Rational design of oligonucleotides for enhanced in vitro transcription of small RNA

  1. Ryota Yamagami2,3
  1. 1 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime university;
  2. 2 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University
  1. * Corresponding author; email: yamagami.ryota.bn{at}ehime-u.ac.jp


All kinds of RNA molecules can be produced by in vitro transcription using T7 RNA polymerase using DNA templates obtained by solid-phase chemical synthesis, primer extension, PCR or DNA cloning. The oligonucleotide design, however, is a challenge to non-experts as this relies on a set of rules that have been established empirically over time. Here, we describe a Python program to facilitate the Rational design of Oligonucleotides, Calculated with Kinetic parameters for Enhanced in vitro Transcription (ROCKET). The Python tool employs thermodynamic parameters, performs folding-energy calculations, and selects oligonucleotides suitable for the polymerase extension reaction. These oligonucleotides improve yields of template DNA. With the oligonucleotides selected by the program, the tRNA transcripts can be prepared by a one-pot reaction of the DNA polymerase extension reaction and the transcription reaction. Also, the ROCKET-selected oligonucleotides provide greater transcription yields than that from oligonucleotides selected by Primerize, a leading software for designing oligonucleotides for in vitro transcription, due to the enhancement of template DNA synthesis. Apart from over 50 tRNA genes tested, an in vitro transcribed self-cleaving ribozyme was found to have catalytic activity. In addition, the program can be applied to the synthesis of mRNA, demonstrating the wide applicability of the ROCKET software.


  • Received December 10, 2023.
  • Accepted February 14, 2024.

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