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赵志文,男,北京航空航天大学通信与信息系统博士、博士后,2003年至2005年新加坡南洋理工大学、新加坡-MIT联盟RESEARCH FELLOW。北京师范大学人工智能学院教授,博士生导师,北京师范大学网络安全与保密通讯重点实验室主任,北京师范大学智能工程与教育应用研究中心主任,北京师范大学微课教学研究中心主任,北京航空航天大学兼职教授。现任北京师范大学珠海分校信息技术学院院长,院学术委员会主任。 曾主持国家自然基金、国家863、总装备部、航天部等横纵向课题30多项,主要研究方向为网络信息安全、量子信息与安全量子协议、测控技术等,发表学术论文80多篇,其中,SCI检索16篇,EI或ISTP检索40多篇,获得国家专利4项。 获奖情况 2018年12月,广东省计算机学会科学技术三等奖




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Ling Xu, Zhiwen Zhao. “High-capacity quantum private comparison protocol with two-photon hyperentangled Bell states in multiple-degree of freedom[J]”, The European Physical Journal D, 2019, 73(3): 58. Shihui Nan, Wei Wei, Huaqing Wu, Jinrong Zou, Zhiwen Zhao, “The fingerprint recognition of server based on KNNand GBDT”, Computer Science, No. 8, Vol 45, 2018, pp. 141-145. Ling Xu, Zhiwen Zhao, “Quantum private comparison protocol based on the entanglement swapping between chi ^+ state and W-Class state”, Quantum Information Processing,2017, Volume 16, Issue 12, article id.302, 15 pp. Ling Xu, Zhiwen Zhao, “A Robust and Efficient Quantum Private Comparison of Equality Based on the Entangled Swapping of GHZ-like State and χ + State”, 《International Journal of Theoretical Physics》,2017, 56 (8):2671-2685. L Xu, J Wang, H Ahmed, Z Zhao,“A new quantum private comparison protocol”,Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers?, 2017 , 10464 :27. W Chen,C Zhao,G Dai,Z Zhao, “A partially flexible virtual trailer link model for vehicle-following systems”,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement & Control, 2014, 37(2):273-281. Qinting Han, Wenqiu Yu, Yaoyao Zhang, and Zhiwen Zhao, “Modeling and Evaluating of Typical Advanced Peer-to-Peer Botnet”, Performance Evaluation, 72 (2014) 1–15. 刘英莎,余文秋,苏雯,李英男,赵志文,“一种增强的OAEP方案EAEP3+”,计算机学报,2014年第5期。 HaimingLong,ZhiwenZhao,XiaodongXiong,QintingHan,YongWang,"Reliable Quantum Teleportation Based on Quantum Dense Coding", Journal of Optics Application,2013年V2(3) pp. 43-49. Yi Luo, Zhiwen Zhao, Haiming Long, Wen Su, Yixian Yang, "The loophole of the improved secure quantum sealed-bid auction with post-confirmation and solution", Quantum Inf Process, (2013) 12:295–302. Haiming Long, Zhiwen Zhao*, Xiaodong Xiong, Qinting Han,Yong Wang,"Reliable Quantum Teleportation Based on Quantum Dense Coding", Journal of Optics Application,2013年V2(3) pp. 43-49. Sheng Mou, Zhiwen Zhao, Sisi Jiang, Zushun Wu, and Jiaojiao Zhu, “Feature extraction and classification algorithm for detecting complex covert timing channel”, COSE, Vol.31, No.01 (2012 ), pp. 70-82. Sisi Jiang, Zhiwen Zhao, ShengMou, ZushunWu, and Yi Luo, “Linear Decision Fusion under the Control of Constrained PSO for WSNs,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2012. GUO-AI XU, ZHI-WEN ZHAO, XIU-BO CHEN, and YI-XIAN YANG,“CRYPTANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE SECURE QUANTUM SEALED-BID AUCTION WITH POSTCONFIRMATION,” International Journal of Quantum Information, Vol. 9, No. 6 (2011) 1383_1392. Yi Luo, Zhiwen Zhao, Zhangji Zhao, Haiming Long, “A secure quantum key distribution scheme based on variable quantum encoding algorithms,” Chinese Optics Letters, March 10,2011, V.9, No.3. Zhiwen Zhao, Mosayeb Naseri, Yuanqing Zheng, ”Secure Quantum Sealed-Bid Auction with Post-Confirmation,” Optics Communications, 283 (2010). Yuanqing Zheng, Zhiwen Zhao, “Comment on: ‘Secure quantum sealed-bid auction’ ” ,Optics Communications,Volume 282, Issue 20, Oct. 2009.


2003年至2005年担任新加坡-MIT联合实验室技术委员会委员,《智能电网》杂志编委,ACM/CCF高级会员,IEEE会员,北京市教育考试院考试委员,中国人生科学学会教育评价专业委员会会长,珠海市软件行业协会理事,珠海市工业设计协会副会长,珠海市服务外包专家,珠海市创业导师。OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS、QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING、INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION 等国际期刊论文评审,中国自动化学报、计算机学报、电子学报等期刊论文评审。多次组织参加国际会议,并担任分委会主席、副主席等职
