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招生方向: 决策与优化,应急管理,组合优化,大数据与社交网络分析 教育背景 2018-07--2018-07 Stanford University 访问 2017-12--2018-11 University of Texas at Dallas 访问学者 2017-01--2017-02 Nanyang Technological University 访问 2004-09--2007-06 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 博士 2001-09--2004-06 山东大学 硕士 1997-09--2001-06 山东大学 学士 工作经历 2007.7-今 中国科学院大学工程科学学院 2017.12-2018.12 University of Texas at Dallas 访问学者,合作导师:堵丁柱 Honors Ø 2018 Outstanding Reviewer Award for Chinese Journal of Management Science Ø 2013 Excellent Course Award in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Introduction to Emergency Management Ø 2010 Excellent Course Award in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Modern Optimization Computing Method •http://news.ucas.ac.cn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=341845&catid=369&Itemid=206 教授课程 现代优化计算方法 管理中数学方法及应用 系统工程与工程管理概论 管理中的数学方法及应用 突发事件应急管理 项目质量管理 经济管理数据分析 电子商务 应用统计学 教学报告 1.工程管理硕士论文选题讲座 2.中国科学院大学工程管理硕士学位论文选题统计分析 专利与奖励 国家标准GB/T38358-2019 “电子商务产品质量监测抽样方法”,2019年12月31日发布,并将于2020年7月1日实施(http://openstd.samr.gov.cn/bzgk/gb/newGbInfo?hcno=98CEC53162BE7B8DF48CF825825A39C5)。 奖励信息 (1) 中国科学院大学校级优秀课程, , 研究所(学校), 2013 (2) 中国科学院研究生院校级优秀课程, , 研究所(学校), 2010 发表著作 译著《运筹学基础 (第10版)》,已出版; 译著《运筹学导论 (第9版)》,已出版; 译著《运筹学导论 (第8版)》,已出版; 编著《项目管理研究进展报告》; 著作章节《Nonlinear Combinatorial Optimization》. Springer, Cham, 2019 科研项目 2021.1-2024.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目“群组效应下虚假信息传播机理与最优干预策略研究” 2019.6-2020.12,基于非次模优化的网络谣言源头定位与辟谣策略研究 2017.10-2018.1, 中国标准化研究院课题“电子商务产品总体质量水平估计与抽样方法研究 2016.12-2017.10,国网天津市电力公司“国网天津市电力公司应急能力建设评估” 2016.12- 2017.3,中国地震局中国地震应急搜救中心课题“大中城市地震救援情景埋压率经验公式与路径优化研究” 2015.10-2016.7,云南电网公司“应急装备定额管理及技术规范研究” 2014.1-2016.12,国家自然科学基金“非常规突发事件应急管理研究”重大研究计划培育项目“应急资源信息数据库、协调调配模型方法及仿真研究” 2013.6-2016.5,企业横向课题“管联运输网络优化设计与仿真实验分析” 2011.1-2013.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金“不确定环境下应急资源配送中鲁棒决策的模型与方法研究”(71001099); 2012.1-2015.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目“突发事件下通信网络可靠性及资源配置应急策略” 2011.1-2014.12,国家自然科学基金“非常规突发事件应急管理研究”重大研究计划集成项目,“突发事件应急准备与应急预案体系研究”(91024031) 2010.1-2012.12,国家自然科学基金“非常规突发事件应急管理研究”重大研究计划培育项目,“应对非常规突发事件的一体化区域资源保障体系设计与协调优化方法”(90924008) 2010.11-2012.5,新疆维吾尔自治区应急办“乌鲁木齐市区、街道、社区三级联动操作预案应用研究与示范” 2008.1-2010.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目“网络优化设计中的算法博弈研究”(10771209) 2007.1-2008.3,“丹东SK保税物流中心选址问题研究”,企业横向课题,负责选址模型研究 2008.4-2009.3,“HER管轨交通车辆调度问题研究”,企业横向课题,负责调度算法设计与实现 2007.10-2008.4,“核心传送网结构优化算法完善及核心传送网目标结构、演进策略探讨”,0841051G02,企业横向课题; 参加会议 Ø 第十一届“行为运筹学与行为运营管理”国际研讨会,2019.12.14-15,北京 Ø The 8th International Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks (CSoNet 2019), 2019.11.18-20, 胡志明市,越南 Ø 基于网络的社会经济系统复杂决策学术会议, 2019.8.2, 山东济南 Ø 2019 POMS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN CHINA, Tianjin, China, June, 21-24, 2019 Ø 2018年3月5日,Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference 2018, 美国达拉斯 Ø The 12th International Symposium on Emergency Management(isem14), Dalian, China, October 14-15, 2017. Ø Workshop on supply chain management, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, February 4-6, 2017. Ø The 11th International Symposium on Emergency Management(isem16), Fuzhou, China, Nov. 4-6, 2016. Ø The 10th International Symposium on Emergency Management(isem15), Beijing, China, Nov. 7-8, 2015. Ø 2014年12月, 国家自然科学基金“非常规突发事件应急管理研究”重大计划的年度交流会。 