
Pastures account for about 70% of the world’s agricultural land (Squires et al., 2018) and provide essential sources of high-quality forage for ruminants (Bouwman et al., 2005). Thus, pastures assume a key role in nourishing a growing global population with dairy and meat products (Henchion et al., 2017; Tripathi et al., 2018). Moreover, grasslands fulfill ecosystem services such as carbon storage and habitat conservation; hence, they help mitigate climate change and preserve biodiversity (O’Mara, 2012; Zhao et al., 2020).

Pasture management is being challenged by increasing competition between forage and energy crops (Donnison & Fraser, 2016), land sealing due to infrastructure and housing, greater yield volatility due to climate change (Hopkins & Del Prado, 2007), and stronger constraints on fertilization (Buckley et al., 2016). Against this backdrop, accurate and reliable information about future pasture yields gains importance for agricultural management. These yield predictions can support the decision-making processes regarding fertilization, pest control, irrigation, stocking rates, and mowing. Overall, accurate yield predictions allow more efficient use of all inputs, resulting in less environmental impact and greater profits for farmers (Hedley, 2015; Kent Shannon et al., 2018).

Machine learning-based optical sensing has become the prevailing approach to predictive modeling for pasture yields. In this approach, past observational data is analyzed to learn a mapping function between pasture characteristics and biomass at harvest. This function is used to predict the biomass for pasture characteristics obtained via sensors at a future time. Predictive modeling using machine learning (ML) takes advantage of significant improvements in technology for optical sensing (Adão et al., 2017; Zeng et al., 2020), enhanced availability of field data at different levels of granularity (Murphy et al., 2021), and greater performance of the underlying ML algorithms. The importance of MLbased optical sensing for pasture yield prediction is reflected in the high number of studies in recent years.

Evidence for the effectiveness of ML-based predictive modeling has increased. The evidence concerns different grass species, such as perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) (Nguyen et al., 2022), signalgrass (Brachiaria) (Bretas et al., 2021), and clover (Trifolium pratense) (Li et al., 2021), and different types of optical sensors, including portable spectroradiometers (Murphy et al., 2022), sensors mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) (van der Merwe et al., 2020), and carried by satellites (Bretas et al., 2021). This variety converges with a broad set of ML techniques that developers can adopt. Developers must select techniques for the transformation of input data into features, the training of prediction models from past observations of input data and biomass, and the evaluation of the trained models on new observations. To inform these decisions on the development of prediction models, insights into the effectiveness of specific ML techniques are required.

Notwithstanding the increased evidence base, the understanding of the effectiveness of specific ML techniques is still limited. Regarding the types of optical sensor data, a previous review found better performance for prediction models that were trained on in-field imagery compared to models that processed satellite data (Morais et al., 2021). However, about half of the included studies examined non-managed grasslands, such as steppe, semiarid grassland, bunchgrass, and shrub on drylands; hence, the finding cannot necessarily be generalized to prediction models for pasture yield. Two literature reviews focused on UAVs so that the results do not extend to models trained on data from field spectroradiometers and satellites (Bazzo et al., 2023; Lyu et al., 2022). Another review had a broader scope by including studies that collected non-optical sensor data (Murphy et al., 2021). One related review only provided aggregated information but no results at the study level (Subhashree et al., 2023).

Collectively, the burgeoning field of pasture yield prediction using ML-based optical sensing calls for the assessment of current evidence to facilitate the development of prediction models. To address this need, we conducted a systematic review that is conceptually guided by the ML process. Specifically, the objectives are to: (1) determine the adoption of ML-based optical sensing in previous research examining yield prediction for pasture management, (2) collate the performance results, and (3) propose recommendations for future research and the reporting of studies.


We conducted a systematic review of studies and report the results based on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines, where applicable (Moher et al., 2009). To ensure the reliability of the coding, three authors independently screened the identified records, assessed the full-text articles for eligibility, and extracted data from the selected studies.

