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韦朝春,教授,博士生导师,浦江人才,教育部新世纪优秀人才。1996 年获北京大学数学学士,2006 年获美国华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)计算机科学(生物信息学方向)博士学位。随后到美国微软总部工作。2008 年初至2015年底任上海交通大学生命学院生物信息学与生物统计学系副教授,2016年起任教授,2011年起为博士生导师,2013年起任上海生物信息学会理事。 目前研究方向包括基因组学、元基因组学、泛基因组学以及高性能计算在生物信息学中的应用研究等。在Nature、PLoS Biology、Genome Research、Genome Biology、Nucleic Acids Research等国际著名学术期刊发表了一系列论文,总影响因子超过200,引用次数超过2200次。 简历 2016-今 教授 2011-今 博士生导师 上海交通大学 2008-2015 副教授 上海交通大学 兼上海生物信息技术研究中心课题组长 2006-2007 软件工程师 微软公司,美国西雅图 2000-2006 博士:计算机科学(计算生物学) 美国华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)计算机系 1996-1999 硕士:信号与信息处理 北京大学信息科学中心 1991-1996 学士:数学 北京大学数学系


研究领域为生物信息学。研究方向包括:1)基因组学,2)元基因组学和泛基因组学以及3)生物信息学中的高性能计算。 1)基因组学:可变剪切转录本预测、调控因子识别、基因的起源及进化分析、重复序列对基因组结构和功能的影响等; 2)元基因组学和泛基因组学:元基因组数据采集和高速分析系统及其应用研究;真核生物泛基因组研究,基于泛基因组学的物种基因组研究,基于泛基因组学的肿瘤基因组研究; 3)生物信息学中的高性能计算及应用研究:包括基于GPU的元基因组高速分析系统以及高速全基因组序列比对方法等。


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Wang, W.*, Mauleon, R.*, Hu, Z.*, Chebotarov, D.*, Tai, S.*, Wu, Z.*, Li, M.*, Zheng, T.*, Fuentes, R.*, Zhang, F.*, Mansueto, L.*, Copetti, D.*, Sanciangco, M., Palis, K., Xu, J., Sun, C., Fu, B., Zhang, H., Gao, Y., Zhao, X., Shen, F., Cui, X., Yu, H., Li, Z., Chen, M., Detras, J., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Zhao, Y., Kudrna, D., Wang, C., Li, R., Jia, B., Lu, J., He, X., Dong, Z., Xu, J., Li, Y., Wang, M., Shi, J., Li, J., Zhang, D., Lee, S., Hu, W., Poliakov, A., Dubchak, I., Ulat, V., Borja, F., Mendoza, J., Ali, J., Li, J., Gao, Q., Niu, Y., Yue, Z., Naredo, M., Talag, J., Wang, X., Li, J., Fang, X., Yin, Y., Glaszmann, J., Zhang, J., Li, J., Hamilton, R.2, Wing, R.*, Ruan, J.*, Zhang, G.*, Wei, C.*, Alexandrov, N.*, McNally, K.*, Li, Z.*, Leung, H., “Genomic variation in 3,010 diverse accessions of Asian cultivated rice”, Nature, 2018,553:43-49 (co-corresponding author) Giri, B., Ye, J., Chen, Y., Wei, C.*, Cheng, G.*, “In silico analysis of endogenous siRNAs associated transposable elements and NATs in Schistosoma japonicum reveals their putative roles during reproductive development”, Parasitology Research, 2018 (accepted) 影响因子 2.33 Zeng, L., Pederson, S., Cao, D., Qu, Z., Hu, Z., Adelson, D., Wei, C.*, " Genome-wide analysis of the association of transposable elements with gene regulation suggests that Alu elements have the largest overall regulatory impact", Journal of Computational Biology, 2018, (accepted) 影响因子 1.74 Hu, Z., Wang, W., Wu, Z., Sun, C., Li, M., Lu, J., Fu, B., Shi, J., Xu, J., Wei, C.*, Li, Z.*, “Novel sequences, structural variations and gene presence variations of Asian cultivated rice”, Scientific Data,2017 (accepted) 影响因子:4.84 Li, X., Hu, Z., Yu, X., Ma, B., Zhang, C., Wei, C.*, and Wu, J.*, “Dosage compensation in the process of inactivation/reactivation during both germ cell development and early embryogenesis in mouse.”, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:3729. 