Junqi Guo, Lan Yang, Anton Umek, etc. A Random Forest-Based Accuracy Prediction Model for Augmented Biofeedback in a Precision Shooting Training System. Sensors, 20(16), 2020, https://doi.org/10.3390/s20164512. (SCI检索, IF=3.427)
Guo Junqi, Shen Guicheng, Su Yichen, etc. Field of experts optimization-based noisy image retrieval. Software: Practice and Experience, DOI:10.1002/spe.2788, 2020. (SCI检索, IF=1.931)
Guo Junqi, Li Chuyang, Zhang Guangzhi, etc. Blockchain-Enabled Digital Rights Management For Multimedia Resources of Online Education, Multimedia Tools and Applications, V?olume 79, Issue 15-16, pp:9735-9755, APR 2020. (SCI检索, IF=2.313)
Junqi Guo, Yazhu Dai, Chixiang Wang, etc. A physiological data-driven model for learners' cognitive load detection using HRV-PRV feature fusion and optimized XGBoost classification, Software: Practice and Experience, July 30, 2019, DOI:10.1002/spe.2730. (SCI检索, IF=1.931)
Junqi Guo, Lan Yang, Rongfang Bie, etc. An XGBoost-based physical fitness evaluation model using advanced feature selection and Bayesian hyper-parameter optimization for wearable running monitoring, Computer Networks, Volume 151, 14 March 2019, pp: 166-180. (SCI检索, IF=2.589)
Guo Junqi, Zhou Xi, Sun Yunchuan, etc. Smartphone-Based Patients' Activity Recognition by Using a Self-Learning Scheme for Medical Monitoring, Journal of Medical Systems, 2016.6, 40(6). (SCI检索, IF=2.398)
Guo Junqi, Xie Xiaobo, Bie Rongfang, etc. Structural health monitoring by using a sparse coding-based deep learning algorithm with wireless sensor networks, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2014, 18(8): 1977~1987. (SCI检索, IF= 2.215)
Guo Junqi, Zhang Hongyang, Sun Yunchuan, Bie Rongfang. Square-root unscented Kalman filtering-based localization and tracking in the Internet of Things, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2014, 18(4): 987~996. (SCI检索, IF= 2.215)
Yu Xiao, Han Congcong, Guo Junqi(corresponding author), etc. The role of superior image composition in children's analogical reasoning, Software: Practice and Experience, Nov. 2019, DOI: 10.1002/spe.2767. (SCI检索, IF=1.931)
Hao Wu, Yueli Li, Jie Xiong, Xiaohan Bi, Linna Zhang, Rongfang Bie, Junqi Guo (corresponding author). Weighted-learning-instance-based retrieval model using instance distance, Machine Vision and Applications, October 2018, pp: 1-14. (SCI检索, IF=1.971)
Wu Hao, Bie Rongfang, Guo Junqi (corresponding author), Meng Xin, Wang Shenling. Optimized CNN Based Image Recognition through Target Region Selection, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2018, 156: 772~777. (SCI检索, IF= 1.191)
Wang Shengling, Li Luyun, Sun Weiman, Guo Junqi (corresponding author), Bie Rongfang, Lin Kai. Context Sensing System Analysis for Privacy Preservation Based on Game Theory, SENSORS, 17(2), 2017. (SCI检索, IF=3.014)
Wu Hao, Bie Rongfang, Guo Junqi (corresponding author), Meng Xin, Zhang Chenyun. CNN refinement based object recognition through optimized segmentation, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 150: 76~82, 2017. (SCI检索, IF= 1.191)
Xu Shuaijing, Guo Junqi, Zhang Guangzhi. Automated Detection of Multiple Lesions on Chest X-ray Images: Classification Using a Neural Network Technique with Association-Specific Contexts. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, Vol.10, Issue 5, MAR 2020. (SCI检索, IF= 2.474)
Xiaocui Li, Zhangbing Zhou, Junqi Guo, etc. Aggregated multi-attribute query processing in edge computing for industrial IoT applications. Computer Networks, Volume 151, 14 March 2019, pp: 114-123. (SCI检索, IF=2.589)
Xiaohan Bi, Hao Wu, Huating Xu, Rongfang Bie, Junqi Guo. Sparse Coding Based Multi-Option Semantic Composition. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Available online 2 February 2019. (SCI检索, IF= 1.191)
