Peer Review Journal Papers
Zhang, J., Huang, K., Wu, G., Wang, C. and Nie, R., 变体飞行器结构关键技术及研究进展 (Key Technologies and Research Progress of Morphing Aircraft structure), 电光与控制(Electronics Optics & Control), 2023, 55(2): 487-496.PDF
Wang, C., Mao, Y., Liu, Q., Fan, S., Shen, X., Zhang, J. and Xia, Y., Predicting and Reinforcing the Critical Buckling Loads of Flexible Corrugated Panels. Machines 2023, 11, 339.PDF
Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Pan, D.,Wu, Z.,and Wang, Q., Resonant Actuation Based on Dynamic Characteristics of Bistable Laminates. Machines, 2023, 11, 318.PDF
Huang, K., Zhang, J., and Wang, Q., 基于非均匀梁模型的二维柔性机翼固有振动分析 (Natural vibration analysis of two-dimensional flexible wing based on non-uniform beam model), 力学学报(Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), 2023, 55(2): 487-496.PDF
Gu, H., Taghipour J., Shaw, A. D., Amoozgar, M., Zhang, J., Wang, C., and Friswell, M. I., Tailored twist morphing achieved using graded bend-twist metamaterials, Composite Structures, 300 (2022), 116151.PDF
Zhang J., Shaw, A.D., Wang, C., Gu,H., Amoozgar, M.R. and Friswell, M.I., Resonant Passive Energy Balancing for a Morphing Helicopter Blade. Aerospace Science and Technology,128(2022), 107786.PDF
Shaw, A.D., Zhang J., Wang, C., Woods B.K.S. and Friswell, M.I., System-Level Optimization of Passive Energy Balancing, AIAA Journal, 60(9), 5570-5580.PDF
Gu, H., Taghipour J., Rivero A., Amoozgar, M., Shaw, A. D., Zhang J., Wang, C., and Friswell, M. I., Experimental validation of inertial twist concept for rotor blade application. Composite Structures, 288 (2022), 115414.PDF
Taghipour, J., Zhang J.,Shaw, A. D.,Friswell, M. I., Gu, H. and Wang, C., Resonant Passive Energy Balancing of Morphing Helicopter Blades with Bend-Twist Coupling. Nonlinear Dynamics, 107, 617–639 (2022). PDF
Gu, H., Amoozgar, M., Shaw, A. D., Zhang J., Wang, C., and Friswell, M. I., Experimental study of lag-twist coupling concept for rotor blade application. Composite Structures, 275 (2021) , 114417. PDF
Zhang J., Shaw, A.D., Wang, C., Gu, H., Amoozgar, M.R. and Friswell, M.I., Woods B.K.S. Aeroelastic Model and Analysis of an Active Camber Morphing Wing. Aerospace Science and Technology, 111 (2021), 106534. PDF
Zhang J., Wang, C., Shaw, A.D., Amoozgar, M.R. and Friswell, M.I., Passive energy balancing design for a linear actuated morphing wingtip structure. Aerospace Science and Technology, 107 (2020), 106279. PDF
Gu, H., Shaw, A. D., Amoozgar, M., Zhang J., Wang, C., and Friswell, M. I., Twist morphing of a composite rotor blade using a novel metamaterial. Composite Structures, 254 (2020) , 112855. PDF
Zhang J., Shaw, A.D., Amoozgar, M.R., Friswell, M.I. and Woods B.K.S. Bidirectional Spiral Pulley Negative Stiffness Mechanism for Passive Energy Balancing. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(5), p. 054502. PDF
Amoozgar, M.R., Shaw, A.D., Zhang J., Wang, C and Friswell, M.I., Lag-twist coupling sensitivity and design for a composite blade cross-section with D-spar. Aerospace Science and Technology, 91(2019),pp. 539-547. PDF
Amoozgar, M.R., Shaw, A.D., Zhang J. and Friswell, M.I., The effect of a movable mass on the aeroelastic stability of composite hingeless rotor blades in hover. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 87(2019), pp. 124–136. PDF
Zhang J., Wu Z., Zhang, C., Hao, L., Nie, R. and Qiu, J., Nonlinear dynamics of shape memory alloys actuated bistable beams. Smart materials and structures. 28(5). PDF
Amoozgar, M.R., Shaw, A.D., Zhang J. and Friswell, M.I., Composite Blade Twist Modification by Using a Moving Mass and Stiffness Tailoring. AIAA Journal, 57(10), 4218-4225. PDF
Zhang J., Shaw, A.D., Amoozgar, M.R., Friswell, M.I. and Woods B.K.S., Bidirectional Torsional Negative Stiffness Mechanism for Energy Balancing Systems. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 131(2019), pp. 261-277. PDF
Zhang J., Zhang, C., Hao, L., Nie, R. and Qiu, J., Exploiting the instability of Smart Structure for Reconfiguring. Applied Physics Letters, 111.6 (2017): 064102. PDF
