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北京师范大学化学专业学士,美国韦恩州立大学分析化学博士,美国国立卫生研究院博士后。现任上海交通大学特别研究员,博士生导师。主要从事RNA研究,开发PLOR方法合成位点选择性标记的RNA,以核磁共振 (NMR)、X-射线自由电子激光技术 (XFEL)、X-射线晶体衍射、单分子荧光转移技术 (smFRET)、小角散射技术 (SAXS) 等为主要手段解析非编码RNA的三维结构,结合生物化学、合成生物学及分子生物学等手段阐明核糖开关RNA调控基因表达及艾滋病毒RNA与蛋白质相互作用机理的分子机制。相关研究已发表于Nature,Cell,Methods等国际期刊上。


采用包括NMR、停流荧光动力学、smFRET等手段探索非编码R... 位点选择性修饰RNA RNA天然修饰的功能研究


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Y.Liu, E. Holmstrom, et. al. Incorporation of isotopic, fluorescent, and heavy-atom-modified nucleotides into RNAs by position-selective labeling of RNA. Nature Protocols (2018) 13: 987-1005. Stagno, J., Y.Liu, et. al. Structures of riboswitch RNA reaction states by mix-and-inject XFEL serial crystallography. Nature (2017) 541: 242-246. Y. Liu, E. Holmstrom, et. al. Synthesis and applications of RNAs with position-selective labeling and mosaic composition. Nature (2015), 522: 368-372. Related Highlights: A machine to manage modifications, Nature Methods (2015), 12: 598-599. X. Fang, et. al., Y. Liu, et. al. An unusual topological structure of the HIV-1 Rev response element. Cell (2013), 155: 594-605. Xiaoyu Zhang, Mengyang Li, and Yu Liu. Optimization and characterization of position-selective labelling of RNA (PLOR) for diverse RNA and DNA sequences. RNA Biology (2020) 17: 1009-1017. Y.Liu, E. Holmstrom, et. al. Incorporation of isotopic, fluorescent, and heavy-atom-modified nucleotides into RNAs by position-selective labeling of RNA. Nature Protocols (2018) 13: 987-1005. Stagno, J., Y.Liu, et. al. Structures of riboswitch RNA reaction states by mix-and-inject XFEL serial crystallography. Nature (2017) 541: 242-246. Y. Liu, E. Holmstrom, et. al. Synthesis and applications of RNAs with position-selective labeling and mosaic composition. Nature (2015), 522: 368-372. Related Highlights: A machine to manage modifications, Nature Methods (2015), 12: 598-599. X. Fang, et. al., Y. Liu, et. al. An unusual topological structure of the HIV-1 Rev response element. Cell (2013), 155: 594-605. Xiaoyu Zhang, Mengyang Li, and Yu Liu. Optimization and characterization of position-selective labelling of RNA (PLOR) for diverse RNA and DNA sequences. RNA Biology (2020) 17: 1009-1017. Lin Wu, Zhijun Liu, and Yu Liu. Thermal adaptation of structural dynamics and regulatory function of adenine riboswitch. RNA Biology (2021) 18: 2007-2015. Lin Wu, Dian Chen, Jineyu Ding, and Yu Liu. A transient conformation facilitates ligand binding to the adenine riboswitch. iScience (2021) 103512: 1-11. Yanyan Xue and Yu Liu. Incorporation of a FRET Pair into a Riboswitch RNA to Measure Mg2+ Concentration and RNA Conformational Change in Cell. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022) 23: 1493. S. Wang, D. Chen, L. Gao, and Y. Liu. Short Oligonucleotides Facilitate Co-transcriptional Labeling of RNA at Specific Positions. JACS (2022).
