Processing two languages with one brain
Dang Q., Ma F., Yuan Q., Fu Y., Chen K., Zhang Z., Lu C., Guo T. (2023). Processing negative emotion in two languages of bilinguals: Accommodation and assimilation of the neural pathways based on a meta-analysis. Cerebral Cortex. bhad121.
Kang C., Ma F., Li S., Guo T. (2023). Bilingual language control adapts to language switching training: More ERP evidence from late unbalanced bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics. 101141.
Wu Y., Dang Q, Zhang Z, Zhang H, Guo T. (2023). Multivariate decoding methods reveal how speaking two dialects affects executive functions. European Journal of Neuroscience.
Yuan, Q., Li, H., Du, B., Dang, Q., Chang, Q., Zhang, Z., Zhang, M., Ding, G., Lu, C., & Guo, T. (2022). The cerebellum and cognition: further evidence for its role in language control. Cerebral Cortex, 33, 35-49.
Wu, J., Zhang, M., Dang Q.P., Chang Q.W., Yuan, Q., Zhang, Z., Lu, C., Ding, G., & Guo, T. (2022). Nonverbal cognitive control training increases the efficiency of frontal-subcortical collaboration for bilingual language control. Neuropsychologia, 169, 108204.
Zinszer B D, Yuan Q., Zhang Z, Chandrasekaran B, & Guo T* (2022). Continuous speech tracking in bilinguals reflects adaptation to both language and noise. Brain and Language, 230.
Zhang H., Diaz M. T., Guo T., Kroll J. F. (2021). Language immersion and language training: Two paths to enhanced language regulation and cognitive control. Brain and Language, 223, 105043.
Chen M, Ma F, Zhang Z, Li S., Zhang M., Yuan Q., Wu J., Lu C, & Guo T* (2021). Language switching training modulates the neural network of non-linguistic cognitive control. PLoS One. 2021;16(4): e0247100.
Wu Y., Chen M, Thierry G, Fu Y, Wu J, Guo T*. (2021). Inhibitory control training reveals a common neurofunctional basis for generic executive functions and language switching in bilinguals. BMC Neuroscience, 22(1): 36.
Zhang Z , Yuan Q , Liu Z , Zhang M., Ding G., Lu C, & Guo T*. (2021). The Cortical Organization of Writing Sequence: Evidence From Observing Chinese Characters in Motion. Brain Structure and Function, 226:1627–1639.
Yuan Q., Wu J., Zhang M., Zhang Z., Chen M., Ding G., Lu C, & Guo T*. (2021). Patterns and networks of language control in bilingual language production. Brain Structure and Function, 226 (4): 226, 963-977.
Yuan Q., Ma F., Zhang M., Chen M., Zhang Z., Wu J., Lu C, & Guo T*. (2021). Neural interaction between language control and cognitive control: Evidence from cross-task adaptation. Behavioural Brain Research, 401(5):113086.
Li S., Botezatu M. R., Zhang M., Guo T*. (2021). Different inhibitory control components predicts different levels of language control in bilinguals. Memory & Cognition, 49, 758-770.
Zhang M., Li S., Ma F., Kang C., & Guo T*. (2021). Mixed language training enhances proactive language control in bilingual language production. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36, 152-166.
Pelzl E., Lau E.F., Guo T., & Dekeyser R. (2021). Even in the best-case scenario L2 learners have persistent difficulty perceiving and utilizing tones in Mandarin: Findings from behavioral and ERP experiments. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 43(2), 268-296.
Pelzl E., Carlson M. T., Guo T., Jackson C. N., van Hell J. G. (2021). Tuning out tone errors? Native listeners do not down-weight tones when hearing unsystematic tone errors in foreign-accented Mandarin. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 24, 215-222.
Pelzl, E. , Lau, E. F. , Jackson, S. R. , Guo, T. , & Gor, K. . (2021). Behavioral and neural responses to tone errors in foreign-accented mandarin. Language Learning, 71, 414-452.
Botezatu, M. R., Guo, T., Kroll, J., Peterson, S., & Garcia, D. (2021). Sources of variation in second and native language speaking proficiency among college-aged second language learners. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-26.
Botezatu M. R., Kroll J. F., Trachsel M., Guo T. (2021). Discourse fluency modulates spoken word recognition in monolingual and L2 speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1–14.
Botezatu, M. R., Kroll, J., Trachsel M., Guo, T. (2020). Second language immersion impacts native language lexical production and comprehension. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.
Wu J., Zhang Z., Chen M., Yuan Q., Zhang M., Yang J., Lu C., & Guo T.* (2020). Language context tunes brain network for language control in bilingual language production. Neuropsychologia,147, 107592.
Kang C., Ma F., Li S., Kroll J.F., & Guo T.* (2020). Domain-general inhibition ability predicts real-time inhibition on non-target language in bilingual word production: An ERP study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 23(5), 1056-1069.
