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实验凝聚态物理,低维拓扑量子体系的物理及光电子学。发表英文SCI论文40篇,包括 Nature Physics 2篇,Nature Nanotechnology 1篇,Nature Communications 2篇, Science Advances 1篇, Physical Review Letters 8篇, Nano Letters 5篇等。 用多种光学实验技术探索低维拓扑量子体系的物理,研究方向主要有:石墨烯/氮化硼异质结,拓扑绝缘体,拓扑晶体绝缘体,二维狄拉克材料等,研究着重于对这些体系的能带、多体相互作用、拓扑序等新奇物理的理解,以及实现新的器件功能。受邀在美国哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、哥伦比亚大学、美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室、加拿大多伦多大学等世界28所大学、研究机构和国际学术会议(包括APS March meeting)做邀请报告40余次。 主要经历 1998-2002 北京大学,学士 2002-2008 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,博士 2008-2011 美国哥伦比亚大学,博士后 2011-2015 美国国家强磁场实验室,研究教授 2015 至今 四川大学物理科学与技术学院, 教授 Zhiqiang Li Professor of Physics,Sichuan University Email:zhiqiangli@scu.edu.cn Research Interests: Experimental condensed matter physics. Optical and electronic properties of low-dimensional systems and topological materials, such as graphene and other novel 2D materials, topological insulators, etc. Experience: PhD (2008), University of California, San Diego, USA 2008—2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, Columbia University, USA 2011—2015 Research Faculty, National High Magnetic Field Lab, USA




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10: Ying Wang, Guoyu Luo, Junwei Liu, R. Sankar, Nan-Lin Wang, Fangcheng Chou, Liang Fu, Zhiqiang Li, “Observation of ultrahigh mobility surface states in a topological crystalline insulator by infrared spectroscopy”, Nature Communications 8, 366 (2017). 9: Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Ting Cao, Zhengguang Lu, Yu-Chuan Lin, Fan Zhang, Ying Wang, Zhiqiang Li, James C. Hone, Joshua A. Robinson, Dmitry Smirnov, Steven G. Louie & Tony F. Heinz, “Magnetic brightening and control of dark excitons in monolayer WSe2”, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 883 (2017). 8: Xiang Yuan, Peihong Cheng, Longqiang Zhang, Cheng Zhang, Junyong Wang, Yanwen Liu, Qingqing Sun, Peng Zhou, David Wei Zhang, Zhigao Hu, Xiangang Wan, Hugen Yan, Zhiqiang Li, and Faxian Xiu, “Direct Observation of Landau Level Resonance and Mass Generation in Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2 Thin Films” Nano Lett. 17, 2211 (2017). 7: Sanfeng Wu, Lei Wang, You Lai, Wen-Yu Shan, Grant Aivazian, Xian Zhang, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Di Xiao, Cory Dean, James Hone, Zhiqiang Li, Xiaodong Xu, “Multiple Hot-Carrier Collection in Photo-Excited Graphene Moire Superlattices”, Science Advances 2, e1600002 (2016). 6: Zhi-Guo Chen, Zhiwen Shi, Wei Yang, Xiaobo Lu, You Lai, Hugen Yan, Feng Wang, Guangyu Zhang and Zhiqiang Li, “Observation of an intrinsic bandgap and Landau level renormalization in graphene/boron-nitride heterostructures”, Nature Communications 5, 4461 (2014). 5: Zhiqiang Li, Chun Hung Lui, Emmanuele Cappelluti, Lara Benfatto, Kin Fai Mak, G. Larry Carr, Jie Shan, and Tony F. Heinz, "Structure-dependent Fano resonances in the infrared spectra of phonons in few-layer graphene", Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 156801 (2012). 4: Chun Hung Lui, Zhiqiang Li, Kin Fai Mak, Emmanuele Cappelluti & Tony F. Heinz, "Observation of an electrically tunable band gap in trilayer graphene", Nature Physics 7, 944 (2011). 3: Z.Q. Li, E.A. Henriksen, Z. Jiang, Z. Hao, M.C. Martin, P. Kim, H.L. Stormer, and D.N. Basov, "Band structure asymmetry of bilayer graphene revealed by infrared spectroscopy", Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 037403 (2009). 2: Z.Q. Li, E.A. Henriksen, Z. Jiang, Z. Hao, M.C. Martin, P. Kim, H.L. Stormer, and D.N. Basov, "Dirac charge dynamics in graphene by infrared spectroscopy", Nature Physics 4, 532 (2008). 1: Z.Q. Li, V. Podzorov, N. Sai, M.C. Martin, M.E. Gershenson, M. Di Ventra and D.N. Basov, "Light Quasiparticles Dominate Electronic Transport in Molecular Crystal Field-Effect Transistors", Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 016403 (2007).