Eligibility criteria

We included studies that applied machine learning on data obtained from optical sensing for predicting the yield of pastures, with yield defined as the current or future biomass of a specific pasture area, such as a plot, paddock, or field. The studies were required to report empirical results from the processing of real-world data. We focused on studies in refereed journals and written in English. The time interval of the past eight years (2015-01-01 through 2022-10-26) allowed us to assess studies that benefit from advances in ML and optical sensors in recent years, and thus have high relevance for research and practice. Studies were excluded if any of the following criteria were met: (1) dependent variable not related to a managed pasture but a different crop, nature conservation, biodiversity, or grassland coverage; (2) no prediction of yield but a different variable (e.g., nutrients, sward composition); (3) no predictive modeling but explanatory modeling or conceptual research; (4) no use of machine learning; (5) no processing of real-world data; and (6) no use of data from optical sensing (e.g., exclusively weather data).

Information sources and search

We identified articles through an automated search of journal articles published between January 1, 2015, and October 26, 2022. The search used the electronic database Scopus, which is the largest database of scientific literature and has larger coverage of peer-reviewed literature than the Web of Science (Mongeon & Paul-Hus, 2016; Singh et al., 2021; Thelwall & Sud, 2022). We designed the search query to cover the wide variety of terminology found in the literature. The search query had four concatenated components for pasture, yield, prediction, and machine learning. The pasture was represented as follows: (pasture* OR forage* OR grassland* OR *grass OR herbage* OR meadow*). Yield was covered by the following term: (yield OR biomass OR agb OR “herbage mass” OR “pasture mass” OR “grassland production” OR “forage production” OR quantity). The prediction component included different words as follows: (predict* OR assess* OR estimat* OR forecast*). Machine learning was represented by abstract terms and specific algorithms as follows: (“machine learning” OR “deep learning” OR “support vector” OR “random forest*” OR “neural network” OR “partial least square*” OR “predict* model*” OR “regression model”).

Study selection

We ensured the reliability of the study selection through the following procedure. We defined a codebook that provided the eligibility and exclusion criteria. The codebook was used in the screening phase by three authors who independently coded the first nine articles based on the title, abstract, and keywords. The coders met to compare their codes and resolve any conflicting codes through discussion. The coding commenced with the remaining articles. Once all articles were coded and discussed, we downloaded the full texts of the articles that passed the screening. The assessment of the full texts employed the same codebook and was organized in two rounds of coding and resolving disagreements.

Data collection process

The data collection for the included studies was carried out by the same three authors, who independently filled in an Excel spreadsheet form for 96 data items per article. The data items operationalize the conceptual framework described in the following section. All individual codes were compared in two rounds in which disagreements were resolved through discussion and consensus.

Data items

Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual model of the review based on the process of predictive modeling using machine learning. This process begins with the prediction problem and ends with the evaluated prediction model. The figure also denotes the principal data items that we collected during the review.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Process and principal data items for pasture yield prediction

Forecasting the yield of pastures based on optical sensor data recorded during the vegetation period represents the prediction problem. Plant species are pasture plants that are cultivated and constitute the sward composition for which the prediction is made. Grazing indicates whether the pasture is grazed by animals or managed by machinery for forage conservation. Country denotes the location where the study was conducted. The process shown in Fig. 1 defines four phases, which we discuss in the following paragraphs.

Data collection includes the creation of a data set by recording prediction-relevant data of the pasture vegetation and the observed yield at the time of harvest. Study conditions describe the number of fields, sample plots, and seasons for which these data were recorded. A sample plot is defined as the smallest partial area from which an independent sample of biomass is collected by cutting. Studies vary in the number of plots per field as well as in the size of plots, which usually range from 0.25 m2 to a handful of square meters. The input data can be classified into the following groups: vegetation indices calculated from spectral measurements (Xue & Su, 2017); spectral bands taken from imagery; textural features as properties of the surface calculated based on the Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method (Haralick et al., 1973); sward height above the ground; weather data (e.g., precipitation, temperature) (Yao et al., 2022); site data (e.g., soil type, angle); and agronomic data (e.g., fertilizer input, irrigation, grazing rotation, stocking rates, species selection, and pest and weed control) (Smit et al., 2008). Another classification of input data is based on the dichotomy of biotic and abiotic factors affecting plant growth (Lange et al., 2014). Biotic factors refer to living organisms, such as grazing animals, insects, microorganisms, and other plants that influence pasture production (Kallenbach, 2015; Klaus et al., 2013). Abiotic factors encompass non-living elements, such as soil composition, temperature, water supply, and global radiation that determine plant growth (Baldocchi et al., 2004; Sorkau et al., 2018). A sound knowledge of biotic factors, abiotic factors, and their complex interactions helps to develop effective prediction models, although the conceptual differences between explanatory and predictive modeling need to be considered (Shmueli, 2010).

