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工作经历 2016年3月-今:特聘副研究员,四川大学国家生物材料中心 2014年8月-2016年1月:博士后研究员,心血管交叉学科研究中心,哈佛大学医学院 美国心脏学会American Heart Association (AHA) ,北美血管生物学协会North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO),克莱姆森生物医学工程协会Clemson Bioengineering Society (CBS)会员 教育背景 博士,克莱姆森大学(美国南卡罗来纳州),生物医学工程, 2010 – 2014 硕士,克莱姆森大学(美国南卡罗来纳州),生物医学工程,2010 – 2013 硕士,北京航空航天大学,材料科学与工程, 2008 – 2010 本科,南京航空航天大学,材料科学与工程, 2004 – 2008


生物心脏瓣膜材料的新型交联处理研究 生物瓣膜官能团修饰调对抗钙化、抗凝血、免疫排斥反应等性能调控 新型预装式介入生物心脏瓣膜的性能调控 动物源组织等新型生物材料研究


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Wanyu jin, Gaoyang Guo, Liang Chen, Yang Lei*, and Yunbing Wang*. Elastin stabilization through polyphenol and ferric chloride combined treatments for the enhancement of bioprosthetic heart valve’s anti-calcification. Artificial Organs. 2018. (Accepted) Nagy, E., Yang Lei, Martínezmartínez, E., Body, S. C., Schlotter, F., & Creager, M., et al. (2017). Interferon-γ released by activated cd8(+) t lymphocytes impairs the calcium resorption potential of osteoclasts in calcified human aortic valves. American Journal of Pathology, 187(6), 1413-1425. Yang Lei, Masaya Iwashita, Jung Choi, Masanori Aikawa, and Elena Aikawa. 'N-acetylglucosamine-1-Phosphate Transferase Suppresses Lysosomal Hydrolases in Dysfunctional Osteoclasts: A Potential Mechanism for Vascular Calcification.' Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 2, no. 2 (2015): 31-47. ISSN:2308-3425 Yang Lei, Nasim Nosoudi, and Naren Vyavahare. 'Targeted chelation therapy with EDTA-loaded albumin nanoparticles regresses arterial calcification without causing systemic side effects.' Journal of Controlled Release 196 (2014): 79-86. Yang Lei, Aditi Sinha, Nasim Nosoudi, Ankit Grover, and Naren Vyavahare. “Hydroxyapatite and Calcified Elastin Induce Osteoblast-like Differentiation in Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells.' Experimental cell research. 2014;323.1:198-208 Yang Lei, Arjun Grover, Aditi Sinha, and Naren Vyavahare. 'Efficacy of Reversal of Aortic Calcification by Chelating Agents.' Calcified Tissue International 2013; 93.5: 426-435. Sinha, Aditi, Aleksey Shaporev, Nasim Nosoudi, Yang Lei, Alexey Vertegel, Susan Lessner, and Naren Vyavahare. 'Nanoparticle targeting to diseased vasculature for imaging and therapy.' Nanomedicine:
