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教育背景 博士,生物医学工程及仪器,浙江大学 硕士,汽车电子,浙江大学 学士,检测技术及自动化控制,浙江大学 荣誉称号 2019.10,杰出会员,中国计算机学会(CCF) 学术经历 2014.02——2015.02,访问学者,美国哥伦比亚大学 2002.11——2003.02,访问教授,韩国全南国立大学 2002.08——2002.11,教学支援访问教授,云南大学 2000.09——2001.01,访问学者,美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院 科研获奖 2022.11,第二十四届中国国际高新技术成果交易会优秀产品奖,中国国际高新技术成果交易会组委会 2022.11,学术精要(2022年10-11月)高PCSI论文、高被引论文、高下载论文,《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》电子杂志社有限公司,中国科学文献计量评价研究中心 2021.11,2021年全球科技创新大会科技创新奖(重大成就奖),联合国工业发展组织全球创新网络项目全球科技创新大会组委会 2021.09,第二届促进金砖工业创新合作大赛优秀项目奖,第二届促进金砖工业创新合作大赛组委会 2021.01,产学研合作创新成果奖,二等奖,中国产学研合作促进会 2020.09,2020年度中国仿真学会科学技术奖自然科学奖,二等奖,中国仿真学会 2020.04,上海市科技进步奖,三等奖,上海市人民政府 2019.11,首届全国“数字时代的音乐传播”学术论坛评比,一等奖,中国传媒大学音乐与录音艺术学院,中国音乐家协会音乐传播学会 2019.10,第九届吴文俊人工智能科技进步奖,二等奖,中国人工智能学会 2018.12,2018年度中国商业联合会科学技术奖—全国商业科技进步奖,一等奖,中国商业联合会 2018.11,第二十届中国国际高新技术成果交易会优秀产品奖,中国国际高新技术成果交易会组委会 2018.11,第八届吴文俊人工智能科技进步奖,三等奖,中国人工智能学会 2018.10,网络扶贫优秀论文奖,二等奖,中国通信学会 2016.12,CSC-IBM中国奖研金,国家留学基金管理委员会 2015.11,上海市科学技术进步奖,二等奖,上海市人民政府 2014.12,2014年度中国商业联合会科学技术奖——全国商业科技进步奖,一等奖,中国商业联合会 2013.04,上海市高等教育学会课题研究成果,二等奖,上海市高等教育学会 2012.08,上海市第十一届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖论文类,三等奖,上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖评奖委员会 2007.03,上海汽车工业教育基金会优秀著作,三等奖,上海汽车工业教育基金会 2000.08,上海市科协第八届青年优秀科技论文奖,三等奖,上海市科学技术协会 1998.12,浙江省优秀新产品奖(新技术),三等奖,浙江省计划与经济委员会 教学获奖 2023.09,复旦大学本科教学成果奖(二等奖),复旦大学 2023.09,复旦大学本科教学成果奖(一等奖),复旦大学 2023.08,中国商业经济学会优秀成果奖(优秀教学成果),中国商业经济学会 2021.01,首届复旦大学教师教学创新比赛二等奖,复旦大学 2019.11,2019年第十五届“花旗杯”金融创新应用大赛指导老师奖,花旗金融信息服务(中国)有限公司、上海市大学生科技创业基金会 2019.05,2019年第十六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛复旦大学校内选拔赛,三等奖,复旦学院(本科生院),复旦大学研究生院,共青团复旦大学委员会 2019.05,2019年第十六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛复旦大学校内选拔赛,三等奖,复旦学院(本科生院),复旦大学研究生院,共青团复旦大学委员会 2019.05,2019年第十六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛复旦大学校内选拔赛,三等奖,复旦学院(本科生院),复旦大学研究生院,共青团复旦大学委员会 2019.05,2019年第十六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛复旦大学校内选拔赛,二等奖,复旦学院(本科生院),复旦大学研究生院,共青团复旦大学委员会 2018.01,复旦大学研究生教学成果奖一等奖(研究生),复旦大学 2015.12,2015年教育部产学合作专业综合改革项目精品课程,中华人民共和国教育部 2014.01,高等教育上海市级教学成果奖二等奖,上海市教育委员会 2013.09,2013年教育部产学合作专业综合改革项目课程,中华人民共和国教育部 2012.11,复旦大学研究生教学成果奖二等奖,复旦大学 2012.10,教育部-IBM专业综合改革项目建设课程,教育部高等教育司 2012.06,2012年度上海高校市级精品课程,上海市教育委员会 2009.07,复旦大学精品课程荣誉证书,复旦大学 2005.11,2005年上海市教学成果二等奖,上海市教育委员会、上海市人事局 2003.11,市级精品课程,上海市教育委员会 2003.11,2003年复旦大学教学成果一等奖,复旦大学 学术任职 2020.11 - 2025.11, 委员, 中国仿真学会人工社会专业委员会 2019.10 - 2023.01, 秘书长, 上海市计算机学会第九届理事会协同与信息服务专业委员会 2018.04 - 2023.03, 常务委员, 中国技术经济学会神经经济管理专业委员会 2017.09 - 2022.09, 常务理事, 管理科学与工程学会第三届理事会 2017.01 - 2022.01, 主任委员, 管理科学与工程学会神经管理与神经工程研究会 2015.10 - 2018.10, 副主任委员, 中国医师协会腔内血管学专业委员会研究与转化专家委员会第一届委员会 2015.09 - 至今, 上海委员, 中国计算机学会(CCF) 2009.09 - 至今, Member of International Advisory Board, Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management 1998.01 - 至今, 高级顾问, 汽车电器信息




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Juzhe Xi, Yuhan Gao, Na Lyu, Zhuang She, Xinyue Wang, Xin-An Zhang, Xiaoyu Yu, WeiDong Ji, Mengsheng Wei, Weihui Dai, and Xuesheng Qian. 2022. Effect of the “art coloring” online coloring game on subjective well-being increase and anxiety reduction during the covid-19 pandemic: development and evaluation. JMIR Serious Games 10(3).1-13. Xuesheng Qian, Yihong Qiao, Mianjie Wang, Xinyue Wang, Mengfan Chen, and Weihui Dai. 2022. A lightweight framework for perception analysis based on multimodal cognition-aware computing. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16.1-14. Xuesheng Qian, Mianjie Wang, Xinyue Wang, Yihang Wang, and Weihui Dai. 2022. Intelligent method for real-time portable EEG artifact annotation in semiconstrained environment based on computer vision. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022.1-14. Ping Gao, Xiaolun Wang, Hong Chen, Weihui Dai, and Hong Ling. 2021. What is beautiful is not always good: influence of machine learning-derived photo attractiveness on intention to initiate social interactions in mobile dating applications. Connection Science 33(2).321-340. Zoltan Geler, Milo? Savi?, Brankica Brati?, Vladimir Kurbalija, Mirjana Ivanovi?, and Weihui Dai. 2021. Sentiment prediction based on analysis of customers assessments in food serving businesses. Connection Science 33(3).674-692. Bowei Xu, Junjun Li, Yongsheng Yang, Huafeng Wu, Weihui Dai, and Octavian Postolache. 2021. Exploring the resilience of uncertain nonlinear handling chain systems in container ports with a novel sliding mode control. IEEE Access 9.35888-35899. Xuesheng Qian, Weihui Dai, Renbin Xu, and Hong Ling. 2020. One intelligent framework for screening and intervention of Mild Cognitive Impairment(MCI). The Journal of Engineering 2020(13).422-425. Hongzhi Hu, Yunbing Tang, Yanqiang Xie, Yonghui Dai, and Weihui Dai. 2020. Cognitive computation on consumer’s decision making of internet financial products based on neural activity data. Computer Science and Information Systems 17(2).689-704. Bin Chen, Hailiang Chen, Dandan Ning, Mengna Zhu, Chuan Ai, Xiaogang Qiu, and Weihui Dai. 2020. A two-tier partition algorithm for the optimization of the large-scale simulation of information diffusion in social networks. Symmetry 12(5).1-23. Chuan Ai, Bin Chen, Hailiang Chen, Weihui Dai, and Xiaogang Qiu. 2020. Geographical structural features of the WeChat social networks. International Journal of Geo-Information 9(5).1-18. Bin Chen, Yiduo Wang, Rongxiao Wang, Zhengqiu Zhu, Liang Ma, Xiaogang Qiu, and Weihui Dai. 2020. The gray-box based modeling approach integrating both mechanism-model and data-model: the case of atmospheric contaminant dispersion. Symmetry 12(2).1-17. Vladimir Kurbalija, Mirjana Ivanovic, Milos Radovanovic, Zoltan Geler, Weihui Dai, and Weidong Zhao. 2018. Emotion perception and recognition: An exploration of cultural differences and similarities. Cognitive Systems Research 52.103-116. Tian Wang, Chuncheng Wang, Wenhui Han, Jie Ren, and Weihui Dai. 2018. CyberPsychology computation of online shopping behaviors based on EEG signal analysis. Asian Journal of Information and Communications 9(2).14-28. Genghui Dai, Xinshuang Fu, Weihui Dai, and Shengqi Lu. 2017. Social evaluation of innovative drugs: A method based on big data analytics. Computer Science and Information Systems 14(3).805-821. Zebin Wang, Tong Wu, Xinshuang Zhao, Shuchun Cheng, Genghui Dai, and Weihui Dai. 2017. Big data analysis of weather condition and air quality on cosmetics marketing. Journal of Information Technology Application & Management 24(3).93-105. Weidong Zhao, Haitao Liu, Weihui Dai, and Jian Ma. 2016. An entropy-based clustering ensemble method to support resource allocation in business process management. Knowledge and Information Systems 48(2).305–330. Zhixin Xu, MinYao, Zhaohui Wu, and Weihui Dai. 2016. Incremental regularized extreme learning machine and it's enhancement. Neurocomputing 174(A).134–142. Weihui Dai, Wlodzislaw Duch, Abdul Hanan Abdullah, Dongrong Xu, and Ye-Sho Chen. 2015. Recent advances in learning theory. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience .1-4. Weihui Dai, Dongmei Han, Yonghui Dai, and Dongrong Xu. 2015. Emotion recognition and affective computing on vocal social media. Information & Management 52(7).777–788. Mirjana Ivanovi?, Zoran Budimac, Milo? Radovanovi?, Vladimir Kurbalija, Weihui Dai, Costin B?dic?, Mihaela Colhon, Sr?an Ninkovi?, and Dejan Mitrovi?. 2015. Emotional agents – state of the art and applications. Computer Science and Information Systems 12(4).1121–1148. Zongchen Fan, Xiaogang Qiu, Weihui Dai, Yuanzheng Ge, Liang Liu, and Yunsuo Duan. 2015. A meta-modeling framework for a specific social domain: Public opinion event. Computer Science and Information Systems 12(2).743–763. Weihui Dai, Shuang Huang, Xuan Zhou, Xueer Yu, Mirjana Ivanovi, and Dongrong Xu. 2014. Emotional intelligence system for ubiquitous smart foreign language education based on neural mechanism. Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management 21(3).65-77. Dongdong Li, Yingchun Yang, and Weihui Dai. 2014. Cost-sensitive learning for emotion robust speaker recognition. Scientific World Journal 2014.. Yonghui Dai, Dongmei Han, and Weihui Dai. 2014. Modeling and computing of stock index forecasting based on neural network and markov chain. Scientific World Journal .1-9. Weihui Dai, Hongzhi Hu, Tunan Wu, and Yonghui Dai. 2014. Information spread of emergency events: Path searching on social networks. Scientific World Journal .1-7. Weidong Zhao, Xi Liu, and Weihui Dai. 2014. Simplified process model discovery based on role-oriented genetic mining. Scientific World Journal .1-8. Youhui Wang, Xiaohua Hu, Weihui Dai, Jie Zhou, and Taitzong Kuo. 2014. Vocal emotion of humanoid robots: A study from brain mechanism. Scientific World Journal .1-7. Weidong Zhao, Weihui Dai, and Shangchen Zhou. 2013. Outlier detection in cold-chain logistics temperature monitoring. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika 19(3).65-68. Xiaohua Hu, Xuan Zhou, Weihui Dai, Zhaozong Zhan, and Xiaoyi Liu. 2012. Tourism crisis management system based on ecological mechanism. Journal of Software 7(12).2808-2815. Xiaohua Hu, Tao Mu, Weihui Dai, Hongzhi Hu, and Genghui Dai. 2012. Analysis of browsing behaviors with ant colony clustering algorithm. Journal of Computers 7(12).3096-3102. Hu, Hongzhi, Dan Wang, Weihui Dai and Lihua Huang. 2012. Psychology and behavior mechanism of micro-blog information spreading. African Journal of Business Management 6(35).9797-9807. Zhao, Weidong, Shuanglin Tang, and Weihui Dai. 2012. An Improved kNN algorithm based on essential vector. Electronics and Electrical Engineering 123(7).119-122. Dai, Weihui, Qi Zhu, Chunshi Wang and Yujiao Zeng. 2012. Risk management model of information security in IC manufacturing industry. Journal of Computers 7(2).317-324. Li, Xuan, Lixin Lin, Xin Liu, Dejian Ye, and Weihui Dai. 2011. STB based multimedia information publication system. Journal of Networks 6(9).1305-1312. Dai, Weihui, Xiqiong Wan, and Xiaoyi Liu. 2011. Emergency event: Internet spread, psychological impacts and emergency management. Journal of Computers 6(8).1748-1755. Weihui Dai, Mingqi Chen, and Nan Ye. 2011. Research on the innovation system of China’s software industry based on CAS theory. Kybernetes 40(5/6).807-813. Weihui Dai. 2010. Generalized ecological community: Theory and application in IT-driven emerging industry. Advances in Systems Science and Applications 10(4).666-670. Weihui Dai. 2010. Customer Behavior Pattern Discovery by Adaptive Clustering Based on Swarm Intelligence. Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management Vol.17(1).127-139. Youwei Wang, Weihui Dai, and Yufei Yuan. 2008. Website Browsing Aid: A Navigation Graph-Based Recommendation System. Decision Support Systems 45(3).387-400. 陈梅梅,董晨光,王淇,戴伟辉. 兼顾用户话语权的改进加权Slope-One协同过滤推荐. 小型微型计算机系统, 2022, 43(9): 1814-1819. 毛华娟,戴伟辉,魏小龙,丁志琛,胡晓华. 脑保护装置下行颈动脉支架成形术的精细化护理. 护理实践与研究, 2022, 19(14): 2207-2210. 钱学胜,吴寰宇,陈诚,黄晓燕,童庆,戴伟辉. 基于联邦学习的新冠肺炎疫情跨区域智慧防控技术——以上海市实践为例. 科技导报, 2021, 39(24): 96-107. 钱学胜,胡安安,戴伟辉,凌鸿. 网络游戏在疫情防控中的作用及意义:基于疫情期间在线交互数据的实证分析. 科技导报, 2021, 39(14): 129-143. 钱学胜,唐鹏,胡安安,戴伟辉,凌鸿. 智慧城市技术驱动反思与管理学视角的新审视. 电子政务, 2021, (4): 30-38. 戴永辉,魏农建,袁莹,戴伟辉. 基于广义生态群落的跨境电商软性供应链仿真分析. 上海大学学报(社会科学版), 2020, 37(3): 107-117. 陈梅梅,刘利梅,施驰玮,戴伟辉. 推荐规模对个性化推荐系统用户决策的影响研究. 南开管理评论, 2020, 23(1): 180-188. 路颖晓,戴伟辉. 泛在学习环境下的情感智能及仿脑机理. 现代远程教育研究, 2018, (2): 39-44. 戴伟辉. 现代远程教育发展新转变:从Internet+ 到AI+ 和Neuro+. 现代远程教育研究, 2018, (2): 3-13. 戴伟辉. 神经管理学的学科发展与研究范式. 北京工商大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, 32(4): 1-10. 戴伟辉. 神经管理学的学科发展与研究范式(转载自《北京工商大学学报》2017年第4期). 高等学校文科学术文摘, 2017, 34(6): 137-138. 戴杏云,张柳,戴伟辉,朱华. 社交网络的情感图谱研究. 管理评论, 2016, 28(8): 79-86. 周璇,张文坤,黄霜,戴伟辉,杨振怡. 国际网络语言的情感表达与认知研究. 西江文艺, 2016, (5): 118-122. 赵卫东,赵旭东,戴伟辉,戴永辉,胡虹智. 突发事件的网络情绪传播机制及仿真研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2015, 35(5): 2573-2581. 毛华娟,靳三勇,戴伟辉,胡晓华. 手术高值耗材的便捷供应链管理研究. 中华医院管理杂志, 2014, 30(6): 466-469. 胡安安,戴伟辉. 知识共享SECI 模型在基层党支部建设中的应用探索. 中国浦东干部学院学报, 2014, 8(3): 92-98. 戴伟辉. 基于广义生态群落的智慧城市发展模式. 区域与城市经济(人大转载), 2014, (3): 17-21,36. 戴伟辉. 城市突发事件的公众认知情绪机制及其应对策略. 上海城市管理, 2014, (1): 34-37. 戴伟辉. 基于广义生态群落的智慧城市发展模式. 上海城市管理, 2013, (6): 33-37. 许多,宋红坤,戴伟辉. 信息技术驱动的新兴产业创新机理与演替模式研究. 经营管理者, 2013, (9): 3-4. 何建权,戴伟辉. 基于区域医疗平台实现面向个人的移动医疗信息服务. 中国数字医学, 2013, 8(10): 25-27. 窦忠秋,戴伟辉. 党政领导干部绩效考核的群体智能聚类分析——H市党政领导干部为例. 理论与改革, 2013, (4): 75-78. 戴伟辉. 情景感知与情感智能:通往智慧城市的智慧之门. 上海城市管理, 2012, (4): 29-32. 刘寿吉,戴伟辉,周缨. 创意产业的生态群落模式及专业性公共服务平台研究. 科技进步与对策, 2009, Vol.26(17): 49-53. 戴伟辉,李相宏. 创新的生态群落研究:上海汽车集团股份有限公司案例. 中国技术管理与战略, 2008, Vol.1(2): 113-119. 戴伟辉,周缨,余悦. 创意产业的商业模式与现状分析. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2008, vol.29(13): 117-121. 赵卫东,戴伟辉. 基于角色块的工作流模型挖掘. 系统工程与电子技术, 2008, vol.30(5): 956-959. 周缨,戴伟辉. 中小企业对行业平台的接受与扩散模型. 科技进步与对策, 2008, vol.25(5): 46-49. 赵卫东,戴伟辉,王利轶. 基于角色的柔性流程建模. 管理工程学报, 2008, vol.22(3): 106-109. 刘寿吉,戴伟辉,沈丽冰. 汽车产业自主创新的生态群落模式与对策研究. 上海管理科学, 2008, (2): 55-60. 戴伟辉,张晓兰,梁淑怡. 基于多Agent的高层管理团队研究. 科技进步与对策, 2007, vol.24(9): 207-212. 余泠,戴伟辉,王连祥. 基于互联网的远程咨询及其在会计事务所中的应用. 中国注册会计师, 2007, (3): 46-49. 邬亮,戴伟辉,孙涛. 我国生物医药产业自主创新的生态群落模式研究. 研究与发展管理, 2007, 19(2): 42-49. 沈丽冰,孙涛,戴伟辉. 网络生态环境及其可持续发展分析. 科技进步与对策, 2006, vol.23(11): 156-158. 戴伟辉,周瑛. 基于知识的企业高层管理团队优化配置研究. 科技进步与对策, 2006, vol.23(10): 181-184. 孙涛,戴伟辉. 动态进化导向的系统分析与设计. 计算机工程与应用, 2006, 42(10): 28-30,48. 沈丽冰,戴伟辉. 科技自主创新生态群落模式及对策研究. 科技进步与对策, 2006, vol.23(9): 22-25. 戴伟辉,王连祥,余泠,范嫔. 基于Internet的远程财务咨询. 财会月刊, 2006, (8): 78-81. 叶佳佳,邬亮,戴伟辉. 企业高层管理团队的决策失误研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2006, vol.22(10): 140-144. 何永刚,黄丽华,戴伟辉. CISC2005的学科贡献. 现代大学教育, 2006, : 11-16. 王小宾,戴伟辉. 电子商务环境下特许经营的发展研究. 物流科技, 2006, vol.29(129): 72-75. 顾志燕,戴伟辉. 电子信息产业的可持续创新生态链研究. 软科学, 2006, vol.20(4): 99-102. 戴伟辉,叶佳佳,李悝. 基于MAS的高层管理团队决策过程分析. 科学学研究, 2006, vol.24(4): 575-580. 何永刚,黄丽华,戴伟辉. 基于生态理论的信息系统进化研究. 科技导报, 2006, vol.24(1): 41-43. 戴伟辉,周瑛,卢宝周,戴永辉. 基于多Agent模型的高层管理团队分析及其决策支持系统设计. 系统工程, 2005, 2005增刊: 225-230. 