Optical sensors for gathering input data can be categorized as follows. In-field sensors operate near the ground and foremost include field spectroradiometers for obtaining reflectance data, such as vegetation indices and chlorophyll content of plants, but also laser scanners, such as LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), to create a 3D map of the pasture. Aerial sensors are mounted on an aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to collect high-resolution imagery from a low flying height (Feng et al., 2021); they include hyperspectral, multispectral, and RGB cameras as well as thermal sensors and LiDAR sensors. Satellite remote sensing enables to record vegetation reflectance from the orbit.

Data preprocessing is the second phase, which produces so-called features from the input data. Features represent characteristics of the empirical phenomenon on which a prediction model can be learned. Including all input data as features in the prediction model incurs the risk of learning from noise in the data and lacking in prediction performance. For this reason, feature selection provides different techniques for identifying smaller sets of features. The techniques are usually grouped into three categories (Chandrashekar & Sahin, 2014): (1) Filter-based techniques select features based on a metric calculated for each feature. For instance, correlation analysis can identify pairs of highly correlated features from which only one feature will be retained. Another technique is principal component analysis (PCA), which transforms a set of strongly correlated features into a smaller set. (2) Wrapper-based techniques remove one or more features from the initial set by iteratively training and evaluating alternative prediction models. For instance, backward elimination starts with the full set of features and removes features based on pvalues passing a specific threshold (in case of multiple linear regression). (3) Embedded techniques are specific to an ML algorithm. One example is Random Forests feature selection, which calculates the so-called feature importance metric and then removes features that do not pass a threshold for the metric.

The third phase is model training in which example observations are used to learn a function that best maps a set of feature values to the corresponding observed yield; these examples are also referred to as input-output pairs. For estimating the mapping function, the field of supervised machine learning provides a large variety of ML algorithms. Frequently used algorithms for predicting pasture yields include Random Forests (RF) (Ho, 1995), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) (Bishop, 2006), and Support Vector Regression (SVR) (Drucker et al., 1996) but also different types of linear regression, such as ordinary least squares (OLS) and partial least squares (PLS) regression. All these algorithms require a sufficiently large training set that includes a number of examples.

Model evaluation is the final phase, which assesses the prediction performance of a trained model. Because of the many design alternatives to choose from in the preceding phases, developers usually evaluate alternative prediction models through experiments in which one or more factors are manipulated. By conducting factorial experiments, developers can devise a variety of experimental conditions, gain insights into how the factors affect performance, and eventually identify the best-performing model. Irrespective of the experimental design, evaluation calls for testing the prediction model on new observations, thus observations that were not included in the training phase. The evaluation can be accomplished using cross-validation, a test set, or both techniques. In cross-validation (CV), the data set is iteratively divided into subsets for training and testing. For instance, k-fold CV divides the data set into k subsets (folds) of equal size, trains a model for each combination of k-1 folds, evaluates the model on the left-out fold, and reports the mean performance for all k models. In other words, in each iteration, one fold is left out of the training set. Another type of CV is leave-one-out, which trains the model using all but one observation and tests the model on the left-out observation. The training and testing must be repeated n times, with n standing for the total number of observations. Different from CV, a test set indicates a technique that uses a separate data set of new observations. Either technique can apply performance metrics to quantify the accuracy of predicted vis-á-vis observed yields. Metrics for yield predictions include, for instance, the coefficient of determination (R2), the root mean square error (RMSE), the normalized RMSE (NRMSE), and the mean absolute error (MAE). The report on prediction performance can be supplemented by information on so-called feature importance, i.e., a quantitative assessment of the extent to which individual features have contributed to the prediction performance. Various techniques are available for measuring importance, for example, by indicating how a specific performance metric would change in absolute or relative terms if the feature in question were removed. Other techniques specify importance as a percentage value, summing to 100% for all features. Such information is typically presented in column charts or placed in tabular appendices.


