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Xinyue Gu and Yan Zhao and Yun Su and Jiajiao Wu and Ziya Wang and Juntao Hu and Lijun Liu and Zihua Zhao and Ary A. Hoffmann and Bing Chen and Zhihong Li,A transcriptional and functional analysis of heat hardening in two invasive fruit fly species, Bactrocera dorsalis and Bactrocera correcta,Evolutionary Applications      



1.Bing Chen and Martin E. Feder and Le Kang,Evolution of heat-shock protein expression underlying adaptive responses to environmental stress,Molecular Ecology        


2.Ding, D. and Liu, G. and Hou, L. and Gui, W. and Chen, B. and Kang, L.,Genetic variation in PTPN1 contributes to metabolic adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in Tibetan migratory locusts,Nature Communications  



1.Chen, B. and Ma, R. and Ding, D. and Wei, L. and Kang, L.,Aerobic respiration by haemocyanin in the embryo of the migratory locust,Insect Molecular Biology   


2.Martín-Blázquez, R. and Chen, B. and Kang, L. and Bakkali, M.,Evolution, expression and association of the chemosensory protein genes with the outbreak phase of the two main pest locusts,Scientific Reports  


3.Weintraub, P.G. and Scheffer, S.J. and Visser, D. and Valladares, G. and Correa, A.S. and Shepard, B.M. and Rauf, A. and Murphy, S.T. and Mujica, N. and MacVean, C. and Kroschel, J. and Kishinevsky, M. and Joshi, R.C. and Johansen, N.S. and Hallett, R.H. and Civelek, H.S. and Chen, B. and Metzler, H.B.,The invasive liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae): Understanding its pest status and management globally,Journal of Insect Science    


4.Chen, B. and Zhang, B. and Xu, L. and Li, Q. and Jiang, F. and Yang, P. and Xu, Y. and Kang, L.,Transposable Element-Mediated Balancing Selection at Hsp90 Underlies Embryo Developmental Variation,Molecular Biology and Evolution  http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85019069554&partnerID=MN8TOARS


Chen, B. and Zhang, Y. and Zhang, X. and Jia, S. and Chen, S. and Kang, L.,Genome-wide identification and developmental expression profiling of long noncoding RNAs during Drosophila metamorphosis,Scientific Reports



1.Chen, B. and Ma, R. and Ma, G. and Guo, X. and Tong, X. and Tang, G. and Kang, L.,Haemocyanin is essential for embryonic development and survival in the migratory locust,Insect Molecular Biology


2.Chen, B. and Li, S. and Ren, Q. and Tong, X. and Zhang, X. and Kang, L.,Paternal epigenetic effects of population density on locust phase-related characteristics associated with heat-shock protein expression,Molecular Ecology


3.Tong, X.-W. and Chen, B. and Huang, L.-H. and Feng, Q.-L. and Kang, L.,Proteomic analysis reveals that COP<inf>9</inf> signalosome complex subunit <inf>7</inf>A (CSN<inf>7</inf>A) is essential for the phase transition of migratory locust,Scientific Reports



Hu, J.-T. and Chen, B. and Li, Z.-H,Thermal plasticity is related to the hardening response of heat shock protein expression in two Bactrocera fruit flies,Journal of Insect Physiology



1.Luo, Y. and Wang, X. and Wang, X. and Yu, D. and Chen, B. and Kang, L.,Differential responses of migratory locusts to systemic RNA interference via double-stranded RNA injection and feeding,Insect Molecular Biology


2.Zhang, Z.-Y. and Chen, B. and Zhao, D.-J. and Kang, L.,Functional modulation of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase underlies adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in a Tibetan migratory locust,Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

