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主持和参加的科研项目: 2009-2011 鸟粪石形成的微观机理及分析方法研究,北京市教委科技计划项目,项目负责人。 2010-2012 市属高等学校人才强教深化计划——“中青年骨干人才培养计划”项目,项目负责人。 2011-2013 具去除污水中氨氮性能的金属-有机骨架:合成、表征与应用研究,城市雨水系统及水环境教育 部重点实验室开放课题,项目


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学术论文 Xiaodi Hao, Chongchen Wang, Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht and Yuansheng Hu. Looking beyond struvite for P-recovery (viewpoint article). Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 4965?4966 Chong-Chen Wang*, Guang-Liang Guo, Peng Wang.Synthesis, Structure and Luminescent Properties of Three Silver(I) Complexes with Organic Carboxylic Acid and 4,4'-Bipyridine-Like Ligands. Transition Metal Chemistry, 2013, 38(4): 455-462 ChongChen Wang, Haiyan Li, GuangLiang Guo, Peng Wang. Synthesis, characterization and luminescent properties of series silver(I) complexes with organic carboxylic acid and 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane,Transition Metal Chemistry, 2013, 38(3): 275-282 ChongchenWang, Peng Wang. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of three Mixed-ligandSilver(I) Complexes Constructed from 1,2-Di(4-pyridyl)ethylene and DifferentOrganic Carboxylate Anions, Russian Journal of Coordination chemistry, 2013, 39(2): 194-200 Chongchen Wang, Guangliang Guo,Peng Wang. Two Sodium and Lanthanide(III) MOFs based on Oxalate and V-shaped4,4′-oxybisbenzoate Ligands: Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Luminescence Properties, Journal of Molecular structure, 2013, 1032: 93-96. Chongchen Wang, Peng Wang,Guangliang Guo. Influence of Different Organic Carboxylate Anions On theCrystal Structure of Silver(I) Coordination Polymers, Chinese Journal ofStructure Chemistry, 2012, 31(7), 1008-1020. Chong-Chen Wang,Peng Wang, Guang-liang Guo. 3D Sandwich-like Frameworks Constructed from Simple Silver Chains: Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Six Silver(I) Coordination Complexes. Transition Metal Chemistry, 2012, 37(4): 345-359 Chong-Chen Wang,Peng Wang, Li-li Feng. Influence of organic carboxylic acid on self-assembly of silver(I) complexes containing 1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethane ligands. Transition Metal Chemistry, 2012, 37(2): 225-234. Chongchen wang, Zhihua Wang, Fubo Gu, Guangsheng Guo.2011 Three Novel Lanthanide MOFs Constructed from 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic Acid and 1,10-Phenanthroline: Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Thermal Properties,Journal of Molecular structure1004(1-3): 39-44. (Rank 5 of top 25 hottest articles of Journal of Molecular Structure of January to December 2011 full year; Rank 1 of top 25 hottest articles of Journal of Molecular Structure of October to December 2011) Chong-Chen Wang, Peng Wang.2011 Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Two Silver(I) Complexes With Organic Carboxylic Acidand bidentate N-donor ligands. Chinese Journal of Structure Chemistry. 30 (6), 811-818. Guangsheng Guo, Chongchen Wang, Yangchun Liu. 2010 Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Two Novel Lanthanide MOF Compounds with One-dimensional Water Chains. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 26 (9): 1583-1589. (《无机化学学报》2012年度优秀论文) Chongchen Wang, Peng Wang, Guangsheng Guang. 2010 Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Four Mixed-ligand Silver(I) Complexes with Sandwich-like Structure. Transition Metal Chemistry, 35(6): 721-729 Chongchen Wang, Zhihua Wang, Fubo Gu, Guangsheng Guo. 2010 Five Novel Metal-Organic Framework Constructed by Lanthanide metals and 2, 2'-bipyridine-6, 6'-dicarboxylate: Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Thermal Properties. Journal of Molecular structure. 979(1-3): 92-100 (Rank 10 of top 25 hottest articles of Journal of Molecular Structure of January to December 2011 full year; Rank 2 of top 25 hottest articles of Journal of Molecular Structure of October to December 2011; Rank 22 of top 25 hottest articles of Journal of Molecular Structure of July to September 2010) Chonghen Wang, Xiaodi Hao, Guangsheng Guo. 2010.Formation of pure struvite at neutral pH by electrochemical deposition. Chemical Engineering Journal, 159, 280–283. X.-D. Hao, C.-C. Wang, L. Lan and M. C. M. van Loosdrecht. (2008). Struvite formation, analytical methods and effects of pH and Ca2+. Water Science & Technology, 58(8), 1687-1692. 著作 王崇臣, 冯利利, 汪长征. 用于制造固体氧化物燃料电池的钙钛矿型氧化物.机械工业出版社, 2012 王崇臣,王婷,张元晶,柯以侃.实用化学化工信息检索丛书--化学化工专利文献及其检索. 化学工业出版社, 2005. 无机化学. 化学工业出版社, 2008, 副主编. 柯以侃, 周心如,王崇臣, 王淑俊. 化验员基本操作与实验技术. 化学工业出版社, 2008. 郝晓地, 王崇臣, 金文标. 磷危机概观与磷回收技术. 北京: 高等教育出版社. ISBN978-7-04-031876-0, 王崇臣编写“磷化学”、“磷的地球化学”及“磷污染-全球性问题”等三个部分 参编环境分析化学. 北京: 化学工业出版社ISBN 978-7-122-11680-2 参编环境分析化学实验教程. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2011.9, ISBN:978-7-122-11577-5 参编环境分析化学例题与习题集.北京: 化学工业出版社, 2011.9, ISBN:978-7-122-11586-7 无机化学(第二版). 化学工业出版社, 2011, 副主编.