Study selection

Figure 2 shows the PRISMA flow chart of study selection. A total of 591 records were identified through database searching. We considered two additional studies that reported prediction models for pasture yield using optical sensing; the studies were listed in Scopus, but their records were not automatically retrieved. Of the 91 articles that were forwarded to the full-text assessment, 43 articles fulfilled the eligibility criteria, and these studies were included in the review.

Fig. 2
figure 2

PRISMA flow chart

Table 1 shows an overview of the included studies. The most frequently studied plants were perennial ryegrass (14 studies, Lolium perenne), clover species (8, Trifolium), signalgrass (5, Brachiaria), and timothy (4, Phleum pratense). Twenty-five of the pastures were mechanically harvested, and the remaining pastures were grazed by animals. Twenty-two studies were conducted in Europe, nine in Australia, six in South America, and four in North America, whereas only each one study was carried out in Africa and Asia. Predictions were always made right before harvest or very near to that day, except for three studies that used prediction horizons of 13 days (Schwieder et al., 2020), 38 days (Li et al., 2021), and 152 days (Hamada et al., 2021), respectively.

Table 1 Overview of the studies (N = 43)

Data collection

Table 2 provides the number of fields, sample plots, and seasons, followed by the different types of input data. Almost half of the studies were limited to data from a single field. The number of sample plots ranged from only two to more than one thousand (mean: 114; median: 54; n = 35). Two-thirds of the studies collected data in one growing season, and every fifth study covered two seasons. Two studies even covered eight (Jaberalansar et al., 2017) and twelve seasons (Ali et al., 2017), respectively. Twothirds of the studies were conducted at research facilities and one-third on fields operated by farmers (not tabulated).

Vegetation indices were processed as input data in 29 studies. The number of VIs spanned from one index in four studies to more than 20 indices in eight studies. Sward height was used in 19 studies and it was either measured by UAV (13 studies), rising plate meter (3), LiDAR (1), meter ruler (1), or satellite (1). Nineteen studies processed spectral bands, which exhibited large variability between 2 and 2150 different bands. In three studies, vegetation indices were complemented with textural features. All other types of input data played a minor role. Specifically, five studies used weather data, two studies considered site data (e.g., soil type, elevation, slope, and aspect), and only one study integrated fertilizer input as agronomic data (Franceschini et al., 2022). No study learned a model based on biotic data.

Table 3 summarizes the adoption of the different types of optical sensors. Fourteen studies obtained data from in-field sensors, which included spectroradiometers (12 studies). Twenty-four studies collected input data from cameras mounted on aerial vehicles; the cameras recorded RGB images (11 studies), multispectral images (13), and hyperspectral images (5). Thirteen studies retrieved image data from satellites, including Sentinel (9 studies), MODIS (3), PlanetScope (2), Landsat (1), PlanetDove (1), and WorldView (1).

Table 2 Data collection in the included studies (N = 43)
Table 3 Optical sensors used in the included studies (N = 43)

Data preprocessing

Table 4 reports the adoption of feature selection techniques and provides the number of features per study. Feature selection was present in 24 studies, and the most frequent techniques were correlation analysis (8 studies), PCA (8), and stepwise regression (4). The number of features ranged between 1 and 101, although eight studies did not report this information. On one hand, four studies spared out feature selection but collected sensor data for a single feature. On the other hand, 18 studies trained models from at least 10 different features.

Table 4 Feature selection techniques and number of features in the included studies (N = 43)

Model training

Table 5 provides information about the adoption of 16 different ML algorithms. The most frequent algorithms were Random Forests (20 studies), PLS regression (13), OLS regression using a single predictor (10) or multiple predictors (8), and Support Vector Regression (8). The size of the training set was stated in 41 studies, which either reported the number of examples, a percentage value of the examples used, or both types of information (not tabulated). In 10 studies, the prediction models were trained on less than 100 examples.

Table 5 Machine-learning algorithms in the included studies (N = 43)

Model evaluation

Experimental manipulation

Table 6 shows the frequency of each manipulated factor. The most frequent factors were feature set (19 studies) and ML algorithm (17). The former studies compared the performance of prediction models using different combinations of features, such as vegetation indices, spectral bands, sward height, and weather features. Nine studies investigated alternative sensors (e.g., UAV versus satellite). Six further factors were only examined in one study each. The number of manipulated factors per study was either one (16 studies), two (15), or three (2), whereas no manipulation was present in ten studies.

