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教育经历 2004/09-2009/06,中国科学院,自动化研究所,博士 2000/09-2004/06,中国科学技术大学,自动化系,学士 工作经历 2023/03-至今,北京师范大学,认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,教授 2014/07-至今,北京师范大学,认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,副教授 2014/03-2015/03,加拿大麦吉尔大学,蒙特利尔神经研究所,访问学者 2009/07-2014/07,北京师范大学,认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,讲师




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Bi Q, Wang W, Niu N, Li H, Wang Y, Huang W, Chen K, Xu K, Zhang J, Chen Y, Wei D, Cui R*, Shu N*, Zhang Z (2021). Relationship between the disrupted topological efficiency of the structural brain connectome and glucose hypometabolism in normal aging. Neuroimage 226:11759. Huang W, Li XY, Li X, Kang GX, Han Y*, Shu N* (2021). Combined Support Vector Machine Classifier and Brain Structural Network Features for the Individual Classification of Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Subjective Cognitive Decline Patients. Front Aging Neurosci 13:687927. Huang W, Li X, Li H, Wang W, Chen K, Xu K, Zhang J, Chen Y, Wei D, Shu N*, Zhang Z (2021). Machine-learning based brain age prediction in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Radiol Artif Intell 3(5):e200171. Wang X, Huang W, Su L, Xing Y, Jessen F, Sun Y*, Shu N*, Han Y* (2020). Neuroimaging advances regarding subjective cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Mol Neurodegener 15(1):55. Li X, Wang Y, Wang W, Huang W, Chen K, Xu K, Zhang J, Chen Y, Li H, Wei D, Shu N*, Zhang Z* (2020). Age-Related Decline in the Topological Efficiency of the Brain Structural Connectome and Cognitive Aging. Cereb Cortex 30(8):4651-4661. Sun Y, Bi Q, Wang X, Hu X, Li H, Li X, Ma T, Lu J, Chan P, Shu N*, Han Y* (2019) Prediction of Conversion From Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease Based on the Brain Structural Connectome. Front Neurol 9:1178. Zhao T, Mishra V, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Peng Q, Chalak L, Lee Wisnowski J, Heyne R, Rollins N, Shu N*, Huang H* (2019) Structural network maturation of the preterm human brain. Neuroimage 185:699-710. Liu Y, Duan Y, Dong H, Barkhof F, Li K*, Shu N* (2018). Disrupted Module Efficiency of Structural and Functional Brain Connectomes in Clinically Isolated Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis. Front Hum Neurosci 12:138. Shu N, Duan Y, Huang J, Ren Z, Liu Z, Dong H, Barkhof F, Li K, Liu Y (2018). Progressive brain rich-club network disruption from clinically isolated syndrome towards multiple sclerosis. NeuroImage: Clinical 19:232-239. Shu N, Wang X, Bi Q, Zhao T, Han Y*(2018) Disrupted topological efficiency of white matter structural connectome in individuals with subjective cognitive decline. Radiology 286(1):229-238. Zhao T, Sheng C, Bi Q, Niu W, Shu N*, Han Y* (2017) Age-related differences in the topological efficiency of the brain structural connectome in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Aging 59:144-155. Shu N, Duan Y, Xia M, Schoonheim MM, Huang J, Ren Z, Sun Z, Ye J, Dong H, Shi FD, Barkhof F, Li K, Liu Y (2016) Disrupted topological organization of structural and functional brain connectomes in clinically isolated syndrome and multiple sclerosis. Sci Rep 6:29383. Shu N#, Li X#, Ma C#, Zhang J, Chen K, Liang Y, Chen Y , Zhang Z (2015) Effects of APOE promoter polymorphism on the topological organization of brain structural connectome in nondemented elderly. Hum Brain Mapp 36(12):4847-58. Zhao T, Cao M, Niu H, Zuo XN, Evans A, He Y, Dong Q, Shu N* (2015) Age-related changes in the topological organization of the white matter structural connectome across the human lifespan. Hum Brain Mapp 36(10):3777-92. Huang H#, Shu N#, Mishra V, Jeon T, Chalak L, Wang Z, Rollins N, Gong G, Cheng H, Peng Y, Dong Q, He Y (2015) Development of human brain structural networks through infancy and childhood. Cereb Cortex 25(5):1389-404. Shu N*, Liu Y, Duan Y, Li K (2015) Hemispheric Asymmetry of Human Brain Anatomical Network Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Tractography. Biomed Res Int 2015:908917. Duan F, Zhao T, He Y, Shu N* (2015) Test-retest reliability of diffusion measures in cerebral white matter: a multiband diffusion MRI study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 42(4):1106-1116. Zhao T, Duan F, Liao X, Dai Z, Cao M, He Y, Shu N* (2015) Test-retest reliability of white matter structural brain networks: A multiband diffusion MRI study. Front Hum Neurosci 9:59. Cao Q#, Shu N#, An L, Wang P, Sun L, Xia M, Wang J, Gong G, Zang Y, Wang Y, He Y (2013) Probabilistic diffusion tractography and graph-theory analysis reveal abnormal white-matter structural connectivity networks in drug-naive boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Neurosci 33(26): 10676-10687. Li H, Liang Y, Chen K, Li X, Shu N*, Zhang Z*, Wang Y (2013) Different Patterns of White Matter Disruption among Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Subtypes: Relationship with Neuropsychological Performance. J Alzheimers Dis 36(2): 365-376. Liu Y, Duan Y, He Y, Wang J, Xia M, Yu C, Dong H, Ye J, Butzkueven H, Li K*, Shu N* (2012) Altered topological organization of white matter structural networks in patients with neuromyelitis optica. PLoS ONE 7(11): e4884. Shu N, Liang Y, Li H, Zhang J, Li X, Wang L, He Y, Wang Y, Zhang Z (2012) Disrupted topological organization in white matter structural networks in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: relationship to subtype. Radiology 265(2): 518-527. Bai F#, Shu N#, Yuan Y, Shi Y, Yu H, Wu D, He Y, Zhang Z (2012) Topologically convergent and divergent structural connectivity patterns between patients with remitted geriatric depression and amnestic mild cognitive impairment. J Neurosci 32(12): 4307-4318. (Cover paper) Liu Y, Duan Y, He Y, Butzkueven H, Wang J, Yu C, Dong H, Ye J, Li K*, Shu N* (2012) A tract-based diffusion study of cerebral white matter in neuromyelitis optica reveals widespread pathological alterations. Mult Scler 18(7):1013-1021. Liu Y, Duan Y, He Y, Yu C, Wang J, Huang J, Ye J, Parizel P, Li K*, Shu N* (2012) Whole brain white matter changes revealed by multiple diffusion metrics in multiple sclerosis: a TBSS study. Eur J Radiol 81(10): 2826-2832. Shu N, Liu Y, Li K, Duan Y, Wang J, Yu C, Dong H, Ye J, He Y (2011) Diffusion tensor tractography reveals disrupted topological efficiency in white matter structural networks in multiple sclerosis. Cereb Cortex 21:2565-2577. (Cover paper) Shu N, Wang Z, Qi Z, Li K, He Y (2011) Multiple diffusion indices reveals white matter degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a tract-based spatial statistics study. J Alzheimers Dis 26:275-285.
