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My research is focused in the general area of developmental neuroscience. I investigate the relation between neuronal circuits and behaviour with an emphasis on the diversification of circuits and the role of genes in specifying different neuronal networks and their assembly during development.


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J Berni (2015). Genetic dissection of a regionally differentiated network for exploratory behavior in Drosophila larvae. Current Biology, 25(10):1319-26. J Gjorgjieva, J Berni, JF Evers, S Eglen (2013). Neural Circuits for Peristaltic Wave Propagation in Crawling Drosophila Larvae: Analysis and Modeling. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7(art.4):1-19 Berni J, Pulver SR, Griffith LC and Bate M. (2012). Autonomous circuit for substrate exploration in freely moving Drosophila larva. Current Biology, 22:1861-1870 Depetris-Chauvin A*, Berni J*, Aranovich EJ*, Muraro NI, Beckwith EJ, Ceriani MF. (2011). Adult-specific electrical silencing of pacemaker neurons uncouples molecular clock from circadian outputs. Current Biology, 21(21):1783-93. *equal contribution
