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教育经历 1998-2002 北京大学中文系汉语言学专业文学学士 1999-2002 北京大学经济研究中心经济学副学士 2002-2004 香港科技大学人文学哲学硕士 2004-2009 香港科技大学人文学哲学博士 工作经历 2007.8-2007.12 香港科技大学研究助理 2008.6-2008.8 香港科技大学研究助理 2010-2011 中国文化产业网主编 2012-2013 香港教育学院讲师 2014- 今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 科研项目 2015.6 《中国境内内爆音的语音学研究》,国家社科基金后期资助项目 2018 《创意思维简介》本科生课程建设项目,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)


实验语音学、汉语方言、语言的演变、汉语教学 创意思维的教学研究


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Monograph 寸熙:《中国境内内爆音的语音学研究》,北京:高等教育出版社,2019年12月. Refereed Journal Articles 寸熙,朱晓农:回辉话内爆音,《民族语文》2017年第5期 寸熙,朱晓农:成渝方言的声调类型,《语言研究》2013.10. Cun Xi: The Phonetic Cause of Sound Change from Voiceless Stops to Implosives. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics [中国语言学集刊]., Dev. 2009. 朱晓农,寸熙:拉斯着《历史语言学和语言演变》述评, 《语言科学》 Linguistic Science Vol.6 No. 5, September 2007, Page. 102-112. 朱晓农,寸熙:试论清浊音变圈------兼论吴、闽语内爆音不出于侗台底层 [On the Voiceless and Voiced Sound Change Circle]. 《民族语文》 [Minority Languages of China] (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 2006, No. 3. Page. 3-13. Book Chapters 朱晓农,寸熙:清浊音变圈:自然音变与泛时层次 [On the Voiceless and Voiced Sound Change Circle: Natural Sound Change and Pan-strata] 《历史层次与方言研究》[Chinese Dialects and Historical Strata] 丁邦新主编 上海教育出版社 166-186. 2007. Cun Xi: “Mechanisms of Sound Change from Implosives to Nasals”.《丁邦新教授荣休纪念论文集》[A Festschrifts for Prof. Ting Pang-Hsin], 148-163. Center of Chinese Linguistics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2004. 朱晓农,寸熙:韶关话的小称和嘎裂声 [The Diminutive and Creaky Voice in Shaoguan Colloquial]《汉语方言语法研究和探索------首届国际汉语方言语法学术研讨会论文集》Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Chinese Dialect Grammar]. 346-354. Hei Long Jiang: People’s Press of Heilongjiang, 2003. Reviews 朱晓农,寸熙:《历史语言学和语言演变》导读, Roger Lass着,世界图书出版公司, 剑桥大学出版社. 2007 授权发行 [Reviews: Historical Linguistics and Language Change. By Roger Lass. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 1997.] Thesis A Phonetic Study on Implosives in China. PhD Thesis, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. HKUST Library. 2009 The Phonetic Characteristics of Implosives in Wuyang Dialect. Mphil Thesis, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. HKUST Library. 2004 会议论文及发表演说 寸熙,朱晓农:回辉话内爆音,2017全国方言类型学研讨会,中国赣州,2017.7.21-22 Cun Xi “The Sequence of Situation, Sentence and Word in Second Language Teaching and its Relations with Cognitive Structure”. In The Conference on Globalization of Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education, Japan, 2016.8. 寸熙,西南官话声调类型-湖北, 第二届汉语方言类型研讨会,北京2013.8. Cun Xi, Phonological tone types of Southwest Mandarin. Presented in the workshop “Tone: Theory and Practice-2012”, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, 2012.9. Cun Xi, Implosives and inherent F0 perturbation in Chinese dialects. Presented in Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, Nanjin, China, 2012.5. Cun Xi, The phonetic cause of implosives, especially on the sound change motivation from voiceless stops to implosives. Presented in the First Symposium on Evolutionary Linguistics 首届演化语言学研讨会 China Guangdong 2009. 3.27-30. Cun Xi, Implosives and the inherent F0 perturbation. Post present in the NIBC PhD Forum of Zhejiang University, 2007. 10. 22-25. Cun Xi, Douglas F. Whitehead, Zhu Xiaonong, The Contrast of Nasals in Maonan presented in the 7th Conference on Chinese Phonetics, in Beijing, China, October. 2006. Cun Xi, The Implosives in Min and Yue Dialects. Presented in the 10th International Conference on Yue Dialects, 2005 Dec.12-14 Hong Kong. Cun Xi, The Phonetic Characteristics of Implosives in Two Chinese Dialects. Presented in the II PaPI Conference (Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia) Barcelona Spain, 2005, June 20-21. Cun Xi, The Phonetic Interference of Cantonese on Chinese Pidgin English, The Annul Research Forum (ARF) of Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK) 2004
