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陈肖颖,女,教育学博士。2021年12月至今在北京师范大学数学与数学教育研究中心从事博士后研究工作。 学习经历 2013年毕业于西华师范大学数学与信息学院,获理学学士学位;同年获文学学士学位(西华师范大学外国语学院英语双学位专业) 2016年毕业于西华师范大学数学与信息学院,获教育学硕士学位,并留校任教(学前与初等教育学院小学教育系教学科研岗) 2021年博士毕业于韩国全南大学(Chonnam National University)科学教育系(数学教育方向),获教育学博士学位 主持、参与的科研项目 小学教育专业文理科生源数学焦虑的差异性研究(CJF17059),四川省教育发展研究中心,2017.6(主持) 大数据支持下的中小学合作型课堂组织形式建构研究,国家社会科学基金(一般项目),2020.9(参与成员)




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代表论文 陈肖颖,Bomi Shin, 章勤琼. 数学教师合作学习的效能研究——一个语义会话的分析[J]. 数学教育学报,2021(6): 18-24. 章勤琼,阳海林,陈肖颖. 小学数学教学中的表现性评价及其应用[J]. 课程·教材·教法,2021(3): 83-89. Chen, X. & Shin, B. (2020). Comparison research on mathematical knowledge for prospective teachers: Focus on secondary mathematics teacher selection tests in Korea and China. Journal of Education Science (??????), 22(1): 63-80. 学术交流 Chen, X.& Shin, B. (July 2021). Tertiary and secondary mathematical knowledge for prospective teachers: A comparison on teacher employment tests for secondary mathematics in Korea and China. In Topic Study Group 29 at the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14), Shanghai, China: East China Normal University. Chen, X.,Shin, B., & Zhang, Q. (Feb. 2020). Exploring effective discourse thread of collaborative teachers’ education: Teachers’ knowledge of teaching centroid of triangle. In Borko, H. & Potari, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of ICMI study 25: Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups (pp. 262-269), Lisbon, Portugais: Lisbon University. Chen, X.& Shin, B. (Dec. 2019). Exploring the characteristics of teachers’ discussion in a professional learning community. Proceedings of 2019 Conference of Joint Societies for Mathematics Education: KSESM, KSME (pp. 1-4), Suwon, South Korea: Ajou University. Chen, X.& Kim, M.(Aug. 2019). Research on advanced secondary mathematics knowledge of preservice secondary teachers: a comparison across teacher employment tests in Korea and China. 2019??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??(KWMS), Seoul, South Korea: Seoul National University. Zhang, Q. & Chen, X. (2018). Measuring primary mathematics teacher’s professional competencies in mainland of China. In Hsieh, F.-J.(Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (EARCOME 8), Vol 2 (pp. 484-485), Taipei, Taiwan: EARCOME.
