Yan Xing,Xing-Yu Lin, Lin-Bo Zhang, Yun-Peng Xia, Han-Le Zhang, Hong-Yu Cui, Shuang Li, Tong-Yu Wang, Hui Ren, Di Wang, Huan Deng, and Qiong-Hua Wang*, Integral imaging-based tabletop light field 3D display with large viewing angle, Opto-Electronic Advances, 2023, 6, 220178.
Han-Le Zhang, Xiao-Li Ma, Xing-Yu Lin,Yan Xing*, and Qiong-Hua Wang*, System to eliminate the graininess of an integral imaging 3D display by using a transmissive mirror device, Optics Letters, 2022, 47(18), 4628-4631.
Xiao-Li Ma, Rong-Ying Yuan, Lin-Bo Zhang, Min-Yang He, Han-Le Zhang,Yan Xing*, and Qiong-Hua Wang*, Augmented reality autostereoscopic 3D display based on sparse reflection array, Optics Communications, 2022, 510, 127913.
Xiao-Li Ma, Han-Le Zhang*, Rong-Ying Yuan, Tong-Yu Wang, Min-Yang He,Yan Xing, and Qiong-Hua Wang*, Depth of field and resolution-enhanced integral imaging display system, Optics Express, 2022, 30(25), 44580-44593.
Sen-Lin Pang, Tian-Hao Wang, Fei-Yan Zhong, Lin-Bo Zhang, Huan Deng, andYan Xing*, Tabletop integral imaging 3D display system based on annular point light source, Displays, 2021, 69, 102029.
Yun-Peng Xia, Shuang Li, Hui Ren, Huan Deng, andYan Xing*, High-efficient rendering to generate annular sector elemental image array for tabletop integral imaging three-dimensional display, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2021, 29, 632-641.
Xiao-Ming Ma,Yan Xing*, Jia-Chen Zheng, Xiao-Wei Li, and Qiong-Hua Wang*, A real-time interactive rendering method for 360° tabletop integral imaging 3D display, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2021, 29, 679-688.
Min-Yang He, Di Wang,Yan Xing*, Yi-Wei Zheng, Han-Le Zhang, Xiao-Li Ma, Rong-Ying Yuan, Qiong-Hua Wang*, Compact and lightweight optical see-through holographic near-eye display based on holographic lens, Displays, 2021, 70, 102104.
Yan Xing, Yun-Peng Xia, Shuang Li, Hui Ren, and Qiong-Hua Wang*, Annular sector elemental image array generation method for tabletop integral imaging 3D display with smooth motion parallax, Optics Express, 2020, 28(23), 34706-34716.
Di Wang, Chao Liu, Chuan Shen,Yan Xing, and Qiong-Hua Wang*, Holographic capture and projection system of real object based on tunable zoom lens, PhotoniX, 2020, 1, 6.
Han-Le Zhang, Huan Deng, Hui Ren, Xin Yang,Yan Xing, Da-Hai Li, and Qiong-Hua Wang*, Method to eliminate pseudoscopic issue in integral imaging 3D display by using transmissive mirror device and light filter, Optics Letters, 2020, 45(2), 351-354.
Chao Liu, Di Wang, Qiong-Hua Wang*, andYan Xing, Multifunctional optofluidic lens with beam steering, Optics Express, 2020, 28(5), 7734-7745.
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Yan Xing, Qiong-Hua Wang*, Ling Luo, Hui Ren, and Huan Deng, High-performance dual-view 3D display system based on integral imaging, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019, 11(1), 1-12.
Yan Xing, Qiong-Hua Wang*, Hui Ren, Ling Luo, Huan Deng, and Da-Hai Li, Optical arbitrary-depth refocusing for large-depth scene in integral imaging display based on reprojected parallax image, Optics Communications, 2019, 433, 209-214.
Xiao-Wei Li, Min Zhao,Yan Xing, Han-Le Zhang, Lei Li, Seok-Tae Kim, Xin Zhou, andQiong-Hua Wang*, Designing optical 3D images encryption and reconstruction using monospectral synthetic aperture integral imaging, Optics Express, 2018, 26(9), 11084-11099.
Xiao-Wei Li, Min Zhao,Yan Xing, Lei Li, Seok-Tae Kim, Xin Zhou, and Qiong-Hua Wang*,Optical encryption via monospectral integral imaging, Optics Express, 2017, 25(25), 31516-31527.
Yan Xing, Qiong-Hua Wang*, Zhao-Long Xiong, and Huan Deng, Encrypting three-dimensional information system based on integral imaging and multiple chaotic maps, Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(2), 023107-023107.
Yan Xing, Qiong-Hua Wang, Cheng-Gao Luo, Huan Deng, and Da-Hai Li, Depth-enhanced integral imaging system based on spatial filtering, Journal of Information Display, 2015, 16(2), 85-88.
Zhao-Long Xiong, Qiong-Hua Wang*,Yan Xing, Huan Deng, and Da-Hai Li, An active integral imaging system based on multiple structured light method, Optics Express, 2015, 23(21), 27095-27104.