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1982年毕业于中国药科大学药学专业,现为中国药科大学药剂研究所所长、药剂教研室副主任,药剂学博士、教授、博士生导师。1999年赴新西兰Otago大学药学院进修。 兼任国家食品药品监督管理局保健品审评专家、农业部兽药审评专家、江苏省药剂专业委员会副主任、江苏省药品保健品制剂审评专家、江苏省九三学社医药委员会委员等职。




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1. Post-insertion of poloxamer 188 strengthened liposomal membrane and reduced drug irritancy and in vivo precipitation, superior to PEGylation [J]. Journal of Controlled Release, 2015, 23(10): 161-169.(SCI,7.705) 2. Suppression of Remodeling Behaviors with Arachidonic Acid Modification for Enhanced in vivo Antiatherogenic Efficacies of Lovastatin-loaded Discoidal Recombinant High Density Lipoprotein[J]. Pharmaceutical Research, Published online:04 June 2015.(SCI,3.952) 3. Tanshinone IIA loaded pellets developed for angina chronotherapy: Deconvolution-based formulation design and optimization, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation[J]. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015, 76(2015): 156–164.(SCI,3.35) 4. Strategies to Maximize Liposomal Drug Loading for a Poorly Water-soluble Anticancer Drug [J]. Pharmaceutical research, 2015, 32(4): 1451-1461. (SCI,3.952) 5. Physicochemical characterization of asulacrine towards the development of an anticancer liposomal formulation via active drug loading: Stability, solubility, lipophilicity and ionization. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014, 473 (1–2), 528–535. (SCI,3.785) 6. Hyaluronic acid-decorated reconstitude high density lipoprotein targeting atherosclerotic lesion [J]. Biomaterials, 2014, 35(27): 8002–8014. (SCI,8.312) 7. Arachidonic Acid-modified Lovastatin Discoidal Reconstituted High Density Lipoprotein Markedly Decrease the Drug Leakage during the Remodeling Behaviors Induced by Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase. Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 31(7): 1689-1709. ( SCI, 3.952) 8. Pharmacokinetics and atherosclerotic lesions targeting effects of tanshinone IIA discoidal and spherical biomimetic high density lipoproteins, Biomaterials, 2013, 34(1):306-319. (SCI, 7.604) 9. Bioavailability and foam cells permeability enhancement of Salvianolic acid B pellets based on drug–phospholipids complex technique. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, 2013,83(1):76-86. (SCI,3.826) 10. Release Behavior of Tanshinone IIA Sustained-Release Pellets Based on Crack Formation Theory. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2012,101(8):2811-2820. (SCI,3.055) 11. Preparation, Characterizations, and In Vitro Metabolic Processes of Paclitaxel-Loaded Discoidal Recombinant High-Density Lipoproteins. Journal of pharmaceutical science, 2012,101(8):2900-2908. (SCI,3.055) 12. Novel Tanshinone II A ternary solid dispersion pellets prepared by a single-step technique: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2012,80:426-432. (SCI,4.269)
