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2022, 14(14): 16214-16221.(IF 9.5)

    17) Congcong Zhou, Kangkang Lu , Shiyu Zhou, Yihao Liu, Weiwei Fang, Yuyang Hou, Jilei Ye, Lijun Fu, Yuhui Chen, Lili Liu, Yuping Wu. Strategies toward anode stabilization in nonaqueous alkali metal–oxygen batteries.Chem. Commun, 2022,58, 8014-8024 ( IF 4.9 ) 


    16)Chen Wang, Xiaohui Peng, Yihao Liu, Congcong Zhou, Weiwei Fang, Jilei Ye, Yusong Zhu, Lijun Fu, Lili Liu, Yuping Wu.Comparative Study of the Electrochemical Performance of Different Separators in Aprotic Li–O2 Batteries.Energy & Fuels, 2022, 36(8): 4609-4615.IF 5.3 )


      13) Liu L, Ma T, Fang W, et al. Facile Fabrication of Ag Nanocrystals Encapsulated in Nitrogen‐doped Fibrous Carbon as an Efficient Catalyst for Lithium Oxygen Batteries. Energy & Environmental Materials, 2021, 4(2): 239-245.

      12) Liu L, Guo H, Fu L, et al. Critical advances in ambient air operation of nonaqueous rechargeable li–air batteries. Small, 2021, 17(9): 1903854.

      11) Wang J, Liu L, Chou S, et al. A 3D porous nitrogen-doped carbon-nanofiber-supported palladium composite as an efficient catalytic cathode for lithium–oxygen batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(4): 1462-1471.

      10) Liu L, Guo H, Hou Y, et al. A 3D hierarchical porous Co3O4 nanotube network as an efficient cathode for rechargeable lithium–oxygen batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(28): 14673-14681.

      9) Liu L, Hou Y, Wang J, et al. Nanofibrous Co3O4/PPy Hybrid with Synergistic Effect as Bifunctional Catalyst for Lithium‐Oxygen Batteries. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3(13): 1600030.

      8) Wang J, Liu L, Subramaniyam C M, et al. A microwave autoclave synthesized MnO2/graphene composite as a cathode material for lithium–oxygen batteries. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry2016, 46: 869-878

      7) Liu L, Wang J, Hou Y, et al. Self‐Assembled 3D Foam‐Like NiCo2O4 as Efficient Catalyst for Lithium Oxygen Batteries. Small, 2016, 12(5): 602-611.

      6) Liu L, Hou Y, Yang Y, et al. A Se/C composite as cathode material for rechargeable lithium batteries with good electrochemical performance. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(18): 9086-9091.

      5) Liu L, Hou Y, Wu X, et al. Nanoporous selenium as a cathode material for rechargeable lithium–selenium batteries. Chemical communications, 2013, 49(98): 11515-11517.

    4) Yang L,Liu L, Zhu Y, et al. Preparation of carbon coated MoO2 nanobelts and their high performance as anode materials for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22(26): 13148-13152.

    3) Tang W, Liu L, Zhu Y, et al. An aqueous rechargeable lithium battery of excellent rate capability based on ananocomposite of MoO3 coated with PPy and LiMn2O4Energy & Environmental Science2012, 5(5):6909-6913.

      2) Tang W, Liu L, Tian S, et al. Aqueous supercapacitors of high energy density based on MoO3 nanoplates as anode material. Chemical communications, 2011, 47(36): 10058-10060.

      1) Tang W, Liu L, Tian S, et al. Nano-LiCoO2 as cathode material of large capacity and high rate capability for aqueous rechargeable lithium batteries. Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12(11): 1524-1526.