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副研究员, 硕士生导师,上海交通大学理学博士,美国加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校(UCSan Diego)医学院访问学者。2008年起在力学生物学研究所任职;作为项目责任人主持2项国家自然科学基金和1项医工交叉项目,2次获晨星学者奖励;参与2项国家自然科学基金面上项目和1项重点项目的研究。 共发表第一作者SCI论文7篇,通讯作者SCI论文2篇,共同作者SCI论文10篇,第一作者或通讯作者中文核心期刊论文4篇,论文总引用次数390余次。参与撰写两本学术专著。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wang WB, Li HP, Yan J, Zhuang F, Bao M, Liu JT, Qi YX, Han Y. CTGF regulates cyclic stretch-induced vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation via microRNA-19b-3p. Exp Cell Res. 2019; 376: 77-85.(SCI,通讯作者) Li N, Wang WB, Bao H, Shi Q, Jiang ZL, Qi YX, Han Y. microRNA-129-1-3p regulates cyclic stretch-induced endothelial progenitor cell differentiation by targeting Runx2.J Cell Biochem. 2019; 120(4): 5256-5267.(SCI,通讯作者) Han Y, Huang K, Yao QP, ZL Jiang. Mechanobiology in Vascular Remodeling. National science review, 2018, 5(6):933-949. (SCI,第一作者) Zhang P#, Han Y#, Lu HL, Zhang CM, Song NN, Qi YX, Xu WX, Jiang ZL.Aortic vascular reactivity to angiotension II is modulated by down-regulation of TRPC in renal hypertensive rats. Int J Clin Exp Pathol, 9(11):11003-11013,2016.(SCI,#共同第一作者) Han Y, Wang L, Yao QP, Zhang P, Liu B, Wang GL, Shen BR, Cheng BB, Wang YX, Jiang ZL, Qi YX. Nuclear envelope proteins Nesprin2 and LaminA regulate proliferation and apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells in response to shear stress. BBA Mol Cell Res, 1853(5): 1165-1173, 2015. (SCI,第一作者) Wang L#, Han Y#, Shen Y, Yan ZQ, Zhang P, Yao QP, Shen BR, Gao LZ, Qi YX, Jiang ZL. Endothelialinsulin-likegrowthfactor-1modulatesproliferation and phenotype of smoothmusclecellsinduced by lowshearstress.Ann Biomed Eng, 42(4):776-86, 2014. (SCI,#共同第一作者) Han Y, Pan JS, Wang XL, Qi YX, Wang SW, Yan ZQ. Cyclic strain promotes migration and proliferation of human periodontal ligament cell via PI3K signaling pathway. Cell Mol Bioeng, 3(4): 369-375, 2010. (SCI,第一作者) Han Y, Yang BJ, Zhang FL, Miao XL, Li ZY. Characterization of antifungal chitinase from marine Streptomyces sp. DA11 associated with South China Sea sponge Craniella australiensis.Mar Biotechnol, 11(1): 132-140, 2009. (SCI,第一作者) Han Y, Li ZY, Miao XL, Zhang FL. Statistical optimization of medium components to improve the chitinase activity of Streptomyces sp. Da11 associated with the South China Sea sponge Craniella australiensis. Process Biochem, 43(10):1088-109, 2008. (SCI,第一作者) Qi YX, Han Y, Jiang ZL. Mechanobiology and Vascular Remodeling: From Membrane to Nucleus. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018; 1097:69-82. Wang K, Han Y, Cho WC, Zhu H. The rise of human stem cell-derived natural killer cells for cancer immunotherapy. Expert opin boil ther. 2018 Dec 24:1-8. doi: 10.1080/14712598.2019.1559293. Shi Q, Zhuang F, Liu JT, Li N, Chen YX, Su XB, Yao AH, Yao QP, Han Y, Li SS, Qi YX* & Jiang ZL. Single-cell analyses reveal functional classification of DCs and their potential roles in inflammatory disease. FASEB Journal. 2018, doi:10.1096/fj.20101489R. Bao H, Chen YX, Huang K, Zhuang F, Bao M, Han Y, Chen XH, Shi Q, Yao QP, Qi YX. Platelet-derived microparticles promote endothelial cell proliferation in hypertension via miR-142-3p. FASEB J., 2018;32(7):3912-3923. (SCI,第六作者) Yao QP, Xie ZW, Wang KX, Zhang P, Han Y, Qi YX, Jiang ZL. Profiles of long noncoding RNAs in hypertensive rats: long noncoding RNA XR007793 regulates cyclic strain-induced proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells. J Hypertens,35(6):1195-1203, 2017. (SCI,第五作者) Bao H, Yao QP, Huang K, Chen XH, Han Y, Jiang ZL, Gao LZ, Qi YX. Platelet-derived miR-142-3p induces apoptosis of endothelial cells in hypertension. Cell Mol Biol. 2017;63(4):3-9. (SCI,第五作者) Qi YX, Yao QP, Huang K, Shi Q, Zhang P, Wang GL,Han Y, Bao H, Wang L, Li HP, Shen BR, Wang Y, Chien S, Jiang ZL. Nuclear envelope proteins modulate proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells during cyclic stretch application. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113(19): 5293-8, 2016. (SCI,第七作者) Zhang P, Qi YX, Yao QP, Chen XH, Wang GL, Shen BR, Han Y, Gao LZ, Jiang ZL. Neuropeptide Y Stimulates Proliferation and Migration of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells from Pregnancy Hypertensive Rats via Y1 and Y5 Receptors. PLoS One, 10(7): e0131124, 2015. (SCI,第七作者) Yao QP, Zhang P, Qi YX, Chen SG, Shen BR, Han Y, Yan ZQ, Jiang ZL. The role of SIRT6 in the differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells in response to cyclic strain. Int J Biochem Cell Biol, 49: 98-104, 2014. (SCI,第六作者) Qi YX, Jiang J, Jiang XH, Wang XD, Ji SY, Han Y, Long DK, Shen BR, Yan ZQ, Chien S, Jiang ZL. PDGF-BB and TGF-β1 on cross-talk between endothelial and smooth muscle cells in vascular remodeling induced by low shear stress. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108(5): 1908-1913, 2011.(SCI,第六作者)
