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1.      Cong Liu#, Di Sun#, Jiawen Liu, Ying Chen, Xuge Zhou, Yunrui Ru, Jingrong Zhu, Weijie Liu*. cAMP and c-di-GMP synergistically support biofilm maintenance through the direct interaction of their effectors. Nature communications, 2022, 13, 1493. 自然指数期刊,IF17.694,独立完成单位,唯一通讯,Highlights亮点文章

2.      Jiawen Liu, Jingrong Zhu, Qian Xu, Rui Shi, Cong Liu*, Di Sun*, Weijie Liu*. Functional identification of two novel carbohydrate-binding modules of glucuronoxylanase CrXyl30 and their contribution to the lignocellulose saccharification. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2023,16:40. 通讯作者,SCI一区,A4IF7.67

3.      Cong Liu, Rui Shi, Jingrong Zhu, Jiawen Liu*, Xiaobo Liu, Di Sun*, Weijie Liu*. The global regulation of c-di-GMP and cAMP in bacteria. mLife, 2023.

4.      Jingrong Zhu#, Jiawen Liu#, Weilin Li, Yunrui Ru, Di Sun, Cong Liu, Zongyun Li*, Weijie Liu*. Dynamic changes in community structure and degradation performance of a bacterial consortium MMBC-1 during the subculturing revival reveal the potential decomposers of lignocellulose. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2022. 通讯,二区,IF4.983

5.      Jiawen Liu, Qian Xu, Yan Wu, Di Sun, Cong Liu, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu*, Weijie Liu*. Carbohydrate-binding modules of ChiB and ChiC promote the chitinolytic system of Serratia marcescens BWL1001. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2023. SCI三区,IF: 3.705

6.      Di Sun#, Weijie Liu#, Xuge Zhou, Yunrui Ru, Jiawen Liu, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu*. Organic hydroperoxide induces prodigiosin biosynthesis in an OhrR-dependent manner in Serratia sp. ATCC 39006. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2022, 88, e02041-21. 美国微生物学会期刊,并列第一,SCI二区TopIF5.005

7.      Jiawen Liu#, Cong Liu#, Shilei Qiao, Zhen Dong, Di Sun, Jingrong Zhu, Weijie Liu*. One-step fermentation for producing xylo-oligosaccharides from wheat bran by recombinant Escherichia coli containing an alkaline xylanase. BMC Biotechnology, 2022, 22, 6. 通讯,SCI三区,IF3.329

8.      Yunrui Ru#, Jiawen Liu#, Peijing Xu, Wenhui Gao, Di Sun, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu*, Weijie Liu*. Application of the biosurfactant produced by Bacillus velezensis MMB-51 as an efficient synergist of sweet potato foliar fertilizer. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2022. 通讯,IF1.972

9.      Lulu Qu*, Xuejiao Fang, Tianhua Xie, Hui Xu*, Guohai Yang, Weijie Liu*. Nanozyme-catalyzed cascade reactions for high-sensitive glucose sensing and efficient bacterial killing. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2022, 353, 131156. 通讯,一区,IF9.221

10.   Di Sun, Xuge Zhou, Cong Liu, Jingrong Zhu, Yunrui Ru, Weijie Liu*, Jiawen Liu*. Fnr negatively regulates prodigiosin synthesis in Serratia sp. ATCC 39006 during aerobic fermentation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12, 734854. 通讯,二区TopIF6.064

11.   Cong Liu, Di Sun, Jiawen Liu, Jingrong Zhu, Weijie Liu*. Recent advances and perspectives in efforts to reduce the production and application cost of microbial flocculants. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2021, 8, 51. 通讯,二区,IF4.983

12.   Jiawen Liu, Di Sun, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu, Weijie Liu*. Carbohydrate-binding modules targeting branched polysaccharides: Overcoming side-chain recalcitrance in a non-catalytic approach. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2021, 8, 28. 通讯,二区,IF4.983

13.   Weijie Liu, Jing Yang, Yanning Tian, Xuge Zhou, Shiwei Wang, Jingrong Zhu, Di Sun, Cong Liu. An in situ extractive fermentation strategy for enhancing prodigiosin production from Serratia marcescens BWL1001 and its application to inhibiting the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 166, 107836. 二区,IF4.446

14.   Weijie Liu#, Ying Chen#, Xuge Zhou, Jiawen Liu, Jingrong Zhu, Shiwei Wang, Cong Liu, Di Sun. The cyclic AMP receptor protein, Crp, is required for the decolorization of acid yellow 36 in Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11, 596372. 二区TopIF6.064

