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教育经历(大学起) 本科(2002-2006):安徽农业大学 环境科学 硕士(2007-2010):湖南大学 环境工程 博士(2010-2015):柏林洪堡大学 应用分析与环境化学 工作经历(大学起) 2015.03-2015.11 柏林洪堡大学 博士后 2016.03-至今: 南京工业大学环境科学与工程学院, 副教授 科研项目 1. 筛选诊断卡马西平环境污染的特异性生物标志物,江苏省自然科学基金,2016-2019,主持 2. 卡马西平对水生生态毒理研究,南京工业大学自选课题,2017-2020,主持 3. 合成水中低碳含氧有机物高效提取与水资源化技术开发及中试验证,“十三五”国家重点研发,2017-2021,参与 奖励及荣誉 江苏省“双创博士”入选者





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(1) EI-Khatib AH#, He Y.#, Esteban-Fernandez D., Linscheid M.W.*, Application of higher energy collisional dissociation (HCD) to the fragmentation of new DOTA-based labels and N-termini DOTA-labeled peptides, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2017, 52(8):543-549. (2) Yide He, Diego Esteban-Fernandez, Boris Neumann, Ulf Bergmann, Frank Bierkandt, Michael W. Linscheid*, Application of MeCAT-Click labeling for protein abundance characterization of E.coli after heat shock experiments, Journal of Proteomics, 2016, 136, 68-76. (3) Yide He, Diego Esteban-Fernandez, Michael W. Linscheid*, Novel approach for labeling of biopolymers with DOTA complexes using in situ click chemistry for quantification, Talanta, 2015, 134(134), 468-475. (4) Yide He, Yunbo Zhai*, Caiting Li, Fang Yang, Lin Chen, Xiaopeng Fan, Wenfeng Peng, Zongmin Fu, The fate of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd during the pyrolysis of sewage sludge at different temperatures, Environmental Technology, 2010, 31(5), 567-574. (5) Wei Zhang, Caiting Li*, Xianxun Wei, Hongliang Gao, Qingbo Wen, Xiaopeng Fan, Guangming Zeng, Wei Wei, Yunbo Zhai, Yide He, Shanhong Li, Effects of cake collapse caused by deposition of fractal aggregates on pressure drop during ceramic filtration, Environmental Science and Technology, 2011, 45(10), 4415-4421. (6) Fang Yang, Yunbo Zhai*, Lin Chen, Caiting Li, Guangming Zeng, Yide He, Zongmin Fu, Wenfeng Peng, The seasonal changes and spatial trends of particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the summer and autumn in Changsha city. Atmospheric Research, 2010, 96(1): 122-130.