Table 6 Manipulated factors in the included studies (N = 43)

Model assessment

Table 7 shows the adoption of cross-validation and test set as techniques for model assessment. Twelve studies were limited to cross-validation, and another 13 studies only used a test set including new observations. The remaining 18 studies applied both techniques.

Table 7 Model assessment in the included studies (N = 43)

We note that the application and reporting of cross-validation exhibit large variation by leaving out one fold (19 studies), one example (7), or one site (1) in the training phase, whereas four studies provided no information in that respect. Regarding the test set, 29 of the 31 studies reported its size as a percentage of the whole data set. The number of examples ranged between 10 and 433. Six studies had very small test sets with at most 24 examples, but ten studies had much larger test sets with more than one hundred examples.

Performance metrics

Table 8 reveals that R2 was reported in all but five studies. Thirty studies provided the root mean square error in kg per ha. Unitless normalizations of the RMSE were present in 25 studies. This normalization was either based on the mean (11 studies), range (4), standard deviation (2), and interquartile range (1) of the observed yield, or its specification was missing (7).

Table 8 Performance metrics reported in the included studies (N = 43)

Performance by types of optical sensors

The high adoption rate of the unitless R2 metric allowed us to collate performance results as shown in Fig. 3, which groups 41 prediction models by the types of optical sensors used. The R2 ranged between 0.42 and 0.90 in the satellite group, between 0.50 and 0.94 in the aerial sensors group, and between 0.62 and 0.92 in the in-field sensors group. The range was even smaller for the few prediction models that complemented in-field data by satellite data (0.71 to 0.90) and UAV data (0.81 to 0.92), respectively. Similarly, the mean performance in the in-field (0.79) and aerial groups (0.77) was higher than for the satellite (0.67) group. Two studies that processed data from aerial sensors and satellites at the same time reported R2 values of 0.70 (Pereira et al., 2022) and 0.72 (Barnetson et al., 2021), respectively (not shown in Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

R2 of 41 prediction models by the types of optical sensors used (dots with filling indicate R2 on the test set, dots without filling stand for cross-validation)

Feature importance

Seventeen studies provided information on the importance of features. As shown in Table 9, many different techniques have been adopted, including variable importance in projection (Chong & Jun, 2005) and increase in RMSE (Kuhn, 2008). Six studies reported on the importance but lacked a specification of the technique used. In fifteen studies, only features based on spectral data were assessed (which is consistent with the focus on spectral variables in the data collection). In one study, the highest feature importance was assigned to canopy height (Schucknecht et al., 2022), and another study found that the relative importance of three weather features was one third, while three vegetation indices contributed two thirds (Bretas et al., 2021).

Table 9 Techniques for feature importance reported in the included studies (N = 43)


This review examined the adoption of machine-learning techniques for pasture yield prediction using optical sensor data. We analyzed forty-three studies that have been published in journals between 2015-01-01 and 2022-10-26. This section discusses the principal findings of the review and draws implications for future research and the reporting of studies. We also discuss the limitations of our review.

Data collection

For assessing the reliability of a trained prediction model, the number of fields, plots, and seasons are important factors that determine the size of the training set. These numbers can provide indications of how far the temporal and spatial variability of pasture yields have been considered in the data collection. Yet, more than half of the studies were conducted in one season, which restricts the training data to specific weather and growing conditions. One-third of the studies were limited to data from one field in one season. Even in the latter group of studies, the number of sample plots exhibited an enormous span from 21 to 1080. The chances that a model will perform similarly in future seasons can be enhanced by training the model on multi-seasonal data of different fields in which many plots capture the in-field variability. However, this approach puts a burden on researchers and farmers because the required effort for data collection increases significantly.

The restriction of many studies to a single field limits the applicability of the trained models to a local level; hence, conclusions about their prediction performance beyond the specific field cannot be drawn. Three approaches are feasible to develop global models. First, data from a larger number of fields from different regions can be collected to develop models from data of greater heterogeneity. Second, data representing biotic and abiotic factors can be integrated to represent a larger set of growing conditions, thereby incorporating these factors into the development. A third possibility is to train a global prediction model by integrating multiple local models, i.e., the reuse of training data from different local sources (Liu et al., 2022).