Zhang J. and McInnes, C. R., (2017) Using instability to reconfigure smart structures in a spring-mass model. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 91:81-92. PDF
Zhang J. McInnes, C. R., and Xu M., (2017) Reconfiguration of a Smart Surface using Heteroclinic Connections. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473: 20160614. PDF
Zhang J. and McInnes, C. R., (2016) Reconfiguration of a four-bar mechanism using phase space connections. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 81 43–59. PDF
Zhang J. and McInnes, C. R. (2015). Reconfiguring Smart Structures Using Approximate Heteroclinic Connections. Smart Materials and Structures, 24(10). PDF
Zhang J., Wang, J. and Meng, L., (2015) Active Vibration Control for Large-space Deployable Antennas. Aircraft Design. 2015, 35(6): 15-17. PDF
Wang, J., Yang, Y., Zhang J. and Su, H., (2012) Investigation of Piezoelectric Actuator Optimal Configuration for Structural Vibration Control. Acta Aeronoutica et Astronautica Sinica, 2012, 33(3): 494-500. PDF
Peer Review Conference Papers
刘雨婷, 张家应. 双稳态复合材料层合板的非线性动力学特征及其共振驱动. 第五届全国飞行器结构与强度学术会议, 西安, 中国, 11月11-13日, 2022. PDF
黄可, 张家应, 王晨. 鱼骨柔性翼气动弹性特性分析. 第五届全国飞行器结构与强度学术会议, 西安, 中国, 11月11-13日, 2022. PDF
Liu Y., Zhang, J., Wang, Q. Wang, Q. Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics and Resonant Actuation of Bi-stable Composite Laminates. WCCM-APCOM2022, Yokohama & Virtual, 31 Jul-5 Aug, 2022.PDF
Shaw, A., Zhang, J., Wang, C., Woods, B., & Friswell, M. I. System Level Optimisation of Passive Energy Balancing. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, San Diego, USA, 03-07 Jan, 2022. PDF
Wang, C., Zhang, J., Amoozgar, M., Shaw, A., Friswell, M. I., & Woods, B. Passive Energy Balancing for Morphing Rotorcraft Actuation: Integration and optimisation. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, Orlando , USA, 06-10 Jan, 2020. PDF
Amoozgar, M.R., Shaw, A.D., Zhang, J., Wang, C and Friswell, M.I. Performance analysis of inertial twist morphing concept in hovering flight. 45th European Rotorcraft Forum, Warsaw, Poland, 17-20 Sep, 2019. PDF
Zhang, J., Shaw, A.D., Wang, C., Amoozgar, M.R. and Friswell, M.I. Tailored Nonlinear Negative Stiffness Mechanisms for Linear Motion. 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Paris, France, 08-12 Jul, 2019. PDF
Wang, C., Zhang, J., Shaw, A.D., Amoozgar, M.R. and Friswell, M.I. Integration of The Spiral Pulley Negative Stiffness Mechanism into The Fishbac Morphing Wing. 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Paris, France, 08-12 Jul, 2019. PDF
Zhang, J., Shaw, A.D., Amoozgar, M.R., Friswell, M.I. and Woods B.K.S. Torsional Negative Stiffness Mechanism for bidirectional Morphing Aircraft Actuation. 6th Aircraft Structural Design Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom, 09-11 Sep, 2018. PDF
Amoozgar, M.R., Shaw, A.D., Zhang, J. and Friswell, M.I. Cross-sectional design of a composite rotor blade for twist morphing. 6th Aircraft Structural Design Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom, 09-11 Sep, 2018. PDF
Amoozgar, M.R., Shaw, A.D., Zhang, J. and Friswell, M.I. Twist morphing of a hingless rotor blade using a moving mass. 44th European Rotorcraft Forum, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-21 Sep, 2018. PDF
Zhang, J., Shaw, A.D., Amoozgar, M.R., Friswell, M.I. and Woods B.K.S. Spiral Pulley Negative Stiffness Mechanism for Morphing Aircraft Actuation. The ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec City, Canada, 26-29 Aug, 2018. PDF
Zhang, J. and Li, X. Optimal configuration of sensors in active vibration control. The Fourth International Academic Conference for Graduates, Nanjing, China, 26-28 Oct, 2016. PDF
Zhang, J. and McInnes, C.R. Reconfiguring Smart Structures using Approximate Heteroclinic Connections in a Spring-Mass Model. The ASME 2015 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Colorado Springs, USA, 21-23 Sep, 2015. PDF