戴更辉,周忠良,戴伟辉. 我国生物医药的网格化研发体系建设. 科技进步与对策, 2005, vol.2005(10): 66-68. 戴伟辉. 干部队伍优化配置的人工智能方法研究. 公共行政与人力资源, 2005, (5): 37-40. 戴伟辉,王欢,戴更辉,王焕华. 社会医疗保险的医疗费用函数建模分析. 中国卫生经济, 2005, 24(267): 31-34. 戴伟辉,戴勇. 网络游戏生态链研究. 软科学, 2005, vol.19(1): 11-14. 戴伟辉,陈昕. 网络环境下的我国银行业商业方法创新. 世界经济文汇, 2004, (s1): 21-24. 赵卫东,戴伟辉. 基于信息流的流程协调分析. 管理工程学报, 2004, vol.18(4): 34-38. 赵卫东,戴伟辉. 流程的角色观及其管理. 工业工程与管理, 2004, vol.9(2): 31-35. 戴伟辉,倪伟,张佳妮. 我国软件园区的现状与发展策略. 上海综合经济, 2004, (1-2): 94-98. 朱浩刚,孙煜鸥,戴伟辉. 基于数据挖掘的移动通讯业客户流失管理. 计算机工程与应用, 2004, (1): 215-219. 陈昕,戴伟辉. “生产力悖论”研究及其对于中国企业信息化的启示. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2003, vol.34(12): 93-97. 蔡斌,赵卫东,戴伟辉. 面向变化管理的流程建模技术. 系统工程理论方法应用, 2003, vol.12(3): 237-242. 朱皓刚,戴伟辉. 分析型 CRM 的供应链化框架模型研究. 合肥工业大学学报, 2003, vol.26(S1): 730-733. 赵卫东,戴伟辉. 基于角色的跨组织工作流研究. 系统工程与电子技术, 2003, Vol.25(8): 954-958. 杨青,王学军,戴伟辉. 企业规划与信息系统规划目标统一建模. 系统工程学报, 2003, 18(2): 115-122. 赵卫东,苏健敏,戴伟辉. 柔性流程建模研究. 管理工程学报, 2003, vol.17(3): 43-46. 赵卫东,戴伟辉. 基于特征矩阵的决策表约简研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2003, (3): 65-69. 赵卫东,戴伟辉,蔡斌. 遗传算法在决策表连续属性离散化中的应用研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2003, (1): 62-67. 赵卫东,曹文彬,戴伟辉. 不完全信息下的粗集拓展. 系统工程学报, 2002, 17(6): 481-485. 赵卫东,戴伟辉. 工作流技术在流程分析中的应用研究. 中国管理科学, 2002, 10(Z1): 85-89. 戴永辉,戴文辉,傅露鸣,戴伟辉. 热保护器温度性能参数的高精度测试系统. 计量与测试技术, 2001, (5): 13-14,33. 蔡斌,戴伟辉,王海建,戴永辉. 人力资源测评决策支持系统. 管理信息系统, 2001, (10): 29-35. 戴伟辉. 不适定逆成像问题的多准则正则化求解方法. 复旦学报(自然科学版), 2000, 39(1): 26-28. 戴伟辉, 孙煜鸥, 吕维雪. 现代图像重建方法以及其理论基础. 生物数学学报, 1998, 13(5): 616-621. 会议/研讨会论文 Jiaping Chen, Ruoxi Zhang, Yaming Liu, Xuan Zhou, Zhijing Wu, Hanzhen Ouyang,and Weihui Dai. 2023. Study of mental model in human-computer interaction based on EEG signal data. 18th CCF Conference, ChineseCSCW 2023 Harbin, China.281–288. Wenyi Yin, Chenghao Yu, Pianran Wu, Wenxuan Jiang, Youzhe Liu, Tianqi Ren, and Weihui Dai. 2022. An intelligent mobile system for monitoring relapse of depression. ChineseCSCW 2022: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing 1681.182–193. Huanhong Huang, Deyue Kong, Fanmin Meng, Siyi Yang, Youzhe Liu, Weihui Dai, and Yan Kang. 2022. Depression tendency assessment based on cyber psychosocial and physical computation. ChineseCSCW 2022: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing 1682.379-386. Xuan Zhou and Weihui Dai. 2022. Affective computing on speeches of court defense lawyer. Proceedings of 2022 International Seminar on Computer Science and Engineering Technology (SCSET) Indianapolis, USA.117-120. Xuan Zhou, Xiqiong Wan, Yifei Pei, Xiaohua Hu, and Weihui Dai. 2021. A study of evidence cognition in the simpson case towards smart justice. 2021 IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 7th International Conference on Data Science and Systems, 19th International Conference on Smart City and 7th Haikou, China.1354-1359. Xiaohua Hu, Hongwei Cao, Jia Shi, Yonghui Dai, and Weihui Dai. 2021. Study of hospital emergency resource scheduling based on digital twin technology. 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (ICIBA 2021) Chongqing, China.1059-1063. Weihui Dai, Xinyue Li, Ziqing Xia, Jintian Zhou, Lijuan Song, Huajuan Mao, and Yan Kang. 2021. Olfactory affective computation based on EEG signal data. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing(PIC) Shanghai, China.432-436. Weihui Dai, Liu Liu, Meilin Li, Gaoyang Zhang, Qiyun Xue, and Lijuan Song. 2021. Olfactory psychological computation and olfactory environment for human-machine collaboration. ChineseCSCW 2021: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Xiangtan, China.590-598. Yizhe Sun, Duo Xu, Yanqiang Xie, and Weihui Dai. 2020. Intelligent analysis of music's affective features and expressive pattern. Proceedings of The 35th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation Zhanjiang, China.685-690. Jiaying Cheng, Wenbo Xu, Fang Xie, Shuangshuang Dai, and Weihui Dai. 2020. Decision support system for prognosis and treatment of lung cancer based on big data. 23rd International Conference on IT Application and Management Kerala, India.167-174. Juan Cheng, Jiaolong Fu, Yan Kang, Hua Zhu, and Weihui Dai. 2019. Sentiment analysis of social networks’ comments to predict stock return. International Conference on Human Centered Computing ?a?ak, Serbia.67-74. Youhui Wang, Lanqing Dong, and Weihui Dai. 2019. A supra-modal decoding mechanism: Evidence from Chinese speakers learning English. NeuroManagement and Intelligent Computing Method on Multimodal Interaction, AICMI 2019 Suzhou, China.1-6. Weihui Dai. 2019. NeuroManagement and intelligent computing method on multimodal interaction. NeuroManagement and Intelligent Computing Method on Multimodal Interaction, AICMI 2019 Suzhou, China.1-3. Zoltan Geler, Vladimir Kurbalija, Mirjana Ivanovi?, Milo? Radovanovi?, and Weihui Dai. 2019. Dynamic time warping: Itakura vs sakoe-Chiba. IEEE International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, INISTA 2019 - Proceedings Sofia, Bulgaria.1-6. Duo Xu, Yonghui Dai, and Weihui Dai. 2019. Smart recommendation of personalized cloud music service based on mental model. Proceedings of ACM Turing Celebration Conference-China 2019 Chengdu, China.247-252. Xiao Chen, Xinyu Dai, Hai Sun, Huajuan Mao, Xiaohua Hu, and Weihui Dai. 2019. Meta-Analysis of the fMRI observations of brain emotional responses. 21st International Conference on IT Applications and Management Huelva, Spain.136-146. Wenyu Lin, Yiming Jiang, Jingchen Fu, Hao Hao, Le Hu, Yufeng Zou, and Weihui Dai. 2019. Study on Chinese "Feng Shui" characteristics of commercial community based on big data analytics. 21st International Conference on IT Applications and Management Huelva, Spain.114-122. Shenyue Han, Tianyang Chen, Ke Gao, Jinzhao Wang, and Weihui Dai. 2019. Speech intelligent monitoring for early warning of depression recurrence. 21st International Conference on IT Applications and Management Huelva, Spain.123-135. Lanqing Dong, Meilin Li, Yizu Wang, Changcheng Chen, Jinzhao Wang, Guobin Dai, and Weihui Dai. 2019. Precision fitness for the elderly based on artificial intelligence technology. 21st International Conference on IT Applications and Management Huelva, Spain.155-161. Jinzhao Wang, Na Lyu, Meilin Li, Shuangshuang Dai, Wenhui Dai, and Weihui Dai. 2019. The application of information network for health poverty alleviation. 21st International Conference on IT Applications and Management: New Developments in Hyper-Tourism in the Age of Digital Intelligence Huelva, Spain.147-154. Chun Wang, Xuelin Liao, Yuxin Han, Yahuan Dai, Yahui Sun, and Weihui Dai. 2019. The semantic expression characteristics of sign language and intelligent recognition method. 21st International Conference on IT Applications and Management Huelva, Spain.105-113. Duo Xu, Weihui Dai, Xinyu Zhou, Ye Fu, Yonghui Dai, and Dongrong Xu. 2018. Smart learning for cyber psychosocial and physical computation. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing Suzhou, China.49-56. Yonghui Dai, Junjie Chen, Haijian Chen, Shengqi Lu, Ye Fu, and Weihui Dai. 2018. Study on learner's interest mining based on EEG signal analysis. Proceedings of 13th CCF Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Guilin, China.398-409. Weihui Dai, Zebin Wang, Xuan Zhou, Jinzhao Wang, Bixuan Fu, Shuyi Wang, and Tzu-Chieh Lin. 2017. Neuromanagement: development pattern and research paradigm. 18th International Conference on IT Applications and Management Shanghai,China.150-160. Zebin Wang, Shuchun Cheng, Tong Wu, Xinshuang Zhao, and Weihui Dai. 2017. Modeling and statistical analysis of big data for cosmetics marketing. 18th International Conference on IT Applications and Management Shanghai,China.189-196. Tian Wang, Xinyu Yuan, Wenhui Han, Chuncheng Wang, and Weihui Dai. 2017. Research on cyberpsychology computation of customers' online shopping behavior using EEG analysis. 18th International Conference on IT Applications and Management Shanghai,China.161-169. Xuan Zhou, Jian Wang, Hongzhi Hu, Weihui Dai, Lina Wei, and Huajuan Mao. 2016. Recognition of infant's emotions and needs from speech signals. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Budapest, Hungary.4620-4625. Xuan Zhou, Duo Xu, Weihui Dai, and Ye-Sho Chen. 2016. The evolution of ethnic cultural industry towards a cyberspace: A perspective of generalized ecosystem. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Budapest, Hungary.4756-4761. Weidong Zhao, Ran Wu, Weihui Dai, and Yonghui Dai. 2015. Research paper recommendation based on the knowledge gap. 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops Atlantic, USA.373-380. Xuan Hu, An-an Hu, Weihui Dai, and Weixiang Zhu. 2015. Construction and measurement of artificial psychological emotion model for consumers' online shopping behaviors. 2015 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering Dubai, United Arab Emirates.16-24. Vladimir Kurbalija, Mirjana Ivanovi?, Milo? Radovanovi?, Zoltan Geler, Dejan Mitrovi?, Weihui Dai, and Weidong Zhao. 2015. Cultural differences and similarities in emotion recognition. 7th Balkan Conference in Informatics Craiova, Romania.1-6. Shuang Huang, Xuan Zhou, Weihua Dai, and Mirjana Ivanovi. 2015. Neural cognition and intelligent computing on the emotional symbols of cyber language. 2015 Internatiohnal Conference on Intelligent Computing and Internet of Things Harbin, China.164-167. Mirjana Ivanovi′, Milo? Radovanovi′c, Zoran Budimac, Dejan Mitrovi′, Vladimir Kurbalija, Weihui Dai, and Weidong Zhao. 2014. Emotional intelligence and agents-Survey and possible applications. 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, WIMS 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece.1-17. Dai, Weihui, Ni Xu, Genghui Dai, and Hongkun Song. 2011. The formation mechanism of IT-driven emerging industries: A perspective of generalized ecological community. San Jose, California USA.194-200. Dai, Weihui, Huajuan Mao, Xiaohua Hu, and Jiapeng Chai. 2011. Analysis of influencing factors on doctor's prescription behavior in China. San Jose, California USA.905-912. Weihui Dai. 2010. Autonomous Intelligent System for Supply Chain Management on Mass Customization Manufacture. Luoyang, China.686-689. Weihui Dai, Hongwei Yan, Xiaoyi Liu. 2010. Supply Chain System for Emergency Rescue of Natural Disasters. Xi’an, China.218-221. Weihui Dai, Lianhua Su, Xiaoyi Liu. 2010. Dynamic Monitoring and Emergency Response System for Environment