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Hall B., Piterman N., Hajnal A., and Fisher J., Emergent Stem Cell Homeostasis in The C. elegans Germline Revealed by Hybrid Modelling, in Biophysical Journal, 109:428-438, July 2015. Chuang R., Benque D., Cook B., Hall B.A., Ishtiaq S., Piterman N., Taylor A., Vardi M., Koschmieder S., Gottgens B. and Fisher J. Drug Target Optimization in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Using an Innovative Computational Platform. Scientific Reports, 5:8190, 2015. Moignard V., Woodhouse S., Haghverdi L., Lilly J, Tanaka Y, Wilkinson A.C, Buettner F., Nishikawa S.I., Piterman N., Kouskoff V., Theis F.J., Fisher J., G?ttgens B. Decoding the Transcriptional Program for Blood Development from Whole Tissue Single Cell Gene Expression Measurements. Nature Biotechnology, 2015. Nusser-Stein S., Beyer A., Rimann I., Adamczyk M., Piterman N., Hajnal A., and Fisher J., Cell-Cycle Regulation of Notch Signaling during C. elegans Vulval Development, in Molecular Systems Biology, 8:618, 2012. Schaub M.A., Henzinger, T.A., & Fisher J. Qualitative Networks: A Symbolic Approach to Analyze Biological Signaling Networks. BMC Systems Biology. 1:4, 2007. Fisher J., Piterman N., Hajnal A., & Henzinger, T.A. Predictive Modeling of Signaling Crosstalk during C. elegans Vulval Development. PLoS Computational Biology. 3(5):e92, 2007. Fisher J. and Henzinger T.A., Executable Cell Biology, in Nature Biotechnology, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1239-1249, 2007. Fisher J., Piterman N., Hubbard J., Stern M., & Harel D. Computational insights into C. elegans vulval development. PNAS 102(6):1951-1956, 2005.
