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赵京教授(博士生导师) 1.简介 1998年毕业于北京工业大学机械学专业并获工学博士学位,1999年被评为教授。1998年赴加拿大北方数据有限公司进行机器人测试技术的合作研究;2003年赴加拿大进行学术交流和进修。此外,多次应邀赴国外参加IEEE、IFToMM、ANS、ASME、IROS等重要国际学术会议宣读论文,并担任分会主席。近年来,多次获得省部级教学和科研成果奖。1996年被评为北京市优秀青年骨干教师,1998年当选北京市跨世纪优秀人才,2006年被评为北京市优秀教师,2011年获得北京市高等学校教学名师奖。 2. 主要研究方向 (1)机器人学及机器人应用技术 (2)计算机辅助创新技术的应用 (3)电磁透射技术应用 3. 主持的主要科研项目 (1)面向企业创新应用链知识管理体系建设总体框架及标准规范研究。国家科技支撑计划项目(2012-2014) (2)基于生物物理学的仿人机械臂拟人化运动控制研究,国家自然科学基金(2011-2013)。 (3)模块化冗余度机器人容错性能的理论与实验研究,国家自然科学基金(2008-2010)。 (4)自夹持式相贯线焊缝专用焊接机器人系统,北京市教育委员会科技计划重点项目(2009-2011,分项主持) (5)煤矿生命探测仪研制,江阴530计划(2009-2011) (6)北京发展机器人产业的需求分析与技术选择,北京市科委(2007-2008)。 (7)协调机器人容错操作的研究,北京市自然科学基金(2004-2006) 此外,还主持多项企业横向课题。 4.主持的教学研究项目 (1)国家级教学团队建设项目,教育部(2009-2012) (2)《机械原理》北京市精品课程建设项目,北京市(2005-2010) 5. 承担的教学任务 (1)《机械原理》(本科生) (2)《机器人技术基础》(本科生) (3)《机器人学》(硕士研究生) (4)《机器人冗余度及其最优化》(博士研究生) 本人指导的硕士研究生从2003年至2010年连续8年获得北京工业大学优秀硕士论文,其中2人获得北京工业大学“十佳科技之星”。


(1)机器人学及机器人应用技术 (2)计算机辅助创新技术的应用 (3)电磁透射技术应用


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Zhao Jing. Simulation Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Compressor’s Suspension System, Proc of the First China/Japan Int. Sym. on Machine Elements, 1993, 912~916 (2) Zhao Jing and Bai Shi Xian. A Control Scheme of Combined Method for Redundant Manipulators. Int. Conf on Mechanical Transmissions and Mechanisms (IFToMM), 1997, 439~421 (3) Zhao Jing, Bai Shi Xian. Load Distribution and Joint Trajectory Planning of Coordinated Manipulation for Two Redundant Robots. Mechanism and Machine Theory,1999, 34(8), 1155~1170 (SCI、EI 收录) (4) Zhao Jing, Bai Shi Xian.The Study on Coordinated Manipulation of Two Redundant Robots with Elastic Joints. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2000,35(7),895~909 (SCI、EI 收录) (5) Zhao Jing and Zhang Yue-ming. Redundancy Resolution with Minimum Joint Elastic Deflection for Elastic Joint Redundant Robots, Proc IEEE Int. Conf. On Robotics and Automation, 2001,5, 4048~4053(SCI、EI、ISTP 收录) (6)赵京,缪萍。冗余度机器臂关节运动和末端运动的同步容错规划,机械工程学报,2003,39(3),53~57 (EI收录) (7) Zhao jing,Tian junxia. Fault Tolerant Planning with Avoidance of Joint Torque Limit for Redundant Manipulators,10th Int. Conf. on Robotics and Remote System for Hazardous Environments, 505~510, USA, 2004 (EI收录) (8) Zhao Jing and Jin Hongmei. Motion Planning Based on Two New Fault Tolerant Indexes for Redundant Manipulators, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Tian Jin,China. 2004 (EI、ISTP收录) (9)赵京,荆红梅,两机械臂协调操作的容错运动规划,机械工程学报,2004,40(12), 172~176 (EI收录) (10) Zhao Jing and Jin Hongmei. Motion Planning Based on Two New Fault Tolerant Indexes for Redundant Manipulators, 机械工程学报(英文版), 2004,17,204~243(EI 收录) (11) Zhao Jing, Yao Xuebin,Zhang Lei. The Optimization of Initial Posture with Avoidance of the Sudden Change in Joint Velocity for Fault Tolerant Operations of Two Coordinating Redundant Manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2005,40(6),659~668(SCI、EI 收录) (12) Zhao Jing, Zhang Kailiang,YaoXuebin. Fault Tolerant Motion Planning with Avoidance of the Sudden Change in Joint Velocity for Two Coordinating Redundant Manipulators, Proceedings of ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, USA (EI收录) (13) 赵京,么学宾,张雷。冗余度机械臂协调容错操作中关节速度突变的研究, 机械工程学报,2006,42(1),53~57 (EI收录) (14) Zhao Jing,Yao Xuebin. Fault Tolerant Motion Planning Based on Joint Torque for Redundant Manipulators.高技术通讯(英文版),2006,12(1),72~76 (EI收录) (15) Zhao Jing, Zhang Kailiang, Yao Xuebin. Study on Fault Tolerant Workspace and Fault Tolerant Planning Algorithm Based on Optimal Initial Position for Two Spatial Coordinating Manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2006,41(5)584~595(SCI、EI 收录) (16) Zhao Jing,Yao Yanbin,Yao Xuebin. On the Sudden Change in Joint Velocity during Fault Tolerant Operations for Spatial Coordinating Redundant Manipulators,Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, Oct. 11-14,2006 (SCI刊源、EI 收录) (17) Zhao Jing, Fen Dengdian. On the Sudden Change of the Joint Velocity During Fault Tolerant Operations for Manipulators with Multiple Degrees of Redundancy, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, France, June.18-21, 2007 (EI 收录) (18) Zhao Jing, Jin Yi. Dimensional Synthesis Based on Fault Tolerant Performance for Redundant Robots, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Korea, August 21-24,2007 (EI 收录) (19) Zhao Jing, Fen Dengdian. Comprehensive Evaluation on Fault Tolerant Properties of Redundant Robots. 机械工程学报(英文版),2008(SCI、EI 收录) (20) Zhao Jing, Li Qian. On the Joint Velocity Jump for Redundant Robots in the Presence of locked-Joint Failures, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2008,102305-1~102305-7 (SCI、EI 收录) (21) Zhao Jing, Fang Cheng. On the Joint Velocity Jump During Fault Tolerant Operations for Manipulators with Multiple Degrees of Redundancy. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2009,44(6): 1201~1210(SCI、EI 收录) (22) Zhao Jing, Liu Yu, Jin Yi. On Path Errors of Redundant Robots in Fault Tolerant Operations for Locked Joint Failures. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, June, 22-26, 2009, Munich, Germany(EI 收录)