广东深圳 Ø 2014年11月, The 9th International Symposium on Emergency Management (ISEM'14), 广东深圳 Ø 2013年10月, The 8th International Symposium on Emergency Management (ISEM'13), 辽宁大连 Ø 2013年8月, the 12th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA2013), 安徽黄山 Ø 2012年6月,The Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2012), 黑龙江哈尔滨 Ø 2011年11月, The 6th International Symposium on Emergency Management (ISEM'11), 北京 Ø 2011年11月, 2011年度青年基金项目研究工作交流会, 江西南昌 Ø 2011年6月,International Symposium on Frontiers of Operations Research Dedicated to the 90th birthday of Prof. YUE Minyi (ISFOR’2011), 北京 Ø 2010年8月,the 9th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA2010), 四川成都 Ø 2010年8月,2010 IEEE International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences, 北京 Ø 2010年8月,The 5th International Symposium on Emergency Management (ISEM'10), 北京 Ø 2010年7月,The 3rd International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Algorithms (GTCA’2010), 北京 Ø 2009年12月,The 4th International Symposium on Emergency Management (ISEM'09), 北京 Ø 2009年7月,中国科协第35期新观点学术新学说学术沙龙 北京 Ø 2009年6月,The First World Congress on Global Optimization in Engineering & Science (WCGO 2009), 湖南长沙 Ø 2008年12月:The 3rd International Symposium on Emergency Management (ISEM'08), 北京 Ø 2008年10月:the 7th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA2008), 云南丽江 Ø 2008年6月,The 14th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'08), 辽宁大连 Ø 2007年10月:The 2nd International Symposium on Emergency Management (ISEM'07), 北京 Ø 2006年11月:IEEE TENCON2006(IEEE REGION 10 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS/TENCON), 中国香港 Ø 2006年8月: 第一届无线算法、系统及其应用国际会议(International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications), 陕西西安 •Ø 2005年12月:第一届移动自组式与传感器网络国际会议(International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks), 湖北武汉 合作情况 University of Texas at Dallas; University of Delware; Nanyang Technological University; 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院; 中国安全生产科学研究院; 中国地震局中国地震应急搜救中心; 中国标准化研究院; 国家电网天津市电力公司; 南方电网云南省公司;


应急管理/灾害管理 大数据与社交网络分析 组合优化/网络优化 运筹学理论及其应用研究


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Jianming Zhu, S. Ghosh and W. Wu. Robust Rumor Blocking Problem with Uncertain Rumor Sources in Social Networks. World Wide Web, 2020. (SSCI/SCI, Q1, IF:2.892, CCF-B) 2.Jianming Zhu, Peikun, Ni, Guoqing Wang. Activity Minimization of Misinformation Influence in Online Social Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2020, 7(4): 897-906. (Scopus CiteScore: 4, 8/255) 3.Zhu Jianming, Ghosh S, Wu W, et al. Profit Maximization Under Group Influence Model in Social Networks[C]//International Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks. Springer, Cham, 2019: 108-119. (EI) 4.Jianming Zhu, S. Ghosh and W. Wu. Group Influence Maximization Problem in Social Networks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2019, 6(6): 1156-1164. doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2019.2938575 (Scopus CiteScore: 4, 8/255) 5.Jianming Zhu, S. Ghosh, J. Zhu and W. Wu. Near-Optimal Convergent Approach for Composed Influence Maximization Problem in Social Networks[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 142488-142497. (SCI, JCR 1区, IF: 4.08)(Scopus CiteScore: 4.96, 9/275) 6.Zhu, Jianming, Liu S, Ghosh S. Model and Algorithm of Routes Planning for Emergency Relief Distribution in Disaster Management with Disaster Information Update [J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2019, 38(1): 208-223. (SCI, JCR 2区) 7.Zhu, Jianming, Zhu Junlie, Ghosh Smita, et al. Social Influence Maximization in Hypergraph in Social Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2019, 6(4): 801-811. (SCI, JCR 1区, IF: 5.213, 3/106; Scopus CiteScore: 2.65, 51/224) 8.