The included studies do not inform developers about the minimum size of the training set to achieve a reasonable level of prediction performance. One study manipulated the size but it found only marginal effects on performance (Rosa et al., 2021). The results of our review highlight that little is known about how to specify the size of the training set. This finding points to the need for further examination of the relationship between the training set and prediction performance.

A common theme in the studies is the application of features derived from optical data, namely VIs (29 studies), spectral bands (19), textures (19), and sward height (15). Most studies collected data from at least two different types and considered multiple input variables, either alternatively or supplementary. The focus is on exploiting the potential of optical sensing and techniques for transforming image data into variables that are associated with plant growth. Therefore, it is not surprising that the number of VIs (1 to 97), spectral bands (2 to 2150), and textures (8 to 32) varied considerably across studies. It is noteworthy that the most frequent approach for measuring the sward height was UAV, which has substituted the manual measurement using hand-held devices. Consistent with the large array of VIs, spectral bands, textures, and sward height variables collected in combination, the types of optical sensors used indicate comprehensive coverage of current sensor technologies.

All other types of input data, such as weather data (5 studies), site data (2), and agronomic data (1) played a minor role. This finding is surprising in view of the fact that such data can be obtained with relatively little effort or are already available. For instance, the retrieval of weather data is facilitated by online portal and programming interfaces (Jaffrés, 2019). Historic and current weather data specifically for agricultural purposes are offered by companies, national meteorological agencies, and agricultural departments (Farmers Guide, 2022). Site and agronomic data are increasingly recorded by farmers and processed in digital farm management information systems. These data represent a so far hardly exploited potential for supplementing the spectral data and thus for training even more accurate prediction models.

Data preprocessing

Given the often-high dimensionality of the optical input data used, the objective of data processing is to reduce the number of features derived from the input data. This dimensionality is foremost due to the large number of VIs and spectral bands in many studies. The results of our review provide evidence for the relevance of feature selection, which was present in more than half of the studies (it was not relevant for four studies that collected data for a single feature). Overall, the techniques used span across filter-based, wrapper-based, and embedded techniques, and reflect the variety of techniques available from the ML literature. In many studies, the number of features was effectively reduced without increasing the error of prediction. For instance, one study started with a set of 20 VIs and eventually selected one VI based on correlation analysis (Hamada et al., 2021). Another study considered 2150 different spectral bands obtained from a hand-held spectroradiometer and then performed stepwise regression using backward elimination to arrive at a linear model with only seven features (Zeng & Chen, 2018). Similarly, a study by Chiarito et al. (2021) applied a genetic algorithm to an initial set of 1024 spectral bands to choose a 13-feature model.

Concerning the final set of features processed in the training phase, our review identified six studies in which the lack of feature selection led to models trained from at least 26 features (Grüner et al., 2020; Karunaratne et al., 2020; Lussem et al., 2022; Näsi et al., 2018; Pranga et al., 2021; Schucknecht et al., 2022). For these studies, it might be possible that a model with fewer features exists that would perform similarly. Therefore, we recommend exploring the impact of feature selection on prediction performance when the model was trained on a large number of features derived from optical data. For studies that adopt a hypothetico-deductive approach to the model development, we suggest determining the relative importance of each feature and relating the results back to the model development. We also note that almost one-fifth of the studies provided no information on the number of features. Presenting complete information on the features included in the trained model would help assess the input data that necessarily must be collected and data that can be omitted. This information can effectively be reported in a table showing each feature along its unit of measurement and definition (Chen et al., 2021). In case the number of features exceeds the possibilities of a table, the information can be summarized by indicating the numbers per type of sensor as well as the initial and final numbers (Schulze-Brüninghoff et al., 2021).

