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教育经历 1999-2003山东大学微生物学学士 2004-2010加拿大麦克马斯特大学生物学博士 2011-2013美国哈佛医学院博士后 工作经历 2013 年加拿大卡尔加里大学助理教授,先后获班庭奖(Banting Fellow),加拿大水生微生物专项科学家(Research Chair)等研究资助。 2017年在上海交通大学微生物代谢国家重点实验室任特别研究员。


实验室的研究重点是细菌在不适环境和复杂菌群环境中的分子适应机制。主要研究方向包括: 1、细菌间竞争的作用机理和蛋白分泌系统在其中发挥的作用; 2、病原菌抗药性的机理和解决手段; 3、环境适应性调节因子的调节机理; 4、利用合成生物学手段来开发对环境适应性和病原菌治病机理研究的工具


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Si M, Zhao C, Brianne Burkinshaw#, Zhang B, Wei D, Wang Y, Dong T.G*, Shen X* (2017) Manganese scavenging and oxidative stress response mediated by the type VI secretion system in Burkholderia thailandensis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. (in press) *Co-correspondence author, #trainee in Dong lab. Wong M, Liang X, Smart M, Tang L, Moore R, Ingalls B, Dong T.G, (2016) Microbial herd protection mediated by antagonistic interaction in polymicrobial communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, spotlight article Wilton M*., Wong M.*, Tang L., Liang X., Moore R., Parkins M., Lewenza S., Dong T.G. (2016). Chelation of membrane-bound cations by extracellular DNA activates the T6SS in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Infection and Immunity, 84(8):2355-61. * Contributed equally Tang L., Liang X., Moore, R., and Dong, T. G. (2015). Commentary: The icmF3 Locus is Involved in Multiple Adaptation- and Virulence-related Characteristics in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., 83. doi:10.3389/fcimb.2015.00083. Liang X., Moore R., Wilton M., Wong M., Lam L. and Dong T. (2015) Identification of divergent type VI secretion effectors . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 112:9106-11 Dong T*, Dong S#, Catalano C#, Moore R#, Liang X#, Mekalanos J (2015) Generation of reactive oxygen species by lethal attacks from competing microbes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112(7):2181-6 *Co-correspondence author, #trainees in Dong lab. Altindis E*, Dong T*, Catalano C#, Mekalanos J (2015) Secretome analysis of Vibrio cholerae type VI secretion system reveals a new effector-immunity pair . mBio. 10;6(2):e00075 * Contributed equally Ho BT, Dong T, Mekalanos JJ (2014) A view to a kill: the bacterial type 6 secretion system. Cell Host & Microbe, 15(1):9-21 Dong T, Ho BT, Yoder-Himes DR, and Mekalanos JJ (2013) Identification of T6SS-dependent effector and immunity proteins by Tn-seq in Vibrio cholerae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110:2623-2628 Dong T, Mekalanos JJ (2012) Characterization of the RpoN regulon reveals differential regulation of T6SS and new flagellar operons in Vibrio cholerae O37 strain V52 . Nucleic Acids Res 40:7766-7775
