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1996年-2000年:厦门大学生命科学院生物学专业(国家科研与教学人才培养基地班),生物学,学士。 2000年-2005年:中国科学院,上海生命科学研究院,植物生理生态研究所,植物分子遗传国家重点实验室,遗传学,博士。 -2002年9-11月 :德国马普协会分子植物生理学研究所,研究助理。 -2003年9月-2004年1月:英国东安格利亚大学生物系,研究助理。 2005年-2007年:美国加州大学伯克利分校植物与微生物系,博士后。 2007年-2008年:美国斯坦福卡耐基植物研究所,博士后。 2008年-2014年:中国科学院植物研究所,植物分子生理学国家重点实验室,副研究员,硕导。 2014年至今 :上海交通大学生命科学技术学院,研究员,博导。 -2015年-2016年:美国加州大学伯克利分校植物与微生物系,国家公派访问学者。


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OsGATA7 modulates brassinosteroids-mediated growth regulation and influences architecture and grain shape. Zhang YJ, Zhang Y, Zhang LL, Huang HY, Yang BJ, Luan S, Xue HW, Lin WH. (2018). Plant Biotechnology Journal. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12887. Yang BJ, Lin WH (co-first author), Fu FF, Xu ZH, and Xue HW. (2017). Receptor-like protein ELT1 Regulates Rice Growth by Promoting Brassinosteroid Signaling through Interacting with BRI1. Cell Research. doi: 10.1038/cr.2017.692. Zhang Y, Zhang YJ, Yang BJ, Yu XX, Wang D, Zu SH, Xue HW & Lin WH*. 2016. Functional characterization of GmBZL2 (AtBZR1 like gene) reveals the conserved BR signaling regulation in Glycine max. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/srep3113. Wu P, Gao HB, Zhang LL, Xue HW and Lin WH*. Phosphatidic acid regulates AtBZR1 activity and brassinosteroid signal. Molecular Plant. 7(2): 445-447. Jiang WB, Huang HY, Hu YW, Zhu SW, Wang ZY, and Lin WH*. 2013. Brassinosteroid regulates seed size and shape in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 162(4): 1965–77. Huang HY, Jiang WB, Hu YW, Wu P, Zhu JY, Liang WQ, Wang ZY and Lin WH*. 2013. BR signal influences Arabidopsis ovule and seed number through regulating related genes expression by transcription factor BZR1. Molecular Plant. 6(2):456-69. Luo XM, Lin WH (co-first author), Zhu SW, Zhu JY, Sun Y, Fan XY, Cheng ML, Hao YQ, Oh E, Tian MM, Liu LJ, Zhang M, Xie Q, Chong K, Wang ZY. 2010. Integration of light and brassinosteroid signaling pathways by a GATA transcription factor in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell. 19, 872–883. Chen X, Lin WH (co-first author), Wang Y, Luan S, and Xue HW. 2008. An inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase functions in phototropin 1 signaling through altering cytosolic Ca2+. Plant cell. 20(2): 353-366. Lin WH, Wang Y, Mueller-Roeber B, Brearley CA, Xu ZH, Xue HW. 2005. At5PTase13 modulates cotyledon vein development through regulating auxin homeostasis. Plant Physiology. 139(4): 1677-1691. Lin WH, Ye R, Ma H, Xu ZH, Xue HW. 2004. DNA chip-based expression profile analysis indicates involvement of the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway in multiple plant responses to hormone and abiotic treatments. Cell Research. 14(1):34-45. Zhao J, Liu JS, Meng FN, Zhang ZZ, Long H, Lin WH, Luo XM, Wang ZY, and Zhu SW. 2016. ANAC005 is a membrane-associated transcription factor and regulates vascular development in Arabidopsis. J. Integrative Plant Biology. J Integr Plant Biol. 58(5):442-51. Wang WF, Li G, Zhao J, Chu HW, Lin WH, Zhang DB, Wang ZY, Liang WQ. 2014. DWARF TILLER1, a WUSCHEL-related 1 homeobox transcription factor, is required 2 for tiller growth in rice. Plos Genetics. e1004154. Zhang LY, Bai MY, Wu J, Zhu JY, Wang H, Zhang Z, Wang W, Sun Y, Zhao J, Sun X, Yang H, Xu Y, Kim SH, Fujioka S, Lin WH, Chong K, Lu T, Wang ZY. 2009. Antagonistic HLH/bHLH Transcription Factors Mediate Brassinosteroid Regulation of Cell Elongation and Plant Development in Rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 21(12): 3767-3780. Wang Y, Lin WH, Chen X, Xue HW. 2009. The role of Arabidopsis 5PTase13 in root gravitropism through modulation of vesicle trafficking. Cell Research. 19(10):1191-1204. Niu Y, Wu GZ, Ye R, Lin WH, Shi QM, Xue LJ, Xu XD, Li Y, Du YG, Xue HW. 2009. Global analysis of gene expression profiles in Brassica napus developing seeds reveals a conserved lipid metabolism regulation with Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant. 2(5):1107-1122. Ma H, Lou Y, Lin WH and Xue HW. 2006. MORN motifs in plant PIPKs are involved in the regulation of subcellular localization and phospholipid binding. Cell Research. 16(5): 466-478. Lou Y, Ma H, Lin WH, Chu ZQ, Mueller-Roeber B, Xu ZH, Xue HW. 2006. The highly charged region of plant beta-type phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase is involved in membrane targeting and phospholipid binding.Plant Molecular Biology. 60(5): 729-746. Xu J, Brearley CA, Lin WH, Wang Y, Ye R, Mueller-Roeber B, Xu ZH, Xue HW. 2005. A Role of Arabidopsis Inositol Polyphosphate Kinase, AtIPK2{alpha}, in Pollen Germination and Root Growth. Plant Physiology. 137(1): 94-103.
