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1. "Ligand-enabled site-selectivity in a versatile rhodium(II)-catalysed aryl C–H carboxylation with CO2." 

   Fu, L.;† Li, S.;† Cai, Z.; Ding, Y.; Guo, X.-Q.; Zhou, L.-P.; Yuan, D.; Sun, Q.-F.; Li, G.* Nature Catalysis 20181, 469.  (Highlighted by Nature Catalysis: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41929-018-0097-2 )  (equal contribution; *corresponding author)


2. "Visible-light-driven Reductive Carboarylation of Styrenes with CO2 and Aryl Halides." 

     Wang, H.; Gao, Y.; Zhou, C.; Li, G.* J. Am. Chem. Soc2020142, 8122. (JACS杂志2020-2021年度所刊登论文中最高被引论文之一)


3. "Visible-light-driven alkene dicarboxylation with formate and CO2 under mild conditions." 

    Zhang, Fulin; Wu, Xiao-Yang; Gao, Pan-Pan; Zhang, Hao; Li, Zhu; Ai, Shangde; Li, Gang*  Chem. Sci. 2024. DOI10.1039/D3SC04431A


4. "Palladium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Isodesmic C–H Iodination of Phenylacetic Weinreb Amides." 

     Wang, Hang; Zhou, Chunlin; Gao, Zezhong; Li, Shangda; Li, G.*  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202300905.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202300905


5. "Arene C-H Iodination using Aryl Iodides." 

     Li, S.;† Zhang, C.;† Fu, L.; Wang, H.; Cai, L.; Chen, X.; Wang, X.; Li, G.* CCS Chem20224, 1889-1900. (Preprint @ ChemRxiv: https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.14449668.v1

6. "Spirocyclizative Remote Arylcarboxylation of Nonactivated Arenes with CO2 via Visible-Light-Induced Reductive Dearomatization." 

    Gao, Y.; Wang, H.; Chi, Z.; Yang, L.; Zhou, C.; Li, G.* CCS Chem20224, 1565-1676.

7. "Carboxyl as a Remote-selective Chelating Group for C–H Activation of Arenes." 

    Li, S.;† Wang, H.; † Weng, Y.; Li, G.* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed2019, 58, 18502.

8. "Asymmetric Remote meta-C−H Activation Controlled by a Chiral Ligand." 

    Wang, Hang; Li, Huiling; Chen, Xiahe; Zhou, Chunlin; Li, Shangda Yang, Yun-Fang* Li, G.* ACS Catalysis 202212, 13435-13445. 


9. "Pd(II)-catalysed meta-C–H functionalizations of benzoic acid derivatives." 

     Li, S.;† Cai, L.;† Ji, H.; Yang, L.; Li, G.* Nature Communications 2016, 7, 10443. (see named reagent: Li-Li Auxiliary from Merck Professor Product Portal of Li Group)

10. "Rhodium(I)-Catalyzed Aryl C-H Carboxylation of 2-Arylanilines with CO2." 

    Gao, Y.; Cai, Z.; Li, S.; Li, G.* Org. Lett201921, 3663.

11. "Pd(II)-catalyzed remote regiodivergent ortho- and meta-C–H functionalizations of phenylethylamines." 

       Li, S.;† Ji, H.;† Cai, L.; Li, G.* Chem. Sci2015, 6, 5595.

12. "Pd(II)-catalyzed meta-C–H bromination and chlorination of aniline and benzoic acid derivatives." 

       Wang, H.; Fu, L.; Zhou, C.; Li, G.* Chem. Sci202213, 8686-8692.

13. "Palladium-catalyzed remote para-C–H activation of arenes assisted by a recyclable pyridine-based template."

       Chen, X.; Fan, S.; Zhang, M.; Gao, Y.; Li, S.; Li, G.* Chem. Sci2021, 12, 4126.

14. "Visible-Light-Driven Regioselective Carbocarboxylation of 1,3-Dienes with Organic Halides and CO2" 

      Zhou, C.; Wang, X.; Yang, L.; Fu, L.;* Li, G.* Green Chem202224, 6100-6107. (front cover paper2022 Green Chemistry Hot Articles)

15. "Rhodium(ii)-catalyzed C–H carboxylation of ferrocenes with CO2." 

       Lv, H.; Wang, X.; Hao, Y.; Ma, C.; Li, S.*; Li, G.*; Zhang, J. Green Chem. 202325, 554-559

16. "Rh(I)-Catalyzed regioselective arylcarboxylation of acrylamides with arylboronic acids and CO2." 

      Cai, L.; Fu, L.; Zhou, C.; Gao, Y.; Li, S.; Li, G.* Green Chem2020, 22, 7328.

17. "Activation of Remote meta-C–H Bonds Assisted by an End-on Template." 

      Leow, D.;† Li, G.;† Mei, T.-S.; Yu, J.-Q.* Nature 2012, 486, 518. (equal contribution; see named reagent: Yu-Li Auxiliary from Merck)

18. "Conformation-Induced Remote meta-C–H Activation of Amines." 

       Tang, R.-Y.; Li, G.; Yu, J.-Q.* Nature 2014, 507, 215.

19. "Pd(II)-Catalyzed C–H Functionalizations Directed by Distal Weakly Coordinating Functional Groups." 

      Li, G.; Wan, L.; Zhang, G.; Leow, D.; Spangler, J.; Yu, J.-Q.* J. Am. Chem. Soc2015137, 4391.

20. "Ether-Directed ortho-C–H Olefination with a Palladium(II)/Monoprotected Amino Acid Catalyst." 

      Li, G.; Leow, D.; Wan, L.; Yu, J.-Q* AngewChem. Int. Ed201252, 1245.


1. Transition Metal-Catalyzed C-H Carboxylation/Carbonylation of (Hetero)arenes with CO2

    Fu, L.; Li, S.; Li, G.,* In Handbook of CH‐Functionalization, 2022,  © 2023 WILEY-VCH GmbH.

    DOI: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/9783527834242.chf0078

2. Directed Meta-selective C-H bond functionalizations. 

    Li, G.* Elsevier B.V.: 2017; pp 289. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128052549000086 

3. Recent advances in directed C–H functionalizations using monodentate nitrogen-based directing groups. 

    Zhang, M.; Zhang, Y.; Jie, X.; Zhao, H.; Li, G.;* Su, W.* Org. Chem.Front. 2014, 1, 843.






  • "Visible-Light-Driven Regioselective Carbocarboxylation of 1,3-Dienes with Organic Halides and CO2" Zhou, C.; Wang, X.; Yang, L.; Fu, L.;* Li, G.* Green Chem2022, 24, 6100-6107. (front cover paper; 2022 Green Chemistry Hot Articles)


  • "Formal C-H/C-I Metathesis: Site-Selective C-H Iodination of Anilines Using Aryl Iodides." Wang, N.; Chi, Z.; Wang, X.; Gao, Z.; Li, S.;* Li, G.* Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 3657-3662.

  • "Native carboxyl group-assisted C–H acetoxylation of hydrocinnamic and phenylacetic acids."  Wang, X.; Wang, H.; Zhou, C.; Yang, L.; Fu, L.; Li, G.* Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 4993-4996.

Graphical abstract: Native carboxyl group-assisted C–H acetoxylation of hydrocinnamic and phenylacetic acids

  • "Dearomative spirocyclization via visible-light-induced reductive hydroarylation of non-activated arenes." Chi, Z.; Gao, Y.;* Yang, L.; Zhou, C.; Zhang, M.; Cheng, P.; Li, G. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2022, 33, 225.








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