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郑浩 平台建设学者 量子基础科学研究部 简历: 博士生导师,2018年入选“曙光学者”,2018年获得“求是杰出青年学者奖”,2019年入选“全球高被引科学家”。 拥有授权专利7项,发表论文60余篇,其中高端论文包括 Nature 1篇,Science 2篇,Nature Communication 7篇,Physical Review Letters 11篇。是Rev. Mod. Phys., Phys. Rev. Lett., Nat. Com等30余种国际知名学术期刊审稿人,目前主持国家级科研课题2项。 2002-2007年,中科院物理所硕博联读。2007-2009年,英国伯明翰大学博士后,使用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)和分子束外延手段从事凝聚态实验研究。2009-2014年在德国基尔大学从事博士后研究期间,使用STM人工构筑由单个原子组成的量子点,并完成其可调节输运测量,为实现单原子量子比特和量子计算研究打下基础。该研究产生的系列成果引起国际社会关注,与合作者一起接受专题采访,被4家德文媒体和8家英文媒体报道。2014年初受聘于美国普林斯顿大学,任副研究员。帮助物理系拓扑物质实验室建立起STM研究方向,并负责该方向工作。与同事共同完成了外尔半金属的实验发现工作,被英国物理学会评为“2015年世界十大科学突破”;被美国物理学会评为“世界年度研究亮点”,并被多家公共媒体宣传报道。主持了外尔半金属的STM实验研究,发表了世界上第一份该材料表面准粒子量子干涉实验论文;之后进行了深入系列的研究,并受邀为该领域撰写综述文章。2016年底,加盟上海交通大学物理与天文学院。 目前实验室装备了先进的超高真空、稀释致冷极低温、矢量强磁场环境扫描隧道显微镜和分子束外延联合设备。已有一名实习本科生毕业,并获得耶鲁大学offer。指导一年级博士生在拓扑节线半金属研究中取得进展,首次成功观测到半缺失“Umklapp”过程。




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通讯作者论文 Zhen Zhu, T. Chang, C. Huang, H. Pan, X.Nie, X.Wang, Z.Jin, S. Xu, S. Huang, D. Guan, S. Wang, Y. Li, C. Liu, D. Qian, W. Ku, F.Song, H. Lin, Hao Zheng and J.-F. Jia “Quasiparticle interference and nonsymmorphic effect on a floating band surface state of ZrSiSe” Nat. Communication 9, 4153 (2018) 第一作者论文 Hao Zheng and M. Z. Hasan “Quasiparticle interference on type-I and type-IIWeyl semimetal surfaces: a review” Advances in Physics: X, 3, 1466661 (2018) Hao Zheng, G.Chang, S.-M. Huang, C. Guo, X. Zhang, S. Zhang, J. Yin,S.-Y. Xu, I.Belopolski, N.Alidoust, D. S. Sanchez, G.Bian, T.-R. Chang,T.Neupert, H.-T.Jeng, S. Jia, H. Lin, and M. Z. Hasan “Mirror Protected Dirac Fermions on a Weyl Semimetal NbP Surface” Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 196403 (2017) Hao Zheng, G.Bian, G. Chang, H. Lu, S.-Y. Xu, G. Wang, T.-R. Chang,S. Zhang, I.Belopolski, N.Alidoust, D. S. Sanchez, F. Song, H.-T.Jeng,N. Yao, A.Bansil, S Jia, H. Linand M. Z. Hasan“Atomic-Scale Visualization of Quasiparticle Interferenceon a Type-II Weyl Semimetal Surface” Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 266804 (2016). G. Chang*, S.-Y. Xu*, Hao Zheng*, (* co-first author) B. Singh, C.-H. Hsu, G.Bian, N.Alidoust, I.Belopolski, D. S. Sanchez, S. Zhang,H. Lin and M. Z. Hasan “Room-temperature magnetictopological Weyl fermion andnodal line semimetal states in halfmetallicHeusler Co2TiX (X=Si, Ge,or Sn)” Scientific Report 6, 38839 (2016). G.Bian*, T.-R. Chang*, Hao Zheng*(*co-first-author), S.Velury, S.-Y. Xu, T.Neupert, C.-K. Chiu,S.-M. Huang, D. S. Sanchez, I.Belopolski, N.Alidoust, P.-J. Chen, G. Chang,A.Bansil, H.-T.Jeng, H. Lin, and M. Z. Hasan“Drumhead surface states and topological nodal-line fermions in TlTaSe2” Phys. Rev. B 93, 121113(R) (2016) G. Chang*, S.-Y. Xu*, Hao Zheng*,(*co-first-author) C.-C. Lee, S.-M. Huang, I. Belopolski, D. S. Sanchez, G. Bian, N. Alidoust, T.-R. Chang, C.-H. Hsu, H.-T. Jeng, A. Bansil, H. Lin, and M. Z. Hasan“Signatures of Fermi Arcs in the Quasiparticle Interferences of the Weyl Semimetals TaAs and NbP” Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 066601(2016) Hao Zheng, S.-Y. Xu, G. Bian, C. Guo, G. Chang, D. S. Sanchez, I. Belopolski, C.-C. Lee, S.-M. Huang, X. Zhang, R. Sankar, N. Alidoust, T.-R. Chang, F. Wu, T. Neupert, F. Chou, H.-T. Jeng, N. Yao, A. Bansil, S. Jia, H. Lin, and M. Z. Hasan “Atomic-Scale Visualization of Quantum Interference on a Weyl Semimetal Surface by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy” ACS Nano 10, 1378 (2016) H. Liu*, Hao Zheng*,(* co-first-author) F. Yang, L. Jiao, J. Chen, W. Ho, C. Gao, J. Jia, and M. H. Xie“Line and Point Defect in MoSe2 Bilayer Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy” ACS Nano 9, 6619 (2015). Hao Zheng, A. Weismann, and R. Berndt “Tuning the electron transport at single donors in Zinc Oxidewith a scanning tunneling microscope” Nat. Communication 5, 2992 (2014). Hao Zheng, M. Gruyters, E. Pehlke, and R. Berndt “Magic Vicinal Zinc Oxide Surface” Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 086101(2013). Hao Zheng, A. Weismann, and R. Berndt “Manipulation of Subsurface Donors in ZnO” Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 223101 (2013). Hao Zheng, J. Kröger, and R. Berndt “Spectroscopy of Single Donors at ZnO(0001) Surfaces” Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 076801 (2012). Hao Zheng and R. E. Palmer “Bias-dependent Scanning Tunneling Microscopy investigation of potassium adsorption on a Si(111)7×7 surface” Phys. Rev. B 80, 073304 (2009). Hao Zheng, M.H. Xie, H.S. Wu, and Q.K. Xue “Kinetic energy barriers on the GaN(0001) surface: A nucleation study by scanning tunneling microscopy” Phys. Rev. B 77, 045303(2008). Hao Zheng, M.H. Xie, H.S. Wu, and Q.K. Xue “Wetting of GaN islands by excess Ga – the origin of different appearances of GaN islands in scanning tunneling microscopy” Phys. Rev. B 75, 205310(2007).