Model training

The highest adoption rates were found for Random Forests, PLS regression, and OLS regression, whereas only four studies used Artificial Neural Networks. It is noteworthy that PLS regression was employed in 13 studies. PLS regression is a form of multiple linear regression in which the number of initially used independent variables can automatically be reduced by an in-built principal component analysis to a smaller set of features. Therefore, PLS regression appears specifically relevant for the training from spectral input data, while it still assumes linear relationships between the features and the pasture yield. However, two studies that compared the performance of PLS and MLR models reported conflicting results concerning the R2 metric (Askari et al., 2019; Borra-Serrano et al., 2019). Regarding the performance of linear vis-á-vis non-linear models, four studies found better performance for non-linear models, but three other studies came to the opposite conclusion. Overall, the results of our review suggest no evidence for the superiority of any group of learning algorithms.

Forty studies stated the size of the training set, which varied greatly because of the different numbers of fields, sampling plots, and seasons between studies. This size must be seen in the context of the temporal and spatial variability of the specific pasture under study. If a prediction model is learned from too few observations that do not sufficiently represent this variability, the model will perform very differently for other test data. Our review identified two studies that had very small training sets of 32 (Näsi et al., 2018) and 36 observations (Li et al., 2021), respectively. Although no clear guidance is available for determining the minimum size required, it can give readers a hint about the reliability of the prediction model. Therefore, we suggest reporting complete and unequivocal information on the training and test sets used. The reporting should always include the absolute and relative numbers for each data set. For instance, this information can be visualized in a flow diagram that specifies the data processing (Murphy et al., 2022), or provided in a single sentence, such as the following: “the complete dataset was first divided into two parts in a 70:30 ratio (231 observations for the training dataset and 99 observations for the test dataset)” (Da Silva et al., 2022, pp. 6039–6040). Moreover, any removal of observations throughout the preprocessing and learning phases should be justified, instead of generally referring to so-called outlier removal.

Model evaluation

Insights into the role of specific ML techniques for achieving high performance can be obtained from systematic testing of alternative models. The preferred method is the controlled experiment in which one or more factors are manipulated (33 of 43 studies). Our review identified feature sets, ML algorithms, and optical sensors as the most frequently used factors. The relevance of feature sets and sensors can be explained by the range of input data to capture the temporal and spatial variability of pasture yields.

The evaluation should be conducted in a way that can mitigate the overfitting of a learned prediction model. A model is said to overfit if it fits well to the training set but exhibits much lower performance on new observations. For instance, it might be possible that a model that has been trained on a rich set of sensor data collected from several fields in different seasons will perform much worse for a different field or in a future season. To address the overfitting problem, cross-validation is appropriate for situations in which the total number of observations is insufficiently large to divide them into training and test sets. Different types of cross-validation are available, and they have been adopted in several ways. With respect to k-fold CV, the number of folds ranged between 3 and 20, with no study providing a rationale for the number chosen. This deficit also holds for the number of iterations of a CV; iterations were present in seven studies, and they spanned from only 5 to 1000. Leave-one-out CV must be regarded as the weakest type of CV because it likely overstates the prediction performance for extremely small ratios of new observations, such as 1080:1 in one study (Sibanda et al., 2017).

Almost three-fourths of the included studies assessed performance on a separate test set, instead of solely relying on cross-validation. Two studies stand out that trained models in one season (Togeiro de Alckmin et al., 2022) or two seasons (Murphy et al., 2022) to evaluate them in the subsequent season. Another study performed the evaluation on test data from a different field in the same season (de Oliveira et al., 2020). The size of the test set was most often stated explicitly in a table or text in the results section. For some articles, the size could be derived from a percentage value in relation to the entire data set. In seven other studies, the reporting in that respect was incomplete or inconsistent, but we could determine the number of observations through counting of dots shown in scatter plots. In a similar vein as for the training set, we recommend specifying the test procedure including the absolute and relative number of observations, any further data cleansing that led to the removal of observations, and the number of runs (if relevant).

Regarding the reporting of performance metrics, our review provides three major findings that have implications for the interpretation of study results. The first finding is the relatively high adoption of the R2 (91%), followed by the RMSE (71%). Because R2 is a unitless metric, it can in principle help compare the performance of different models that predict the same type of pasture yield. Its interpretation is less dependent on the study context compared to the RMSE. The latter metric is more informative for farmers of the specific fields from which the observations had been collected and it can help assess how useful the prediction model is compared to current means of yield prediction. However, the RMSE cannot be used to compare models that have been trained on different observations. In other words, any claim about a proposed model that its RMSE would be smaller than that of a model proposed in previous research must be taken with great caution. In view of the duality of metrics that serve very different purposes, we contend that there is no reason not to report the R2 and RMSE.