影响因子:4.26 Hu, Z., Sun, C., Lu, K., Chu, X., Zhao, Y., Lu, J., Shi, J.*, Wei, C.*, “EUPAN enables pan-genome studies of a large number of eukaryotic genomes”, Bioinformatics, 2017, btx170. 影响因子:7.30 Huang, W., Tsai L., Li, Y., Hua, N., Sun, C., Wei, C.*, “Widespread of horizontal gene transfer in the human genome”, BMC Genomics, 2017, 18:274 影响因子:3.73 Zhu, H., Xu, W., Hu, Z., Zhang, H., Shen, Y., Lu, S., Wei, C.*, Wang, Z.*, “RNA virus receptor Rig-I monitors gut microbiota and inhibits colitis-associated colorectal cancer”, J. of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 2017, 36:2. 影响因子:5.19 Sun, C., Hu, Z., Lu, K., Zhao, Y., Lu, J., Zheng, T., Wang, W., Shi, J., Zhang, D., Li, Z.*, Wei, C.*, “RPAN: Rice Pan-genome Browser for ~3,000 rice genomes”, Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, 45(2): 597-605. 影响因子:10.16 Hu, Z., Scott, H., Qin, G., Zheng, G, Chu, X., Xie, L., Adelson, D., Oftedal, B., Venugopal, P., Babic, M., Hahn, C., Zhang, B., Wang, X., Li, N., Wei, C.*, "Revealing missing human protein isoforms based on ab initio prediction, RNA-sesq and proteomics", Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:10940 影响因子:4.26 Zhang, Y., He, Y., Zheng, G., Wei, C.*, "MOST+: A de novo motif finder combining genomic sequence and heterogeneous genome-wide signatures", BMC Genomics, 2015, 16(Suppl 7):S13 影响因子: 3.73 Xiao, G. et al., "Whole genome sequencing of six dog breeds from continuous altitudes reveals adaption to high-altitude hypoxia", Genome Research, 2014, 24(8)1308-15. 影响因子:11.25 Hou, T., Zheng, G., Zhang P., Jia, J., Li, J., Xie, L., Wei, C.*, Li, Y., " LAceP: lysine acetylation sites prediction using logistic regression classifier", PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(2): e89575 影响因子:2.86 Jia, B., Cai, K., Xuan, L., Wei, C.*, “NeSSM: a Next-generation Sequencing Simulator for Metagenomics”, PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(10):e75448. 影响因子:2.86 Xu, H., Yu, H., Tu, K., Shi, Q., Wei, C., Li, Y., Li, Y., “cGRNB: a web server for building combinatorial gene regulatory networks through integrated engineering of seed-matching sequence information and gene expression datasets”, BMC Systems Biology, 2013, 7(Suppl 2):S7 影响因子: 2.21 Cui, X., Wang, Q., Yin, W., Xu, H., Wilson, Z., Pan, S., Wei, C. and Zhang, D., “PMRD: a curated database for genes and mutants involved in plant male reproduction”, 2012, BMC Plant Biology , 12:215 影响因子: 3.63 Zheng, G., Liu, Q., Ding, G., Wei, C.*, Li, Y., “Towards biological characters of interactions between transcription factors and their DNA targets in Mammals”, 2012, BMC Genomics, 13:388 影响因子: 3.73 He, Y., Zhang, Y., Zheng, G., Wei, C.*, “CTF: a CRF-based transcription factor binding sites finding system”, BMC Genomics, 2012, 13(Suppl 8):S18 影响因子: 3.73 Zheng, G., Wang, H., Wei, C.*, Li, Y., “iGepros: An integrated gene and protein annotation server for biological nature exploration”, BMC Bioinformatics, 2011, 12(Suppl 14):S6 影响因子:2.44