Chen M., Ma F., Wu J., Li S., Zhang Z., Fu Y., Lu C., & Guo T.*(2020).Individual differences in language proficiency shape the neural plasticity of language control in bilingual language production. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 54, 100887.
Ma F., Ai H., Xiao T., Guo T.*, Pae H. K. (2020). Speech Perception in a Second Language: Hearing is Believing -- Seeing is Not. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 881-890.
Jiang N., L, M., & Guo T. (2020). A tale of two frequency effects: Toward a verification model of L2 word recognition. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(1), 215-236.
Wu J., Yang J., Chen M., Li S., Zhang Z., Kang C., Ding G., & Guo T.* (2019). Brain Network Reconfiguration for Language and Domain-general Cognitive Control in Bilinguals. NeuroImage, 199, 454-465.
Pelzl E., Lau E.F., Guo T., & Dekeyser R. (2018). Advanced second language learners' perception of lexical tone contrasts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-28.
Wu J., Kang C., Ma F., Gao X., & Guo T.* (2018). The influence of short-term language switching training on the plasticity of the cognitive control mechanism in bilingual word production. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 2115-2128.
Kang C., Ma F., & Guo T.* (2018). The plasticity of lexical selection mechanism in word production: Event-related potential evidence from short-term language switching training in unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21, 296-313.
Wu J., Liu H., Lu D., & Guo T. * (2018). The neural overlap and dissociation between language control and domain-general cognitive control. Scientia Sinica.
Fu Y., Lu D., Kang C. Wu J., Ma F., Ding G., & Guo T.* (2017). Neural correlates for naming disadvantage of the dominant language in bilingual word production. Brain and Language, 175, 123-129.
Kang C., Fu Y., Wu J., Ma F., Lu C., & Guo T.* (2017). Short-term Language Switching Training Tunes the Neural Correlates of Cognitive Control in Bilingual Language Production, Human Brain Mapping, 38, 5859-5870.
Ma F., Chen P., Guo T., & Kroll J. F. (2017). When late second language learners access the meaning of L2 words: Using ERPs to investigate the role of the L1 translation equivalent. Journal of Neurolinguistics. 41, 50-69.
Guo T., & Kang C. (2016). The locus of cross-language activation: ERP evidence from unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals. In J. W. Schwieter (Editor), Cognitive Control and Consequences of Multilingualism. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Wu Y., Zhang H., & Guo T.* (2016). Does speaking two dialects in daily life affect executive functions? An event-related potential study. PLoS One, 11, e0150492. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150492.
Ma F., Li S., & Guo T.* (2016). Reactive and proactive control in bilingual word production: An investigation of influential factors. Journal of Memory and Language, 86, 35-59.
Chen P., Lin J., Chen B., Lu C., & Guo T.* (2015). Processing emotional words in two languages with one brain: ERP and fMRI evidence from Chinese-English bilinguals. Cortex, 71, 34-48.
Zhang, H., Kang, C., Wu, Y., Ma, F., & Guo, T.* (2015). Improving proactive control with training on language switching in bilinguals. NeuroReport, 26, 354-359.
Li L., Abutalebi J., Zou L., Yan X., Liu L., Feng X., Wang R., Guo T., & Ding G. (2015). Bilingualism alters brain functional connectivity between "control" regions and "language" regions: evidence from bimodal bilinguals. Neuropsychologia, 71, 236-247.
Guo, T.*, Ma, F., & Liu, F. (2013). An ERP study of inhibition of non-target languages in trilingual word production. Brain and Language, 127, 12–20.
Guo, T.*, Liu, F., Chen, B., & Li, S. (2013). Inhibition of non-target languages in multilingual word production: Evidence from Uighur-Chinese-English trilinguals. Acta Psychologica, 143, 277-283.
Guo, T. *, Misra, M., Tam, J. W., & Kroll, J. F. (2012). On the time course of accessing meaning in a second language: An electrophysiological and behavioral investigation of translation recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38, 1165-1186.
Misra, M., Guo, T. *, Bobb, S. C., & Kroll, J. F. (2012). When bilinguals choose a single word to speak: Electrophysiological evidence for inhibition of the native language. Journal of Memory and Language, 67, 224-237.
Guo, T. *, Liu, H., Misra, M., & Kroll, J. F. (2011). Local and global inhibition in bilingual word production: fMRI evidence from Chinese–English bilinguals. NeuroImage, 56, 2300-2309.
Dowens M.G., Guo T., Guo J., Barber H., Carreiras M. (2011). Gender and number processing in Chineselearners of Spanish–Evidence from Event Related Potentials. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1651-1659.
van Heuven W.J.B., Conklin K., Coderre E.L., Guo T., & Dijkstra T. (2011). The influence of cross-language similarity on within- and between-language Stroop effects in trilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology, 2( 374).
Liu H., Hu Z., Guo T.*, & Peng D. (2010). Speaking words in two languages with one brain: Neural overlap and dissociation. Brain Research, 1316, 75-82.