Hao Wu, Rongfang Bie, Junqi Guo, etc. Semantic Constraint Based Target Object Recognition. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 156: 791-796, 2018. (SCI检索, IF= 1.191)
Hao Wu, Rongfang Bie, Junqi Guo, etc. Sparse coding based few learning instances for image retrieval. Multimedia Tools and Applications, July 2018, pp: 1-15. (SCI检索, IF= 1.541)
Junqi Guo, Ke Shan, Hao Wu, etc. Research on Facial Expression Recognition Technology Based on Convolutional-Neural-Network Structure. International Journal of Software Innovation (IJSI), Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, pp: 103-116. (ESCI检索)
Yu Zehui, Zhao Hang, Guo Cheng, Guo Junqi (corresponding author). A LSTM Network-based Learners' Monitoring Model for Academic Self-efficacy Evaluation Using EEG Signal Analysis, 2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA), 2020, pp: 154-159. (EI检索)
Zhang Jianqi, Niu Yifan, Bai Ludi, Guo Cheng, Hu Yujie, Guo Junqi (corresponding author). Design and Implementation of a Face Recognition System Based on Edge Computing, IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems(ICPICS), 2019, pp: 363-366, July 2019. (EI检索)
Li Chuyang, Guo Junqi (corresponding author), etc. A blockchain system for E-learning assessment and certification, IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT), 2019. (EI检索)
Guo Cheng, Hu Yujie, Niu Yifan, Guo Junqi (corresponding author). A Novel Reading and Writing Posture Reminding System based on Kalman Filtering Preprocessing and Neural Network Classification, IEEE International Symposium on Measurements and Networking, 2019. (EI检索)
Lan Yang, Junqi Guo (corresponding author), Yazhu Dai, etc. A Gradient-Boosting-Regression based Physical Health Evaluation Model for Running Monitoring by Using a Wearable Smartband System. The 13th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA 2018), Tianjin, China, June 20-22, 2018. (CCF-C类会议, EI检索)
Ke Shan, Junqi Guo (corresponding author), Wenwan You, etc. Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Based on a Deep Convolutional-Neural-Network Structure. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Research (SERA 2017), London, UK, June 7-9, 2017. (EI检索)
Wenwan You, Junqi Guo (corresponding author), Ke Shan, etc. Research on Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction for FBMC-Based 5G Transmission, The 1st EAI International Conference on 5G for Future Wireless Networks (5GWN 2017), Beijing, China, April 21-23, 2017. (中国通信学会推荐会议, EI检索)
Zhang Xiguang, Shang Yong, Yan Shiwei, Li Dehuai, Guo Junqi. Adaptive Power and Access Control for Physical Security of Heterogeneous Cellular Network, 35th IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2016), Baltimore, USA, Nov.1-3, 2016. (中国通信学会推荐会议, EI检索)
Zhong Zhipeng; Guo Junqi (corresponding author). Bit error rate analysis of a MIMO-generalized frequency division multiplexing scheme for 5th generation cellular systems, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT 2016), Harbin, China, Aug.20-22, 2016. (EI检索)
Zhou Xi, Guo Junqi (corresponding author), Bie Rongfang. Deep learning based Affective Model for Speech Emotion Recognition, 13th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Toulouse, France, July 18-21, 2016. (EI检索)
Lu Di, Guo Junqi (corresponding author), Zhou Xi, etc. Self-learning Based Motion Recognition Using Sensors Embedded in a Smartphone for Mobile Healthcare, 11th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA 2016), Bozeman, USA, Aug.8-10, 2016. (CCF-C类会议, EI检索)
《物联网架构——物联网技术与社会影响》, 别荣芳, 孙运传, 郭俊奇, 王慎玲等译,科学出版社, 字数:394万, 2013年1月.