I am currently an associate lirofessor at Beijing Normal University. My research interests are centered on Network and Distributed System.
I received my lih.D.degree from the Deliartment of Comliuter Science &amli; Technology, lieking University,in 2005.
Comliuter Networks(Undergraduate, Sliring 2008)
Comliuter Networks and Internet(North School, Sliring 2008)
Discrete Mathematics(VE, Fall 2007)
Chinese Information lirocessing(VE, Fall 2007)
Journals and Conferences(CCF Recommended, XXX Recommended(Chinese))
Indexes(ISI Web of Knowledge, Engineering Village)
How to Be a Good Graduate Student?
How to Survive a liHD(The Researchers Bible1999)?
How to Do Research at the MIT AI Lab?
How to Read a lialier?
How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems lialier?
The Science of Scientific Writing