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2001-2005 上海交通大学 博士 仪器科技与技术专业 2005- 今 上海交通大学 教师 电院 仪器科学与工程系 其中 2012.01-2012.07 英国 Newcastle University 访问学者 2014.08-2015.08 江苏常熟高新区科技局 副局长(挂职)


1. 电磁探测与传感:电磁探测与成像,微弱磁场测量,生物医学检测 2. 无损检测:涡流检测,漏磁检测,超声/电磁超声 3. 微弱信号检测:微弱信号检测理论、低噪声设计、弱信号传感器


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Hua-Ming Lei*, Gui-Yun Tian. Broken wire detection in coated steel belts using the magnetic flux leakage method. Insight, Vol.55, No.3. pp.126-131, 2013. (SCI) Hua-Ming Lei*, Yi-Mei Mao. Fatigue testing and evaluation for coated steel belts based on electrical method. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. Vol.49.No.10, pp.602-609, 2013. (SCI). Huaming Lei*, Guiyun Tian, Hui Zhao, Yimei Mao, Zuoying Huang. Health monitoring for coated steel belts in an elevator system. Journal of Sensors. Vol.2012, No.5, 2012. (SCI) Huaming Lei*,Zuoying Huang,Wei Liang,Yimei Mao, Peiwen Que. Ultrasonic pig for submarine oil pipeline corrosion inspection. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol.45, No.4. pp.285-291, 2009. (SCI) Hua-ming Lei*, Run-hua Liang, Wei Tao, Yi-mei Mao, Hui Zhao. Broken Wires Inspection for Coated Steel Belts in Elevator System Using MFL Method. FENDT’2014, IEEE Conference, 2014. 7. Huaming Lei, Kan Wang, Xiaojun Ji, Daxiang Cui. Contactless measurement of magnetic nanoparticles on lateral flow strips using TMR sensors in differential configuration. sensors. Vol.16. No.12. pp.2130(1-11). 2016.12. (SCI)
