Zhou, N., Liang, Y., Cao, H., Chen, Y., Lin, X., & Zhang, J. (2021). Body mass index and internalizing symptoms from early childhood through early adolescence: Trend of codevelopment and directionality. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.13474 (SSCI, Q1)
Liang, Y., Zhou, N., Cao, H., Li, J. B., Dou, K., Wu, F., Liu, Q., Wu, Q., Nie, Y., Ning, Z., & Wang, G. (2021). Configuration of parent-reported and adolescent-perceived career-related parenting practice and adolescents’ career development: A person-centered, longitudinal analysis of Chinese parent–adolescent dyads. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-021-02135-7 (SSCI, Q2)
Liang, Y., Tudge, J. R., Cao, H., Freitas, L. B., Chen, Y., & Zhou, N. (2021). Gratitude as a moral virtue: a psychometric evaluation of the Gratitude Assessment Questionnaire in Chinese children. Applied Developmental Science. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2021.1941964 (SSCI, Q2)
Zhang, M. -C., Wang, L. –X., Dou, K.*, & Liang, Y*. (2021). Why victimized by peer promotes cyberbullying in college students? Testing a moderated mediation model in a three-wave longitudinal study. Current Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02047-1 (SSCI, Q1) *通讯作者
Cao, H., Ma, R., Li, X., Liang, Y., Wu, Q., Chi, P., Li, J-B., & Zhou, N. (2020). Childhood emotional maltreatment and adulthood romantic relationship well-being: a multilevel, meta-analytic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/1524838020975895 (SSCI, Q1)
Du, H., Liang, Y., Chi, P., & King, R. B. (2021). Chinese perceive upward social mobility: How future mobility is influenced, but not limited by past mobility. International Journal of Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijop.12771 (SSCI, Q3)
Liang, Y., Cao, H., Zhou, N., Li, J., & Zhang, L. (2020). Early home learning environment predicts early adolescents' adjustment through cognitive abilities in middle childhood. Journal of Family Psychology, 34, 905–917. doi:10.1037/fam0000675 (SSCI, Q2)
Liang, Y., Zhou, N., Dou, K., Cao, H., Li, J., Wu, Q., Liang, Y. X., Lin, Z., & Nie, Y. (2020). Career-related parental behaviors, adolescents’ consideration of future consequences, and career adaptability: A three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67, 208–221. doi: 10.1037/cou0000413. (SSCI, Q1)
Liang, Y., Tudge, J., Mokrova, I., Freitas, B. L., Mer?on-Vargas, E., Mendon?a, S. E., O’Brien, L., Cao, H., & Zhou, N. (2019). Measuring parents’ developmental goals for their children: Updating Ka??t??ba??’s approach to autonomy–relatedness in the United States and China. Current Psychology. doi:10.1007/s12144-019-00421-8 (SSCI, Q1)
Liang, Y., & Kiang, L. (2018). Expressions of gratitude, wishes, and spending preferences among Chinese children and adolescents. Cross-cultural Research, 52, 73-86. doi:10.1177/1069397117737236 (SSCI, Q3)
Cao, H.#, Liang, Y.#, & Zhou, N. (2020). Proximal interpersonal processes in early childhood, socioemotional capacities in middle childhood, and behavioral and social adaptation in early adolescence: A process model toward greater specificity. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 1395-1410. doi: 10.1007/s10802-020-00696-7 (SSCI, Q1) #共同一作
Cao, H.#, Liang, Y.#, & Zhou, N. (2020). Early Tobacco Smoke Exposure, Preschool Cool/Hot Inhibitory Control, and Young Adolescents’ Externalizing/Internalizing Problems. Journal of Family Psychology. doi:10.1037/fam0000739 (SSCI, Q1) #共同一作
Cao, H., Liang, Y., Li, X., Zhu, L., Wu, L., Liu, H., Jiang, L. J., Zhou, N., & Zhang, J. (2020). Childhood maltreatment and affective symptoms and severity of drug addiction among Chinese male drug users: Variable-centered and person-centered approaches. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. doi: 10.1080/10926771.2020.1796874 (SSCI, Q3)
Cao, H., Zhou, N., Fine, M., Liang, Y., Li, J., & Mills-Koonce, W. R. (2017). Sexual minority stress and same-sex relationship well-being: A meta-analysis of research prior to the U.S. nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79, 1258-1277. doi:10.1111/jomf.12415 (SSCI, Q1)
O’Brien, L., Liang, Y., Mer?on-Vargas, E., Price, U., & Leon, E. (2018). Relations between parents’ and children’s gratitude. In J. Tudge, & L. Freitas (Eds.), Developing gratitude in children and adolescents (pp. 177-198). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Tudge, J., Mer?on-Vargas, E., Liang, Y., & Payir, A. (2017). The importance of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory for early childhood educators and early childhood education. In L. Cohen & S. Stupiansky (Eds.), Theories of early childhood education: Developmental, behaviorist, and critical (pp. 45-57). New York: Routledge.