Guo J., Guo T.*, Yan Y., Jiang N., & Peng D. (2009). ERP evidence for different strategies employed by native speakers and L2 learners in sentence processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 22, 123-134.
Kroll J. F., Bobb S.C., Misra M., & Guo T. (2008). Language selection in bilingual speech: Evidence for inhibitory processes. Acta Psychologica, 128, 416-430.
Guo T., & Peng D. (2007). Speaking words in the second language: from semantics to phonology in 170 milliseconds. Neuroscience Research, 57, 387-392.
Guo T., & Peng D. (2006). ERP evidence for parallel activation of two languages in bilingual speech production. NeuroReport, 17, 1757-1760.
Li R., Peng D., Guo T., Wei J., & Wang C. (2004). The similarity and difference of N400 potentials elicited by Chinese and English. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 46, 1-17.
Guo, T., & Peng D. (2003). The accessing mechanism of the less proficient Chinese-English bilinguals’ conceptual representation. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 36, 23-28.
Li, R., Peng, D., & Guo, T. (2003). A study on Chinese and English semantic access with ERP technology, Acta Psychologica Sinica, 36, 309-316.
Other topics
Zhang S., Zhang D., Wu J., Zhao L., Guo T. (2021). Who is "oneself" in Chinese? ERP responses to the Chinese simple reflexive ziji in discourse comprehension. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 58.
Chen M., Wu Y., Wu J., Fu Y., Li S., Liu H., Lu C., & Guo T.* (2019). Individual differences in inhibitory control abilities modulate the functional neuroplasticity of inhibitory control. Brain Structure and Function, 224, 2357-2371.
Chen P., Chen B., Munte T., Lu C., & Guo T*. (2019). A cross-cultural study of the neural correlates of processing the emotions in words. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 51, 111-120.
Xu X., Kang C., & Guo T. * (2019). Brain electrophysiological responses to emotion nouns versus emotionless nouns. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 49, 144-154.
Wei D., Gillon Dowens M., & Guo T. (2018). Early lexical processing of Chinese words indexed by Visual Mismatch Negativity effects. Scientific Report, 8, 1289.
Xu X., Kang C., Pascucci D., & Guo T*. (2018). The relationship between semantic access and introspective awareness. Brain and Cognition, 123, 46-57.
Zhang M., Ge Y., Kang C., Guo T.*, & Peng D. (2018). ERP evidence for the contribution of meaning complexity underlying emotional word processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 45, 110-118.
Xu X., Kang C., Sword K., & Guo T. (2017). Are Emotions Abstract or Concrete? An ERP Study on Affect Representations. Experimental Psychology, 64, 315-324.
Xu X., Kang C., & Guo T. (2016). Imageability and semantic association in the representation and processing of event verbs. Cognitive Processing, 17, 175-184.
Lu D., Zhang H., Kang C., & Guo T.* (2016). ERP evidence for the relationship between intelligence and cognitive control. NeuroReport, 27, 379-383.
Guo X., Wang Y., Guo T., Chen K., Zhang J., Li K., Jin Z., & Yao L. (2015). Structural Covariance Networks Across Healthy Young Adults and Their Consistency. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 42, 261-268.
Zhang M., & Guo T.* (2014). Event-related brain potentials differentiate three types of emotional words categorized from linguistic perspective. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 31, 17-27.
Dillon B., Chow W.Y., Wagers M., Guo T.*, Liu F., & Phillips C. (2014). The structure-sensitivity of memory access: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 5(1025).
Xu X., Kang C., & Guo T*. (2014). The Effects of Gender and Self-Insight on Early Semantic Processing. PloS One, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0114421.
Xiang M., Dillon B., Wagers M., Liu F., & Guo T*. (2014). Processing Covert Dependencies: an SAT Study on Mandarin wh-in-situ Questions. Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 23, 207-232.
Guo, T., Chen M., & Peng D. (2012). Emotional states modulate the recognition potential during word processing. PLos One, 7, e47083.
Schacht A., Adler N., Chen P., Guo T., & Sommer W. (2012). Association with positive outcome induces early effects in event-related brain potentials. Biological Psychology, 89, 130- 136.
Lu C., Chen C., Ning N., Ding G., Guo T., Peng D., Yang Y., Li K., & Lin C. (2010). The Neural Substrates for Atypical Planning and Execution of Word Production in Stuttering. Experimental Neurology, 221, 146-156.
Guo T.,Qi Z., Peng D., & Yan Y. (2008). An ERP study of the neural correlates of processing Chinese content words and function words. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21, 267-275.
Ma Z., Guo T., Peng D., & Yan Y. (2007). ERP evidence for neural dissociation of processing Chinese nouns and verbs. Progress in Natural Science, 17, 77-80.
Guo T., Peng D., & Liu Y. (2005). The Role of Phonological Activation in the Visual Semantic Retrieval of Chinese Characters, Cognition, 98, B21-B34.