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教育背景 1983/9—1987/6 北京师范大学 心理系 普通心理学 学士学位 1993/9—1996/6 北京师范大学 心理系 心理测量与咨询 硕士学位 1999/9—2002/6 北京师范大学 发展心理研究所 认知发展心理学 博士学位 工作经历 1987/7—1993/6 湖北省教育学院 助教 1996/7—1997/6 北京师范大学教育系 助教 1997/7—2002/6 北京师范大学教育系 讲师 2002/7—2007/6 北京师范大学教育学院 副教授 教育学院分党委委员/联合支部书记 2007/7—2008/7 北京师范大学教育学院 教授/博士生导师 教育学院分党委委员/联合支部书记 2008/8—2009/2 比利时根特大学客座教授 从事博士后研究 2009/2—2009/8 北京师范大学教育学部 教授/博士生导师 教育经济与管理系书记 2009/9—今 北京师范大学教育学部 教授/博士生导师 教育学部分党委委员 教学指导委员会委员 出访经历 2004年,2005年,两次出访泰国曼谷,参加联合国儿童基金会东亚及太平洋地区办公室举办的EALAS项目工作会议 2006年,出访英国伦敦,参加国际会议:”Preparing Teachers for a Changing Context conference,, May 2006”。发表论文及宣读报告:Research on Teacher Performance Construct and Evaluation。 2007年,作为专家受教育部邀请,参加中国教育部赴罗马尼亚教育考察团,出访罗亚尼亚考察该国农村教师培训项目(世界银行贷款项目)开展的情况,了解其基础教育改革与课程改革的情况。在教育师范司的全部工作会议上作“罗马尼亚基础教育质量保障体系及其对我国的启示”的报告。 2008年8月-2009年3月,受比利时根特大学邀请,赴比利时根特大学担任客座教授,同时从事博士后研究工作 获奖情况 2009年11月入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 2005年11月,博士论文:《教师职务绩效——结构及其影响因素研究》获“北师大与香港中文大学教育及社会科学应用研究 ‘特别优秀成果奖’” 2004年7月,博士论文:《教师职务绩效——结构及其影响因素研究》获全国普通高等学校优秀博士学位论文奖 2002年10月,《心理测量学》(人民教育出版社,1999年9月版),获全国普通高等教育优秀教材一等奖。(属于《应用心理学书系》之一本) 2002年6月,获北师大优秀毕业生奖 2002年5月,论文《绩效评估研究的现状及其反思》,获北师大人文社会科学优秀成果奖 2002年3月,博士论文《教师职务绩效——结构及其影响因素研究》,获“北师大与香港中文大学教育及社会科学应用研究论文奖” 2001年12月论文《中学生职业兴趣的结构及特点》,获中国统计学会组织的“露露杯全国优秀统计论文评选”二等奖 2001年11月,《心理测量学》(人民教育出版社,1999年9月版),获第五届国家图书奖


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Cai Yong-hong, Shen Xiao-yue, Lei Jun, A Study on the Structure of Teachers’ Teaching Expertise and Its Measurement. Teacher Education Research, 2016,Vol.28(1),67-74. Bi Yan, Cai Yonghong(Corresponding Author), Wang Li, Teachers' salary satisfaction and its influence on Teachers' performance, Educational Development Research, 2015 ,Vol.18,49-54. Cai Yonghong, Shen Xiaoyue, Wang Li, Study on the construction of teaching expertise of primary school teachers. Journal of Educational Studies. 2015, 1,36-45. Cai Yong-hong, Lei Jun, Shen Xiao-yue, The Implications of American Teacher Transfer Incentives on China’s Weak Urban Schools Improvement, Comparative Education Review. 2014, (12),68-73. Lei Jun, Cai Yonghong,, Wang, Di, The management system, characteristics, and its inspiration of higher education of Belgium. Journal of National Academy of Educational Administration. 2014,6,90-95. Cai Yong-hong, Shen Xiao-yue, Origin, Disputes and Integration of Teacher’s Teaching Expertise, Journal of Beijing Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences).2014, 2 (248), 15-23. Cai Yong-hong, Zhu Ai-Xue, Study on Status and Organizational Influencing Factors of High School Teachers Burnout, Educational Research and Experiment, 2013,(6):29-33. Cai Yong-hong, Bi Yan, Relationship among Pay Satisfaction, Perceived Organizational Support and Teacher Performance, AERA 2014 annual meeting. CaiYong-hong, The new teacher probation systems in American school, Teaching Monthly (Middle School Edition-Teaching Management Version), 2013-07-20. Cai Yong-hong & Bi Yan, View of Teacher Quit Mechanism of China from the Teacher Probation Period Management of U.S, Tribune of Education Culture, ,2013(6). Cai Yong-hong & Bi Yan, View of Teacher Quit Mechanism of China from the Teacher Probation Period Management of U.S, Journal of Beijing Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences).2013, 1 (235),12-18. Zhu, Chang, Wang, Di, Cai, Yonghong, Engels, N..What core competencies are related to teachers' innovative teaching? Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education,volume 41, issue 1, 2013, pp. 9 – 27. Cai Yong-hong, The development of school effectiveness research in China and abroad and its reflection, Educational Administration Research, 2012(6),15-26. Hou Zhong-tai, Cai Yong-hong, Rural teachers' survival dilemma and it’s reflection, Journal of The Chinese Society of Education, 2012(10):32-35. Cai YongHong, Mei En. History, Characteristics and Revelations of the primary and secondary school teachers performance related pay reform in America. Comparative Education Research, 2012, (8),14-19. Cai Yonghong, Sheng Min, Bi Yan. View teachers Position management reform from British primary and secondary school teachers position management system, Comparative Education Research, 2012, 6, 77-81. Cai Yonghong, Bi Yan. Studies on the reform of America primary and secondary school teachers employment system, Education Studies, 2012, 4, 145-148. Cai Yonghong, Wang di, Lei Jun. Teaching innovation competence structure of secondary school teachers and it’s relation with teaching behavior, Educational Research and Experiment, 2012, 2, 40-44. Cai Yonghong, Zhang Xiaoqian. Implication of America primary and secondary school teachers career ladder system for Chinese teacher management,Journal of the Chinese Society of Education. 