Protection. Harbin, China.571-574. Weihui Dai, Xiaoyi Liu, Zhaozong Zhan, Xin Cui. 2010. Ecological Mechanism of Tourism Crisis and the Crisis Management System. Nakorn Pathom,Thailand.48-55. Weihui Dai, Xiqiong Wan. 2010. Analysis of Generalized Ecological Community in Socioeconomic System. Changsha, China.659-662. Weihui Dai. 2010. Consumer Oriented Supply Chain Management Based on Mobile Agent System. Gyeongju, Korea.604-608. Weidong Zhao, Weihui Dai, Kunlong Yang. 2010. The Relationship of Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management. Chengdu, China.26-29. Weihui Dai,Yue Yu,Yonghui Dai,and Xingyun Dai. 2009. Information Hiding Systems for Online Conversation. Qingdao, China.107-110. Qianhui Liang,Weihui Dai. 2009. On Technology Innovation:A Community Succession Model for Software Enterprise. 1th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Milan,Italy.411-415. Weidong Zhao,Weihui Dai,Anhua Wang,Xiaochun Fang. 2009. Role-activity Diagrams Modeling Based on Workflow Mining. Los Angeles,California USA.301-305. Weidong Zhao,Weihui Dai. 2008. Integrated Modeling of Business Processes and Knowledge Flow Based on RAD. Wuhan,China.49-53. Dai Weihui,Zhang Liu,Liang Shuyi. 2008. Multi-objective Optimization Approach to Ill-posed Inverse Problem. ICNC2008 .515-519. Weidong Zhao, Weihui Dai,Yijie Wang. 2008. Mining Preferred Browsing Paths Based on Adjacency List Models. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY .1-4. Dai, Weihui; Zhang, Xiaolan; Liang, Shuyi. 2008. Research on public service platform for SMEs based on remote consultation. ICSSSM2008 .P334-338. Dai Weihui and Zhou Xuan. 2007. Ecological communities in digital creative industry. International Conference on the Industrialization of Ubiquitous .41-47. Weihui Dai, Zhiyan Gu,Yong Dai. 2005. Research on Grid Organization and Grided Management. 2005 Conference of System Dynamics and Management Science .. SUN Tao,DAI Wei-hui,Qu Di. 2005. Grid-based Organization Structure and Co-Evolutionary Mechanism : Complex Software Programme's High Performance Teams Establishment and Management. .. Tao Sun and Weihui Dai. 2005. IT service management by projects: Grid-based organization structure establishment and evolution. ICSSSM 2005 .1335-1339. Ye-Sho Chen, Wei Yuan, Weihui Dai. 2004. Strategy and Nearly Decomposable Systems:A Study in Franchise Organizations. Proceeding of ICIS 2004 (ISAP) .. 戴伟辉,张晓兰,戴杏云. 高层管理团队的决策过程模型. , 2008, 中国,长沙: 2423-2428. 戴伟辉,梁淑怡,周瑛. 高层管理团队的群体效能及其影响因素分析. 第四届公司治理国际研讨会, 2007, : 164-171. 范嫔,邬亮,戴伟辉,袁存鼎. 基于Weblog的远程咨询. , 2006, : 194-198. 刘寿吉,戴伟辉. 基于ITIL的软件企业IT服务管理模型研究. , 2006, : 28-31. 戴伟辉,沈立冰,卢宝周,李悝. 基于MAS的高层管理团队理论及其应用. 信息系统协会中国分会第一届学术年论文集, 2005, : 69-73. 邬亮,戴伟辉,陆佳颖. 企业高层管理团队的决策过程及决策失误风险分析. 信息系统协会中国分会第一届学术年论文集, 2005, : 56-60. 戴伟辉,叶楠,孙涛. 网络生态学的方法及应用. 信息系统协会中国分会第一届学术年论文集, 2005, : 666-669. 戴伟辉. 基于多Agent的高层管理团队群体效能研究. , 2005, : 155-160. 著作中的文章 徐倩,顾杰,戴伟辉,蒋彬. 浅谈基于城市网格化管理平台的数字社区服务.载于:. 北京, 2009. 戴伟辉,张晓兰. 数字社区服务信息化支撑体系研究.载于:. 北京, 2009. 杨玲,戴伟辉,张晓兰. 数字社区现代服务业商业模型研究.载于:. 北京, 2009. 学术专著 戴伟辉. 基于Internet的远程咨询. 北京: 知识产权出版社, 2005. 戴伟辉. 高层管理团队的群体分析. 北京: 知识产权出版社, 2005. 翻译著作 戴伟辉. 首席信息官的智慧. 上海: 上海财经大学出版社, 2005. 教材和其他 毛华娟,戴伟辉,景在平. 血管腔内器具学(第二版). 上海: 上海科学技术出版社, 2018. Zaiping Jing, Huajuan Mao, and Weihui Dai. 2018. Endovascular Surgery and Devices. Springer Nature, Singapore. 毛华娟,戴伟辉,景在平. 血管腔内器具学. 上海: 上海科学技术出版社, 2017. 戴伟辉,孙云福. 网络内容管理与情报分析. 北京王府井大街36号: 商务印书馆, 2009. 戴伟辉,孙海,黄丽华. 信息系统分析与设计. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2004.
