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Dr. Guan Beibei is an Assistant Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), where she teaches a variety of courses such as English Poetry, Academic English Writing, Greek and Roman Mythology. Her research centres around English and French literature, with a special interest in French Romanticism. Prior to this appointment, she obtained her M.Phil and Ph.D. at The University of Hong Kong. Her M.Phil was a comparative study of the dandyism of Oscar Wilde and Baudelaire, and her Ph.D. was a critical examination of Walter Benjamin's reading of Baudelaire. She has published articles on Oscar Wilde, Charles Baudelaire, the dandy, Urbanism, and Aestheticism. 教育经历 1998.09-2002.07 Bachelor of Arts in English, Central China Normal University 2008.01-2010.05 M.phil in European Studies, Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong 2011.04-2014.11 PhD in European Studies, Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong 2012.05-2012.12 Visiting Scholar, Department of French, The University of Adelaide 研究与工作经历 2015-present Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Science, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) 2004.09-2007.12 Lecturer, Department of English, Guangzhou Kangda Vocational and Technical College 2002.09-2004.08 Lecturer, Faculty of English, Guangdong Ocean University 科研项目 2016-2018 英语写作困难的症结与教改研究 — 以研究生《学术英文写作课程为例》,主持 2016-2018 创新性具身认知教育模式在研究生人文素质教学中的应用, 参与人 2017-2019 哈尔滨工业大学 《大学英语读写》本科课程建设项目,参与人 2017-2019 《“针对反馈的在线反馈”促进非英语专业研究生同伴反馈的研究》深圳市教育科学规划2017年度一般课题,参与人 2019-2021 《基于认知负荷理论的理工科大学英语游戏化教学模式研究》,黑龙江省高等教育教学改革,参与人 2019-2021《大数据背景下的大学英语通识教育校本资源建设模式研究》,广东省大学英语教学改革,参与人 2020- 2021 《宇宙、时间与人类》,哈尔滨工业大学思政课程和课程思政专项课题,参与人 2021- 2022 《19世纪英国文学中的中国形象书写与跨文化研究》,哈尔滨工业大学人文社会科学发展专项基金,主持 2022-2023《大学英语读写课程中思政元素与欧美经典名篇阅读融合路径研究》,哈尔滨工业大学思政课程和课程思政专项课题,主持 科研成果及奖励 2020 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)疫情防控期间线上教学优秀集体 2021《聚焦“动机激活-能力提升-价值引领”的理工科大学英语教学模式探索与实践》校区教学成果奖二等奖


English Linguistics, Comparative Literature, European Studies


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专著 《科学写作与传播》,清华大学出版社,2022 《跨文化视域下中西文学比较研究》,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2019 《十九世纪欧洲浪漫主义文化及其文学表现研究》,中国发展出版社,2018 合著 《大学英语写作教程》,中国商务出版社,2019 《新时代网络环境下的英美文学教学研究》,吉林出版集团股份有限公司,2018 《简明高职高专英语语法教材》,复旦大学出版社, 2015 Journal papers 《中西叙事形态下的“灰姑娘”解析》,《湖北社会科学》, 2019年4月 《关于哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)理工科研究生学术英语写作问题的调查报告》,《教育现代化》,2019年3月 Mutual Absorption of Qi: Symmetries of Literature and Painting in Chinese Ancient Culture "The Flaneur: An Aesthetic Urban Voyager or An Accomplice of Commodity Capitalism?". Special Issue of CRCL 2018 《基于语料库的学术英语写作教学研究》,《中国教师》,2018.11期 Oscar Wilde's Aestheticism, Journal of Arts and Humanities, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2018) 《时代背景对创伤文学的影响—以<无辜者>和<星期六>为例》,《中华辞赋》,2018.4期 《理工科大学英语课程教学现状与教改研究》,《基础教育参考》,2018.12期. Morality and Evil in Baudelaire’s The Flowers of Evil", English Language and Literature Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2017. "The Dandy on the City Stage: Social Roles, Social Spaces and Commodity Consumption", Journal of Literature and Art Studies, Issue 7 Vol.7 July 2017. The Invisible Driver: a Case on Urban-Clan in the Contemporary Urbanizing China Research on Humanities and social science, Vol 7, No 22 2017 对理工科高校人文素质培育的思政课程建设探究,《高教学刊》,2021.5. 我国高校通识教育与专业教育的融合探究, 《才智》,2021. 3. An analysis of the Characteristics of Teacher Talk on MOOCs Based on Interpersonal Function--Take the “National Excellent Course” of English Writing as an Example. 会议论文及发表演说 "An Exploration of Curriculum Reform of English Higher Education in the Perspective of Internationalization", Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology, Malaysia, 2018 . "Benjamin’s Reading of Baudelaire: An Example of Cross-Temporal Reading”, The Canadian Comparative Literature Association (CCLA) program for Congress, Canada, 2017 《英国教育语言学的学科发展及对我国的启示》,第四届广外应用语言学论坛,广东外语外贸大学,2016年12月3-4日。 MOD ART'13, Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center, Hong Kong,2013 Theme: Beauty and Evil. ISA RC16 MID-TERM CONFERENCE, University of Trento, Italy, 2012 Theme: Culture and Civilization in Contemporary World. An Exploration of Curriculum Reform of English Higher Education from the Perspective of Internationalization,Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Arts, Management ,Education and Innovation (ICAMEI 2019), South Korea