15.   Cong Liu, Di Sun, Jingrong Zhu, Jiawen Liu and Weijie Liu*. The Regulation of Bacterial Biofilm Formation by cAMP-CRP: A Mini-Review. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11, 802. 通讯,二区TopIF6.064

16.   Weijie Liu, Zhen Dong, Di Sun, Qinxin Dong, Shiwei Wang, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu. Production of bioflocculant using feather waste as nitrogen source and its use in recycling of straw ash-washing wastewater with low-density and high pH property. Chemosphere, 2020, 252, 126495. 二区TOPIF8.943

17.   Weijie Liu #, Zhen Dong#, Di Sun, Ying Chen, Shiwei Wang, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu. Bioconversion of kitchen wastes into bioflocculant and its pilot-scale application in treating iron mineral processing wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 288:121505.一区IF11.889

18.   Cong Liu, Di Sun, Jingrong Zhu, Weijie Liu*. Two-component signal transduction systems: a major strategy for connecting input stimuli to biofilm formation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 9, 3279  通讯,二区TopIF6.064

19.   Weijie Liu, Yanting You, Di Sun, Shiwei Wang, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu. Decolorization and detoxification of water-insoluble Sudan dye by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 co-cultured with Bacillus circulans BWL1061. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018,166:11-17. 二区,IF6.129

20.   Di Sun, Cong Liu, Jingrong Zhu, Weijie Liu*. Connecting Metabolic Pathways: Sigma Factors in Streptomyces spp. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8, 2546 通讯,二区TopIF6.06

21.   Cong Liu, Jinshui Yang, Liang Liu, Baozhen Li, Hongli Yuan, Weijie Liu*. Sodium lactate negatively regulates Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 biofilm formation via a three-component regulatory system (LrbS-LrbA-LrbR). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 201783(14), e00712-17. 美国微生物学会期刊,通讯,二TopIF5.005

22.   Cong Liu, Yan Hao, Jihong Jiang, Weijie Liu*. Valorization of untreated rice bran towards bioflocculant using a lignocellulose-degrading strain and its use in microalgal biomass harvest. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2017, 10(1): 90.  通讯,一区,IF7.67

23.   Cong Liu, Yanting You, Ruofei Zhao, Di Sun, Peng Zhang, Jihong Jiang, Aihua Zhu, Weijie Liu*. Biosurfactant production from Pseudomonas taiwanensis L1011 and its application in accelerating the chemical and biological decolorization of azo dyes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145: 8-15.  通讯,二区,IF7.129

24.   Weijie Liu#,*, Cong Liu#, Liang Liu, Yanting You, Jihong Jiang, Zhengkun Zhou, Zhen Dong. Simultaneous decolorization of sulfonated azo dyes and reduction of hexavalent chromium under high salt condition by a newly isolated salt-tolerant strain Bacillus circulans BWL1061. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017,141:9-16.二区,IF7.129

25.   Weijie Liu*, Yan Hao#, JihongJiang#, Aihua Zhu, Jingrong Zhu, Zhen Dong. Production of a bioflocculant from Pseudomonas veronii L918 using the hydrolyzate of peanut hull and its application in the treatment of ash-flushing wastewater generated from coal fired power plant. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 218: 318-325.一区,IF11.889

26.   Weijie Liu#,*, Liang Liu#, Cong Liu, Yan Hao, Hao Yang, Bo Yuan, Jihong Jiang*. Methylene blue enhances the anaerobic decolorization and detoxication of aze dye by Shewanella onediensis MR-1. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 110:115-124. 二区,IF: 4.446

27.   Weijie Liu*, Chenchu Zhao, Jihong Jiang, Qian Lu, Yan Hao, Liang Wang, Cong Liu. Bioflocculant production from untreated corn stover using Cellulosimicrobium cellulans L804 isolate and its application to harvesting microalgae. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2015, 8(1):1-12.  一区,IF7.67

28.   Cong Liu, Ke Wang, Jihong Jiang, Weijie Liu*, Jingyuan Wang. A novel bioflocculant produced by a slat-tolerant, alkaliphilic and biofilm-forming strain Bacillus agaradhaerens C9 and its application in harvesting Chlorella minutissima UTEX2341. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2015, 93: 166-172. 通讯,二区,IF: 4.446