The second finding concerns the heterogeneity and ambiguity of the normalized RMSE. Given that the NRMSE was reported in more than half of the studies, this unitless metric might be used for comparing the results of similar studies. Unfortunately, we identified at least four different definitions, which render the comparison of results impossible. Only eleven studies reported the RMSE divided by the mean observed yield. This definition might be regarded as the ‘common’ meaning of the NRMSE, but seven studies provided no further details. This practice is questionable because readers might assume a definition that is different from the calculation done in the study. To make matters worse, the abstracts of 14 studies only indicated the NRMSE but not its exact definition. Moreover, different designations were used including NRMSE, nRMSE, relative RMSE (rRMSE), RRMSE, RMSE%, and RMSE with a percentage value. Taken together, our finding highlights the need for greater clarity in the reporting to avoid misinterpretations of the NRMSE.

The third finding is the lack of consensus regarding the reporting of metrics to comprehensively describe prediction performance. The three most commonly used metrics (R2, RMSE, and NRMSE) were only reported in one-third of the studies. The frequencies of metrics such as MAE (10), Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (2), Willmott’s d (2), and mean average percentage error (1) were negligible, although other literature has highlighted the usefulness of these supplementary metrics (Chai & Draxler, 2014; Willmott & Matsuura, 2005). Irrespective of the advantages and disadvantages of specific metrics, we recommend reporting a larger set of metrics, including but not limited to the R2, RMSE, and NRMSE.

Because of the large heterogeneity in the reporting of metrics discussed above, our analysis of prediction performance by the types of optical sensors used was limited to the R2 metric reported for 41 prediction models from 36 studies. We found that the variability of R2 decreased for smaller distance from the pasture sward; thus, the largest variability was observed for models trained from satellite data and it decreased considerably for aerial sensors and in-field sensors. These results suggest that the higher spatial and temporal resolution of in-field imagery can make a difference in the training of effective models.

Although the individual contribution of specific features to prediction performance can be determined using feature importance, this was the case in only 17 studies. All but two of these studies focused on features derived from spectral data. Therefore, there is yet little evidence for the roles of biotic versus abiotic features, including weather, site, and agronomic features. The results of previous studies using optical sensing do not inform us about the influence of such features on the accuracy of models. Opportunities exist to examine the supplementing roles of non-spectral features, especially of those features for which data collection is relatively easy or the data is already available from the farmers.

Collectively, the results of our review also highlight challenges for prediction models to become less local and increasingly global. Especially the large differences of pastures regarding soil properties, weather conditions, and plant species make the development of generalizable prediction model challenging. The collection of data reflecting biotic and abiotic factors is not possible by remote sensing alone. To develop more globally applicable models, it is necessary to include data from complementary sources (e.g., weather stations, soil analysis, and farm management information systems).


The results of this review should be understood in light of its limitations. The included studies varied greatly in the processing of input data and how prediction models were trained. Therefore, it was not possible to conduct in-depth comparisons of performance results, except for the types of optical sensors used. Another limitation of the review is due to the large heterogeneity of the reporting of performance metrics. This heterogeneity limited the number of studies for which performance results could be synthesized; this synthesis was only possible for the R2 but not for the NRMSE. Third, although our data collection involved three independent coders, all results presented in this review were bound to the information reported in the original studies (in a few cases, we contacted the authors to clarify the meaning of specific statements though).


This systematic review provides a comprehensive account of the application of ML for the prediction of pasture yield using optical sensor data. The results highlight the richness of techniques used for the collection and preprocessing of input data as well as the training and evaluation of prediction models. Our review also revealed some shortcomings in the assessment of prediction performance and the presentation of study designs and results. Specifically, we identified deficits in the reporting of feature sets and complete information on the training and test data, and a lack of consensus in the reporting of performance metrics. We suggest specific recommendations to enhance the uniformity and comparability of study results, which can then facilitate the integration of evidence on the role of specific ML techniques for accurate and reliable yield predictions of managed pastures.