2012, 2, 74-77. .Cai Yonghong, Xiao Yifang. Characteristics of the civil service management system of Japanese education and its Implications for China,Teacher Education Research, 2011, 6, 76-80. Cai Yonghong, Bi Yan. Implication of school quality standards of the U.S. National Quality Award for China,Comparative Education Research, 2011, 12, 1-5. Cai Yonghong, Bi Yan.Characteristics of the teachers' collective contract system of U.S. and its Implications for China,Exploring Education Development, 2011, 12. 31-35. Johan Ferla , Martin Valcke and Yonghong Cai, Academic self-efficacy and academic self-concept: Reconsidering structural relationships, Learning and Individual Differences, 2009.12, (19), Issue. 4, 499–505. Cai Yonghong. Review and Rethinking of School Effectiveness Research, Chinese Educational Administration Review, 2007, 4,38-72. ISBN:978-7-5041-3971-9. Cai Yonghong.Review and Reflection on School Effectiveness Research-From the View of Research Method. Educational Research, 2007, 2(325), 61-67. Cai Yonghong. The Influence of New Teaching Beliefs on Teacher Evaluation. Journal of Beijing Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences).2007, 1 (199),47-51. Cai Yonghong & Jiang Qinde. The latest Development of Application of Statistics to the Field of Social Sciences and the Relevant Reconsiderations, Statistical Research. 2006, 2(172), 66-69. Cai Yonghong & Jiang Qinde. New Statistic Methods and Their Applications in Social Science,China Statistic, 2006, 3, 13-14. Cai Yonghong, Lin Chongde. Theory and Practice on Teacher Performance Evaluation Frontiers of Educations in China, 2006, 1(1),29-39. Cai Yonghong. SOLO Taxonomy and it’s Application in Teaching, Teacher Education Research. 2006, 1,34-40. Cai Yonghong & Jiang Qinde. Free Discussion on the Reform of School Personnel System China National Conditions and Strength, 2006, 2,52-54. Wang Fang & Cai Yonghong. Review and reconsideration on Superfine Teacher system and its research in China, Teacher Education Research.2005, 6, 41-46. Cai Yonghong & Chen Jie. Market Mechanism and Chinese Higher Education. China National Conditions and Strength, 2005, 11,60-62. Cai Yonghong. Reviews and Reconsiderations on American School Effectiveness Research,Comparative Education Review. 2005, 11(26),1-6. Song Aihong & Cai Yonghong. A study on the antecedents of teacher’s organizational commitment, Statistical Research. 2005,5(163),40-45. Cai Yonghong & Jiang Qinde. Confrontation on China Basic Education, China Statistic, 2005, 5, 53-54. Cai Yonghong(Communication Author) & Song Aihong. Confirmatory Factor Analysis on Teacher Organizational Commitment, Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 2,38-42. Cai Yonghong & Lin Chongde. Theory and Practice on Teacher Performance Evaluation Teacher Education Research, 2005, 1, 36-41. Cai Yonghong & Lin Chongde. The research of teacher performance construction(abstract) International Journal of Psychology,Vol.39 Issue5/6,Oct.-Dec. 2004,p593,ISSN 0020-7594. Cai Yonghong & Lin Chongde. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Colleges’ Evaluation on Teacher Performance, Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 1.38-42. Cai Yonghong ,Lin Chongde, & Chen Xuefeng. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of students’ Evaluation on Teacher Performance, Acta Psychologica Sinica. 2003, 3(35), 362-369. Cai Yonghong, & Huan Tianyuan. The Origin, Problems and Trends of Teacher Evaluation Journal of Beijing Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences).2003, 1,130-136. Lao Kaisheng, & Cai Yonghong. The Character Analysis of Adolescent Personal Harm in China, Statistic and Decision-marking. 2002, 6, 41-42. Cai Yonghong, & Lao Kaisheng. The Simple Analysis of the Survey on Adolescent Safety Accidents in China, Middle and Elementary School Management. 2002, 5, 29-30. Cai Yonghong, & Lao Kaisheng. The Status of Adolescent Safety Accidents is not Allowed Being Optimistic, China Statistic. 2002, 4,40-41. Cai Yonghong, & Lao Kaisheng. The analysis on the Status of Adolescent Safety Accidents in China, Statistical Research. 2002,4(126),54-58. Cai Yonghong, Lin Chong-de& Xiao Lipin. Vocational Interest’s Construction and Characteristic of Middle School Students, Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 1(18),80-85. Cai Yonghong. Status of Teacher Performance Appraisal Research and its Reconsiderations Teacher Education Research. 2001, 3,73-76. Cai Yonghong, & Lin Chongde. Status of Performance Appraisal Research and its Reflection Journal of Beijing Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences). 2001,No.4,119-126. Cai Yonghong. Think on Theoretical Basis of Multiple Student Appraisals, Theory and Practice of Education. 2001, 4(21),34-37. Cai Yonghong. Contemporary Alternative Assessment Reform in America, Comparative Education Review. 2000, 2,18-22. Cai Yonghong. The Innovative Basic Education Reform of America, Middle and Elementary School Management. 1999, 4, 42-43.
