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Reply to: Reconsidering X-ray plasmons

The Original Article was published on 25 October 2019

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Fig. 1: Comparison of signals.
Fig. 2: Histogram of the seeded X-ray mode with material states above 1.5× compression demonstrating the criteria used for single-shot spectral analysis.

Data availability

The data that support the plots within this paper and other findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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L.B.F. and S.H.G. co-wrote the manuscript. L.B.F., H.J.L., T.D., E.G., B.N., P.H., S.L.P., T.M., A.P., D.T., T.W., M.W., B.B., U.Z., J.B.H. and S.H.G. performed the experiment. U.Z., T.D. and H.J.L. developed and commissioned the spectrometer. L.B.F. and A.P. analysed the spectra. C.F., M.M., D.A.C., D.O.G., J.V. and G.G. performed calculations and simulations. L.B.F., T.D., M.M., D.A.C., D.O.G., J.V., G.G., R.W.F., C.-C.K., H.N., J.W., P.N., J.B.H. and S.H.G. conceived the experiment and interpreted the results.

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Correspondence to L. B. Fletcher.

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Fletcher, L.B., Lee, H.J., Döppner, T. et al. Reply to: Reconsidering X-ray plasmons. Nat. Photonics 13, 751–753 (2019).

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