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水溶性高分子的合成与应用(包括混凝土外加剂和油田化学品); 导电高分子的电化学制备及其在传感器方面的应用; 聚合物改性水泥基材料; 功能高分子的合成与应用。

1.水溶性高分子的合成与应用(包括混凝土外加剂和油田化学品); 2.导电高分子的电化学制备及其在传感器方面的应用; 3.聚合物改性水泥基材料; 4.功能高分子的合成与应用。


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Synthesis and water absorption of galactose-containing amphiphilic triblock copolymers based on PLAs,New Journal of Chemistry, 2014,38, 490-494 Synthesis, characterization and application of chitosan coated Fe3O4 particles as an adsorbent for the removal of furfural from aqueous solution,RSC Advances,2014,4,30352-30357 Thermo-sensitive zwitterionic block copolymers via ATRP,RSC Advances,2014,4,24240-24247 Synthesis, Characterization and Property of Amphiphilic Fluorinated ABC-Type Triblock Copolymers,Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry,2011,49,1528–1534 Facile Synthesis of Multi-Branched Gold Nanostructures through a TBAB-Assisted Route in Aqueous Solution and Their SERS Property, Chinese Journal of Chemistry,2011, 29,185–190 High Yield of Ordered and Straight Polypyrrole Microwires Synthesized through a Hydroxyethylcellulose Template,Chemsitry Letter,2012,41,1692-1693 Cross-linking Conducting Polythiophene with Yellow-green Light-emitting Properties and Good Thermal Stability via Free Radical polymerization