徐康, 朱建明, 王国庆, 李京. 自然灾害下基于受损线路复电路径的配电网抢修优化研究. 运筹与管理, 已录用. 9.倪培昆, 朱建明, 王国庆. 在线社交网络虚假信息交互量最小化的边阻断策略研究. 中国管理科学, 已录用. (CSSCI) 10.朱建明, 王瑞, 灾害救援中基于民众心理感知的应急物资多阶段分配问题研究[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2020, 16(2): 5-10. (CSCD) 11.李京, 王国庆, 朱建明, 徐康. 冰雪灾害背景下电网投资优化和韧性提升模型[J]. 中国管理科学, 2020, 28(03): 122-131. (CSSCI) 12.马天佚,朱建明,杨霖,张驰.基于故障概率的配电设备排查路径规划[J].电力大数据,2020,23(04):1-7. 13.朱建明,陈洪钧,王国庆,黄钧. 多故障点多应急队伍的电网抢修任务分配研究[J]. 安全与环境学报, 录用. (CSCD) 14.肖智文, 王国庆, 朱建明, 陈洪钧. 面向突发事件的电网韧性能力评价及构建方法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2019, 39 (10): 2637-2645. (EI) 15.Ghosh S, Zhu, Jianming, Wu W. Composed Influence Maximization in Social Networks[M]//Nonlinear Combinatorial Optimization. Springer, Cham, 2019: 251-264. 16.王晶, 刘昊天, 朱建明. 基于韧性城市视角的冰雪天气下路网恢复问题研究[J]. 中国管理科学, 2018, 26(3): 177-187. (CSSCI) 17.景阳, 李立, 朱建明. 模糊层次分析法评估核电DCS系统研发进度风险[J]. 核电子学与探测技术, 2018, 6: 834-838. 18.覃道光,朱建明. 有线电视安全播出风险识别与评价研究[J]. 广播与电视技术, 2018, 45(3):114-120. 19.Xiao Z, Wang G, Zhu J. Model and Algorithm for Rescue Resource Assignment Problem in Disaster Response Based on Demand-Ability-Equipment Matching[C]//International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications. Springer, Cham, 2017: 246-261. (EI) 20.蔡冬雪, 朱建明, 王国庆. 基于情景分析的应急装备多层级协同布局问题研究[J]. 中国管理科学, 2017, 25(10): 72-79. (CSSCI) 21.王国庆,肖智文,朱建明,秦红江.基于WBS-RBS的突发事件应急资源需求匹配研究[J].中国安全生产科学技术,2017,13(10):59-63. 22.刘舒悦, 朱建明, 黄钧, 孙军红. 地震救援中基于信息实时更新的两阶段应急物资调配模型. 中国管理科学, 2016, 24(9): 124-132. (CSSCI) 23.朱建明, 刘卓军, 孙军红. 基于先验信息的产品质量安全多阶段抽样方法研究. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2016, 12(2):163-167. 24.王晶, 易显强, 朱建明. 考虑道路修复的应急资源配送可靠路径选择问题研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 2016, 25(6):99-104. (CSSCI) 25.陈涛, 黄钧, 朱建明. 基于信息更新的两阶段鲁棒-随机优化调配模型研究. 中国管理科学, 2015, 23(10): 67-77. (CSSCI) 26.朱建明. 损毁情景下的应急设施选址多目标决策方法. 系统工程理论与实践, 2015, 3(3): 720-727.(EI) 27.朱建明等. 我国食品检测行业质量管理的现状及其展望. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2015, 6(9):3304-3308. 28.Jianming Zhu, Non-linear Integer Programming Model and Algorithms for Connected p-facility Location Problem. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2014, 2(5):451-460. 29.Qiang Guo, Jianming Zhu, Tao Chen, Jun Huang. Study Two-Stages Relief Supplies Distribution Problem based on Characteristics of Disaster Situation Information. The seventh International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2014, 126-130. (EI) 30.杨文国,朱建明,黄钧.高质量分层结构电信网络设计中的可靠性问题研究. 计算机学报, 2014, 37(11), 2366-2373.(EI) 31.Jianming Zhu, Jun Huang, Degang Liu. Robust p-median Model for Facility Location Problem Based on Scenario Analysis in Emergency Management. 2013 International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications (ISORA), pp: 78-81. (EI) 32.Qiang Guo, Jianming Zhu. Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadline Based on Traveler's Risk Attitude. 2013 International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications (ISORA), pp: 176-181. (EI) 33.Jing Wang, Jianming Zhu, Haoxiong Yang. Reliable Path Selection Problem in Uncertain Traffic Network after Natural Disaster. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2013, available online. (SCI) 34.任锡德, 朱建明, 王晶, 黄钧. 考虑均衡性的不确定时间车辆调度问题研究. 