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Jan 24, 2022 

Dear Dr. Zhang,

It is my pleasure to let you know that we will be publishing your paper and that it is tentatively scheduled for publication in the May issue of Chem (but will appear online as soon as possible). Congratulations on a very interesting story; we are excited to be bringing it to the attention of our readers.


After acceptance, your manuscript will be sent to production for copyediting and proof generation. At this point, you can expect to receive a link to an online copyright-assignment form to authorize publication of your paper. Then, once copyediting is complete, you will receive a link to view the proofs of your paper, including any queries from the copyeditor. Please note that only errors introduced by the copyeditor or printers should be corrected during proof stage. For further clarifications regarding the copyediting, proofing, and publication process, please contact our Senior Production Editor, xx, at xx@cell.com.


At this point, I would like to outline our policy with regard to press coverage. Our general policy is that authors are free to talk with the popular press (starting one week before publication) and to release information provided that its use is embargoed. Information about embargo time will be provided from our press office shortly. We also allow authors to discuss their work in press with other scientific journals at that time. If your press office wishes to issue a press release, please contact our press office at press@cell.com in advance for final embargo information. Prior to publication, please also discuss any possibility of the paper’s being referenced elsewhere in the literature with the handling editor.

Again, congratulations on an excellent paper. We hope you found the review process to be constructive and are pleased with how the manuscript was handled editorially. We look forward to future exciting submissions from your lab.

Best wishes,

Kristina Vrouwenvelder, Ph.D.

Scientific Editor, Chem

Manuscript ID: ja-2021-13374b.R2
Title: "Dissolution of the Heteroatom Dopants and Formation of Ortho-Quinone Moieties in the Doped Carbon Materials during Water Electrooxidation"
Author(s): Lu, Shanshan; Shi, Yanmei ; Zhou, Wei; Zhang, Zhipu; Wu, Fan; Zhang, Bin

Dear Dr. Zhang:

We are pleased to inform you that your Article has been accepted for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society.

You will soon receive an email invitation from the ACS Journal Publishing Staff that contains a link to the online Journal Publishing Agreement. Please sign and submit the journal publishing agreement within 48 hours.

Your manuscript has been forwarded to the ACS Publications office. You will be contacted in the near future by the ACS Journal Publishing Staff regarding the proofs for your manuscript.

After you approve your proofs, your manuscript will be published on the Web in approximately 48 hours.  In view of this fast publication time, it is important to review your proofs carefully.  Once a manuscript appears on the Web it is considered published.  Any change to the manuscript once it appears on the Web will need to be submitted by email to Erick Carreira (jacs@jacs.acs.org) for the Editor's consideration for possible publication as "Additions and Corrections".

Your manuscript will appear in an issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society in two to three months.

JACS has a twitter account (@J_A_C_S). If you would like us to tweet about your paper when it appears online, please recommend a 200 character tweet or less including spaces to JACS Managing Editors (managing.editor@jacs.acs.org) with your Manuscript ID as the subject line. You may include your twitter handle if you wish. We may modify the tweet before posting, and may not be able to include all tweets submitted. We appreciate your willingness to provide the tweet within one week of receipt of this email.

Patent Activities and Intellectual Property Issues: Authors are responsible for ensuring that all patent activities and intellectual property issues are satisfactorily resolved.  Acceptance and publication will not be delayed for pending or unresolved issues of this nature.

Both the HTML and PDF versions of the Article will be published on the Web and will have the exact contents of the later printed version.  Therefore, ACS considers that the date on which the Article is published on the Web is the official date of publication.  To aid authors with issues of priority and patent claims, the date of release will be displayed on the Web version and will be included on the first page of the printed copy.

Once your paper is published, you can track downloads and citations of your work by logging into the ACS Publishing Center (https://pubs.acs.org/publish/dashboard) and selecting “Published”.