29.   Weijie Liu, Kai Wang, Baozhen Li, Hongli Yuan, Jinshui Yang*, 2010. Production and characterization of an intracellular bioflocculant by Chryseobacterium daeguense W6 cultured in low nutrition medium. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(3): 1044-1048. 一区,IF: 11.889

30.   Weijie Liu, Hongli Yuan, Jinshui Yang*, Baozhen Li. Production and characterization of bioflocculant from biologically aerated filter backwashed sludge and its application in wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100: 2629-2632.一区,IF: 11.889


1.     刘伟杰,郝艳,蒋继宏,刘聪,董振,刘亮。一种从马铃薯渣中提取生物絮凝剂的方法。(专利号:ZL 201510972269.0

2.     刘伟杰,蒋继宏,刘聪,赵晨初,陆倩。利用纤维化纤维微细菌制备微生物絮凝剂的方法。(专利号:ZL 201510272317.5)

3.     刘伟杰,郝艳,蒋继宏,刘聪,董振。一种转化花生壳水解物制备微生物絮凝剂的方法及菌株。(专利号:ZL201610220636.6

4.     刘伟杰,郝艳,蒋继宏,朱爱华,刘红波,刘聪,蒋登山。一种直接转化水稻米糠生产微生物絮凝剂的方法及所用菌株。(专利号:ZL 201610999953.2

5.     刘伟杰,孙地,刘聪,田雁宁,杨静,朱静榕,蒋虹。一株灵菌红素产生菌及其生产方法与应用。(专利号:ZL 202010016487.8

6.     刘伟杰,韩姗姗,刘聪,孙地,朱静榕,蒋登山。稳杆菌及其转化红薯秸秆生产生物絮凝剂的应用。(专利号:ZL 20181081729 .1

7.     刘伟杰,刘燕,徐涛,刘聪,孙地,朱静榕,蒋虹,武建。一株微杆菌及其在转化芦苇秸秆水解物制备微生物絮凝剂中的应用。(专利号:ZL 201910479941.0)。



1.      教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科技进步二等奖(省部级,2/72017);

2.      江苏省高校科学研究成果奖三等奖,技术发明类(省教育厅,1/52021);

3.      江苏省第五期和第六期“333工程中青年学术带头人(省级,20182022);

4.      江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才(省级,2018);

5.      江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师(省级,2018);

6.      江苏省三区人才支持计划(省级,2019);

7.      江苏省双创计划科技副总(省级,2018);

8.      徐州市十大青年科技奖获得者(市级,2018);

9.      江苏师范大学首届青年五四奖章获得者(校级,2022);

10.   江苏师范大学苗圃计划第二层次培养对象(校级,2022);

11.   江苏师范大学科技工作突出贡献先进个人(校级,2022);

12.   江苏师范大学高层次人才创新创业大赛二等奖(2021);

13.   江苏师范大学先进工作者2次(20182021);

14.   研究生导师聘期考核优秀(校级,2021);

15.   徐州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖和二等奖(市级,20182020);

16.   江苏师范大学聘期考核优秀(20192021);

17.   徐州市发明协会科技创新三等奖(市级,1/32018);

18.   江苏师范大学教书育人先进个人2次(20162018);

19.   黑龙江省科技进步三等奖(省部级,3/72015);

20.   江苏师范大学第八届青年教师教学优胜奖三等奖(2015);

21.   国家留学基金委建设高水平大学公派留学奖(2010);


1.      第七届全国青年科普创新实验暨作品大赛一等奖(乔诗蕾,尹丝雨,省级,2021);

2.      江苏师范大学校级优秀本科毕业论文指导教师(杨静,校级2021);

3.      第四届全国大学生生命科学竞赛国家级三等奖(国家级,2020);

4.      第四届全国生命科学实验创新大赛(田雁宁)指导教师三等奖(国家级,2019);

5.      江苏省优秀本科毕业生论文三等奖(贺晓娜)优秀指导教师(省级,2019);

6.      校级优秀本科生毕业论文(曹梦娇)优秀指导教师(2018);

7.      第三届全国生命科学实验创新大赛(赵若菲)指导教师一等奖(国家级,2018);

8.      校级优秀本科生毕业论文(陆倩)优秀指导教师(2016);

9.      校级优秀本科生毕业团队论文(陆倩、杨皓)优秀指导教师(2016);

10.   第一届全国生命科学实验创新大赛(尤琰婷)指导教师一等奖(国家级,2016)。