运筹与管理, 2013, 22(2): 86-91. (CSSCI) 35.Zhang Min, Huang Jun, Zhu Jianming. Reliable facility location problem considering facility failure scenarios. Kybernetes, 2012, 41(10): 1440-1461. (SCI) 36.朱建明. 基于损毁情景的可靠连通应急设施选址问题. 电子科技大学学报(社科版), 2012, 14(3): 44-48. 37.王晶,朱建明. 分级响应的应急资源布局模型和算法. 计算机应用研究, 2012, 29(8), 2872-2875. 38.Juan Liu, Jianming Zhu, Jun Huang. Multi-stage multi-objective evaluation method for the ability of the emergency resources reserve system. Systems Engineering Procedia, 2012, 5:43-48. (EI) 39.Xide Ren, Jianming Zhu, Jun Huang. Multi-period dynamic model for emergency resource dispatching problem in uncertain traffic network. Systems Engineering Procedia, 2012, 5:37-42. (EI) 40.Jing Wang, Haoxiong Yang, Jianming Zhu. A Two-stage Stochastic Programming Model for Emergency Resources Storage Region Division. Systems Engineering Procedia, 2012, 5:125-130. (EI) 41.Jianming Zhu, Jun Huang, Degang Liu, Jiye Han. Connected distribution center location problem under traffic network in emergency management. The Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2012, 160-163. (EI) 42.Jianming Zhu (2012). Supply Allocation and Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Depots in Large-Scale Emergencies, Emergency Management, 75-90, Burak Eksioglu (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-989-9, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/supplies-allocation-and-vehicle-routing-problem-with-multiple-depots-in-large-scale-emergencies. (ISTP) 43.张敏, 黄钧, 朱建明. 基于失效情景的应急设施选址问题. 数学的实践与认识, 2012, 42(1): 150-158. 44.任锡德, 朱建明, 黄钧. 不确定运行时间环境下的车辆调度问题及启发式算法. 数学的实践与认识, 2011, 41(22): 147-155. 45.韩继业, 刘德刚, 朱建明. 运筹学在应急物流中的一些应用. 重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 28(5): 1-6. 46.王晶, 黄钧, 朱建明, 唐凤,基于空间聚类的应急物资储备一体化区域划分,计算机应用研究,2010,27(8): 2999-3001. 47.朱建明, 黄钧. 应急管理中资源配送鲁棒决策的研究进展. 中国管理科学, 2010, 18(专辑):640-645. 48.Jianming Zhu, Degang Liu, Jun Huang, Jiye Han. Determining storage locations and capacities for Emergency Response. Lecture Notes in Operations Research 10, pp.262-269, 2010. (ISTP) 49.Jianming Zhu, Jun Huang, Degang Liu. Equitable Resource Allocation Problem with Multiple Depots in Emergency Management. Proceedings 2010 IEEE International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences, pp: 37-40. (EI) 50.Wang Jing, Zhu Jianming, Huang Jun, Zhang Min. Multi-level emergency resources location and allocation. Proceedings 2010 IEEE International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences, pp: 202-205. (EI) 51.朱建明, 黄钧, 刘德刚, 韩继业. 突发事件应急医疗物资调度的随机算法. 运筹与管理, 2010, 19(1): 9-14. 52.朱建明, 黄钧, 宋元涛, 杨文国. 应急管理决策中的资源布局与调度的研究综述. 系统工程, 2009, 增刊(I): 1-7. 53.黄钧, 杨文国, 朱建明. 应急资源体系研究状况与主要研究问题. 中国应急管理, 2009, 2: 10-13. 54.Xujin Chen, Xiaodong Hu and Jianming Zhu, Data Gathering Schedule for Minimal Aggregation Time in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,5:4, pp: 321-337,2009.(SCI, IF: 1.787,SCI被引用次数7次) 55.Jianming Zhu, Mingang Gao, Jun Huang, A Robust Approach to Vehicle Routing for Medical Supplies in Large-scale Emergencies. International Symposium on Emergency Management 2009, pp: 535-538. (ISTP) 56.Min’gang Gao, Jianming Zhu, Hong Chi, Mingliang Qi, A facility locations and allocations model of medical supplies. International Symposium on Emergency Management 2009, pp: 468-470. (ISTP) 57.Jianming Zhu, Wenguo Yang, Jun Huang, Degang Liu, Jiye Han, Vehicle Routing for medical supplies with Multi-depots in Large-scale Emergencies. Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences 12(A), pp: 321-326, 2009. (ISTP) 58.Jing Wang, Jianming Zhu, Feng Tang, Jun Huang. The Coordination Analysis and Strategy for Unconventional Emergency Resources Location and Allocation. International Symposium on Emergency Management 2009, pp: 531-534. (ISTP) 59.Feng Tang, Jianming Zhu, Jing Wang, Jun Huang. The Research on Relief Demand Analysis in Managing Unconventional Emergencies. International Symposium on Emergency Management 2009, pp: 549-553. (ISTP) 60.Jianming ZHU and Xiaodong HU, Improved Algorithm for Minimum Data Aggregation Time Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 21(4), pp. 618-628, 2008. (SCI, IF: 0.530,SCI被引用次数16次) 61.朱建明,许涛,何新英, 二部图上完美匹配的正交匹配分解. 运筹与管理, 2008, 17(4): 51-55 62.张玲,黄钧,朱建明, 应对大规模突发事件的资源布局模型与算法. 系统工程, 2008, 26(9):26-31. 63.Jianming Zhu, Jun Huang, Degang Liu and Jiye Han, Resources Allocation Problem for Local Reserve Depots in Disaster Management Based on Scenario Analysis. The 7th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA2008), Lecture Notes in Operations Research 8, pp.359-407, 2008. (ISTP) 64.Jianming Zhu, Weiping Shang and Xiaodong Hu, New Algorithm for Minimum Multicast Time Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2007 – Networking, Hong Kong. (EI) 65.Degang Liu, Jiye Han and Jianming Zhu, "Vehicle Routing For Medical Supplies in Large-Scale Emergencies", Optimization and Systems Biology, OSB2007 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, Beijing, pp. 412-419, 2007. (ISTP) 66.朱建明,韩继业,刘德刚, 突发事件应急医疗物资调度中的车辆路径问题. 中国管理科学, 2007, 15(专辑): 711-715. 67.Jianming Zhu, Xujin Chen and Xiaodong Hu, Minimum Multicast Time Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 4138, pp.490-501, 2006.(SCI,SCI被引用2次) 68.Jianming Zhu, Xujin Chen and Xiaodong Hu, An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Minimum Multicast Time Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE TENCON 2006 (IEEE REGION 10 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS/TENCON), Hong Kong. (EI) 69.Xujin Chen, Xiaodong Hu and Jianming Zhu, Minimum Data Aggregation Time Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 3794, pp.133-142, 2005.(SCI,SCI被引用次数100)


2019-08-01-今,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会网络科学分会, 副秘书长 2014-10-16-今,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会应急管理专业委员会, 副秘书长 2011-11-01-今,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会青年工作委员会, 委员 Ø TPC(Technical Program Committee) Member of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2019),ICDCS is one of top conference in computer science. The rank of ICDCS is A1. Ø Peer reviewer for many famous journals, such as Reliability Engineering & System Safety (the top 3 (3/145) journals), IEEE Transactions on Reliability (the top quarter (11/145) journals), IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (the top quarter (23/259) journals), Complexity (the top quarter (13/87) journals), IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (the top quarter (13/87) journals), Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (the top quarter (13/87) journals), Annals of Operations Research, etc. See the Publons profile https://publons.com/researcher/1632147/jianming-zhu Ø A peer-reviewed expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Reviewed more than 75 proposals for NSFC in the past 5 years. 《中国管理科学》审稿人 《运筹与管理》审稿人 《安全与环境学报》审稿人 《中国安全生产科学技术》审稿人 《武汉理工大学学报》审稿人
