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何远,博士,2019年以特聘副研究员引进,硕士研究生导师。2012年至2016年在荷兰格罗宁根大学外科攻读博士学位,2016年10月毕业获得博士学位,主要研究方向是基于TNF超家族成员抗肿瘤免疫疗法。2016年至2018年11月在荷兰格罗宁根大学血液科进行博后研究,主要研究方向是immune checkpoint在抗血液肿瘤中的免疫机制和疗法。相关研究成果以第一作者身份发表在nature communications、cancer immune research、Journal investigative dermatology等国际著名期刊上。




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[1] Bouwstra R, He Y, de Boer J, Kooistra H, Cendrowicz E, Fehrmann RSN, Ammatuna E, Zu Eulenburg C, Nijland M, Huls G, Bremer E, van Meerten T. CD47 Expression Defines Efficacy of Rituximab with CHOP in Non-Germinal Center B-cell (Non-GCB) Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Patients (DLBCL), but Not in GCB DLBCL.,Cancer Immunol Res. 2019 Aug 13. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-18-0781 (IF,9.188) [2]Yuan He, Renee Bouwstra, Valerie Wiersma, Mathilde de Jong, Harm Jan Lourens, Rudolf ehrmann, Marco Bruyn, Emanuele Ammatuna, Gerwin Huls, Tom van Meerten, and Edwin Bremer, Cancer cell-expressed SLAMF7 is not required for CD47-mediated phagocytosis, Nature Communications, 2019 Feb 1;10(1):533. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-08013-z. (IF, 12.2) [3] Yuan He, Wijnand Helfrich, Edwin Bremer, Development of Bi-Specific antibody derivatives for cancer immunotherapy, Series of Cancer immunosuvillance, Methods Mol Biol (springer nature book, invited chapter).2019;1884:335-347. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8885-3_23 [4] Yuan He, Peter E. van Bommel, Douwe F. Samplonius, Edwin Bremer and Wijnand Helfrich, A versatile pretargeting approach for tumour-selective delivery and activation of TNF superfamily members. Scientific Reports, 2017 Oct 16;7(1):13301. (IF,4.2) [5] Peter E. van Bommel*, Yuan He*, Ilona Schepel, Mark A.J.M. Hendriks, Valerie R. Wiersma, Robert J. van Ginkel, Tom van Meerten, Emanuele Ammatuna, Gerwin Huls, Douwe F Samplonius, Wijnand Helfrich & Edwin Bremer CD20-selective inhibition of CD47-SIRPα "don't eat me" signaling with a bispecific antibody-derivative enhances the anticancer activity of daratumumab, alemtuzumab and obinutuzumab, . Oncoimmunology,2017, org/10.1080/2162402X.2017.1386361(共一)(IF,7.3,2016) [6] Djoke Hendriks* , Yuan He* , Iris Koopmans , Valerie Wiersma , Robert van Ginkel , Douwe Samplonius , Wijnand Helfrich, Edwin Bremer, Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1)-targeted TRAIL combines PD-L1-mediated checkpoint inhibition with TRAIL-mediated apoptosis induction, Oncoimmunology, 2016,VOL. 5, NO. 8, e1202390(共一)(IF,7.3, 2016) [7] Yuan He, Djoke Hendriks, Robert van Ginkel, Douwe Samplonius, Edwin Bremer, Wijnand Helfrich, Melanoma-directed activation of apoptosis using a bispecific antibody directed at MCSP and TRAIL receptor 2/Death Receptor 5, J invest Derm, 2016 Feb;136(2):541-4 (IF, 6.45) [8] Xie W, Li D, Zhang J, Li Z, Acheampong DO, He Y, Wang Y, Chen Z, Wang M, Generation and characterization of a novel human IgG1 antibody against vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2, Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2014 Sep; 63(9):877-88 [9] Wiersma Vr*,Y He*, Samplonius DF, van Ginkel RJ, Gerssen J, Eggleton P, Zhou J, Bremer E, Bremer E, Helfrich W, A CD47-blocking TRAIL fusion protein with dual pro-phagocytic and pro-apoptotic anticancer activity. Br J Haematol. 2014 Jan;164(2):304-7. (共一) (IF,5.2)
