Correction to: Leukemia

Since the publication of the original paper, the authors realized in the analyses of day 15 MRD <25% and day 29 MRD data and outcome, three patients were misclassified due to non-censoring of event after HSCT. All three were stratified concordantly by FCM and PCR, two above (one relapse and one non-relapse related death) and one (relapse) below the cutoff level of 10−3. There is no change in the conclusions of the paper. An additional seven were misclassified but had day 15 MRD levels >0.25 and thus did not affect further analyses.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Day 15 FCM-MRD (a) and PCR-MRD (b) levels and EFS with censoring at time of HSCT. Day 15 FCM-MRD (c) and PCR-MRD (d) levels and EFS with no censoring at time of HSCT.

Table 1 Day 29 FCM and PCR-MRD values and EFS and CIR before and after correction for the three cases.