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2014: PhD in Conservation Biology, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), PhD thesis: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Protected Areas for maintaining Biodiversity, securing habitats, and reducing threats. Supervisor: Professor Neil D. Burgess 2008: MSc Biology. University of Copenhagen (Denmark) 2005: BSc Biology. University of Copenhagen (Denmark) 2016–present: Research fellow in the Conservation Science Group. Dept. Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK). Funded by the Carlsberg foundation, the Villum Foundation and the EU Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Individual Fellowships program 2014–2015: Postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) (3/4 full time) 2014–2015: Consultant for the World Bank’s Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (1/4 full time) 2009-2010: Research assistant at the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) 2009-2010: High school biology teacher at Det Frie Gymnasium, Copenhagen, Denmark


My work focuses on understanding pressures and threats to protected areas and how globally applied management effectiveness tools like the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) can be used to inform what makes protected areas effective in reducing human pressure. I also work on evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas internationally combining management effectiveness data with data on changes in biodiversity outcomes. My research builds on a strong tradition of mapping human pressure using remotely-sensed data (e.g. the Human Footprint) to explore patterns of effectiveness across the globe. I am also interested in understanding how pressure as measured by remote sensed data, which often represents drivers or sources of pressure can be combined with on the ground perceptions of pressure to better understand how human processes translates in to biodiversity loss.


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Barnes, M, Craigie, ID, Harrington, L, Geldmann, J, Collen, B, Whitmee, S, Balmford, A, Burgess ND, Brooks, T, Hockings, M and Woodley, S (2016) Correlates of wildlife population trends in protected areas. Nature Communications: 7, 12747. Geldmann, J. Heilmann-Clausen, J, Holm, TE, Levinsky, I, Markussen, B, Olsen, K, Rahbek, C, T?ttrup, AP (2016) What determines spatial bias in citizen science? – Exploring four recording schemes with different proficiency requirements. Diversity and Distribution: early view. Joppa L, O’Connor, B, Visconti, P, Smith, C, Geldmann, J, Hoffmann, M, Watson, JEM, Butchart, SHM, Virah-Sawmy, M, Halpern, BS, Ahmed, SE, Balmford, A, Sutherland, WJ, Harfoot, M, Hilton-Taylor, C, Foden W, Di Minin, E, Pagad, S, Genovesi, P, Hutton, J & Burgess, ND (2016) Filling in biodiversity threat gaps. Science: 352, 416-418. Geldmann, J, Coad, L, Barnes, M, Craigie, ID, Hockings, M, Knights, K, Leverington, F, Cuadros, IC, Zamora, C, Woodley, S and Burgess ND (2015) Changes in protected area Management Effectiveness over time a global analysis. Biological Conservation, 191: 692-699. Coad, L, Leverington, F, Knights, K, Geldmann, J, Eassom, A, Kapos, V, Kingston, N, de Lima, M, Zamora,C, Cuardros, IC, Burgess, ND and Hockings, M (2015). Towards the assessment of protected area management effectiveness. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences: 20140281. Geldmann, J, Joppa, L, Burgess, ND (2014) Mapping change in human pressure globally on land and within protected areas. Conservation Biology, 28, 6: 1604-1616. Geldmann, J, Barnes, M, Coad, L, Craigie, ID, Hockings, M and Burgess, ND (2013). Effectiveness of terrestrial protected areas in reducing habitat loss and population declines. Biological Conservation 161, 230-238. [2nd most cited paper of 2013]
