1 Introduction

If GH are graphs, we say G is H-free if no induced subgraph of G is isomorphic to H; and for a graph G, we denote the number of vertices, the chromatic number, the size of the largest clique, and the size of the largest stable set by \(|G|, \chi (G), \omega (G),\alpha (G)\) respectively.

The k-vertex path is denoted by \(P_k\), and \(P_4\)-free graphs are well-understood; every \(P_4\)-free graph G with more than one vertex is either disconnected or disconnected in the complement [24], which implies that \(\chi (G)=\omega (G)\). Here we study how \(\chi (G)\) depends on \(\omega (G)\) for \(P_5\)-free graphs G.

The Gyárfás-Sumner conjecture [10, 25] says:

1.1 Conjecture: For every forest H there is a function f such that \(\chi (G)\le f(\omega (G))\) for every H-free graph G.

This is open in general, but has been proved [10] when H is a path, and for several other simple types of tree ([3, 11,12,13,14, 17, 19]; see [18] for a survey). The result is also known if all induced subdivisions of a tree are excluded [17].

A class of graphs is hereditary if the class is closed under taking induced subgraphs and under isomorphism, and a hereditary class is said to be \(\chi \)-bounded if there is a function f such that \(\chi (G)\le f(\omega (G))\) for every graph G in the class (thus, the Gyárfás-Sumner conjecture says that, for every forest H, the class of H-free graphs is \(\chi \)-bounded). Louis Esperet [8] made the following conjecture:

1.2 (False) Conjecture: Let \(\mathcal G\) be a \(\chi \)-bounded class. Then there is a polynomial function f such that \(\chi (G)\le f(\omega (G))\) for every \(G\in \mathcal G\).

Esperet’s conjecture was recently shown to be false by Briański, Davies and Walczak [2]. However, this raises the further question: which \(\chi \)-bounded classes are polynomially \(\chi \)-bounded? In particular, the two conjectures 1.1 and 1.2 would together imply the following, which is still open:

1.3 Conjecture: For every forest H, there exists \(c>0\) such that \(\chi (G)\le \omega (G)^c\) for every H-free graph G.

This is a beautiful conjecture. In most cases where the Gyárfás-Sumner conjecture has been proved, the current bounds are very far from polynomial, and 1.3 has been only been proved for a much smaller collection of forests (see [5, 15, 16, 20,21,22,23]). In [22] we proved it for any \(P_5\)-free tree H, but it has not been settled for any tree H that contains \(P_5\). In this paper we focus on the case \(H=P_5\).

The best previously-known bound on the chromatic number of \(P_5\)-free graphs in terms of their clique number, due to Esperet, Lemoine, Maffray, and Morel [9], was exponential:

1.4   If G is \(P_5\)-free and \(\omega (G)\ge 3\) then \(\chi (G)\le (5/27)3^{\omega (G)}\).

Here we make a significant improvement, showing a “near-polynomial” bound:

1.5   If G is \(P_5\)-free and \(\omega (G)\ge 3\) then \(\chi (G)\le \omega (G)^{\log _2(\omega (G))}\).

(The cycle of length five shows that we need to assume \(\omega (G)\ge 3\). Sumner [25] showed that \(\chi (G)\le 3\) when \(\omega (G)=2\).) Conjecture 1.3 when \(H=P_5\) is of great interest, because of a famous conjecture due to Erdős and Hajnal [6, 7], that:

1.6 Conjecture: For every graph H there exists \(c>0\) such that \(\alpha (G)\omega (G)\ge |G|^c\) for every H-free graph G.

This is open in general, despite a great deal of effort; and in view of [4], the smallest graph H for which 1.6 is undecided is the graph \(P_5\). Every forest H satisfying 1.3 also satisfies the Erdős-Hajnal conjecture, and so showing that \(H=P_5\) satisfies 1.3 would be a significant result. (See [1] for some other recent progress on this question.)

We use standard notation throughout. When \(X\subseteq V(G)\), G[X] denotes the subgraph induced on X. We write \(\chi (X)\) for \(\chi (G[X])\) when there is no ambiguity.

2 The Main Proof

We denote the set of nonnegative real numbers by \(\mathbb {R}_+\), and the set of nonnegative integers by \(\mathbb {Z}_+\). Let \(f:\mathbb {Z}_+\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_+\) be a function. We say

  • f is non-decreasing if \(f(y)\ge f(x)\) for all integers \(x,y\ge 0\) with \(y>x\ge 0\);

  • f is a binding function for a graph G if it is non-decreasing and \(\chi (H)\le f(\omega (H))\) for every induced subgraph H of G; and

  • f is a near-binding function for G if f is non-decreasing and \(\chi (H)\le f(\omega (H))\) for every induced subgraph H of G different from G.

In this section we show that if a function f satisfies a certain inequality, then it is a binding function for all \(P_5\)-free graphs. Then at the end we will give a function that satisfies the inequality, and deduce 1.5.

A cutset in a graph G is a set X such that \(G\setminus X\) is disconnected. A vertex \(v\in V(G)\) is mixed on a set \(A\subseteq V(G)\) or a subgraph A of a graph G if v is not in A and has a neighbour and a non-neighbour in A. It is complete to A if it is adjacent to every vertex of A. We begin with the following:

2.1   Let G be \(P_5\)-free, and let f be a near-binding function for G. Let G be connected, and let X be a cutset of G. Then

$$\begin{aligned} \chi (G\setminus X)\le f(\omega (G)-1)+ \omega (G) f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor ). \end{aligned}$$


We may assume (by replacing X by a subset if necessary) that X is a minimal cutset of G; and so \(G\setminus X\) has at least two components, and every vertex in X has a neighbour in V(B), for every component B of \(G\setminus X\). Let B be one such component; we will prove that \(\chi (B)\le f(\omega (G)-1)+ \omega (G) f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor )\), from which the result follows.

Choose \(v\in X\) (this is possible since G is connected), and let N be the set of vertices in B adjacent to v. Let the components of \(B\setminus N\) be \(R_1,\ldots ,R_k, S_1,\ldots ,S_\ell \), where \(R_1,\ldots ,R_k\) each have chromatic number more than \(f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor )\), and \(S_1,\ldots ,S_\ell \) each have chromatic number at most \(f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor )\). Let S be the union of the graphs \(S_1,\ldots ,S_\ell \); thus, \(\chi (S)\le f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor )\). For \(1\le i\le k\), let \(Y_i\) be the set of vertices in N with a neighbour in \(V(R_i)\), and let \(Y=Y_1\cup \cdots \cup Y_k\).

(1) For \(1\le i\le k\), every vertex in \(Y_i\) is complete to \(R_i\).

Let \(y\in Y_i\). Thus, y has a neighbour in \(V(R_i)\); suppose that y is mixed on \(R_i\). Since \(R_i\) is connected, there is an edge ab of \(R_i\) such that y is adjacent to a and not to b. Now v has a neighbour in each component of \(G\setminus X\), and since there are at least two such components, there is a vertex \(u\in V(G)\setminus (X\cup V(B))\) adjacent to v. But then \(u\hbox {-}v\hbox {-}y\hbox {-}a\hbox {-}b\) is an induced copy of \(P_5\), a contradiction. This proves (1).

(2) \(\chi (Y)\le (\omega (G)-1) f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor )\).

Let \(1\le i\le k\). Since \(f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor )<\chi (R_i)\le f(\omega (R_i))\), and f is non-decreasing, it follows that \(\omega (R_i)>\omega (G)/2\). By (1), \(\omega (G[Y_i])+\omega (R_i)\le \omega (G)\), and so \(\omega (G[Y_i])<\omega (G)/2\). Consequently \(\chi (Y_i)\le f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor )\), for \(1\le i\le k\). Choose \(I\subseteq \{1,\ldots ,k\}\) minimal such that \(\bigcup _{i\in I}Y_i=Y\). From the minimality of I, for each \(i\in I\) there exists \(y_i\in Y_i\) such that for each \(j\in I\setminus \{i\}\) we have that \(y_i\notin Y_j\); and so the vertices \(y_i\;(i\in I)\) are all distinct. For each \(i\in I\) choose \(r_i\in V(R_i)\). For all distinct \(i,j\in I\), if \(y_i,y_j\) are nonadjacent, then \(r_i\hbox {-}y_i\hbox {-}v\hbox {-}y_j\hbox {-}r_j\) is isomorphic to \(P_5\), a contradiction. Hence the vertices \(y_i\;(i \in I)\) are all pairwise adjacent, and adjacent to v; and so \(|I|\le \omega (G)-1\). Thus, \(\chi (Y)=\chi (\bigcup _{i\in I}Y_i)\le (\omega (G)-1)f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor )\). This proves (2).

All the vertices in \(N\setminus Y\) are adjacent to v, and so \(\omega (G[N\setminus Y])\le \omega (G)-1\). Moreover, for \(1\le i\le k\), each vertex of \(R_i\) is adjacent to each vertex in \(Y_i\), and \(Y_i\ne \emptyset \) since B is connected, and so \(\omega (R_i)\le \omega (G)-1\). Since there are no edges between any two of the graphs \(G[N\setminus Y], R_1,\ldots ,R_k\), their union (Z say) has clique number at most \(\omega (G)-1\) and so has chromatic number at most \(f(\omega (G)-1)\). But V(B) is the union of YV(S) and V(Z); and so

$$\begin{aligned} \chi (B)\le f(\omega (G)-1)+(\omega (G)-1)f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor ) +f(\lfloor \omega (G)/2\rfloor ). \end{aligned}$$

This proves 2.1. \(\square \)

2.2   Let \(\Omega \ge 1\), and let \(f:\mathbb {Z}_+\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_+\) be non-decreasing, satisfying the following:

  • f is a binding function for every \(P_5\)-free graph H with \(\omega (H)\le \Omega \); and

  • \(f(w-1) + (w+2) f(\lfloor w/2\rfloor ) \le f(w)\) for each integer \(w> \Omega \).

Then f is a binding function for every \(P_5\)-free graph G.


We prove by induction on |G| that if G is \(P_5\)-free then f is a binding function for G. Thus, we may assume that G is \(P_5\)-free and f is near-binding for G. If G is not connected, or \(\omega (G)\le \Omega \), it follows that f is binding for G, so we assume that G is connected and \(\omega (G)>\Omega \). Let us write \(w=\omega (G)\) and \(m=\lfloor w/2\rfloor \). If \(\chi (G)\le f(w)\) then f is a binding function for G, so we assume, for a contradiction, that:

(1) \(\chi (G)>f(w-1) + (w+2)f(m)\).

We deduce that:

(2) Every cutset X of G satisfies \(\chi (X)> 2f(m)\).

If some cutset X satisfies \(\chi (X)\le 2f(m)\), then since \(\chi (G\setminus X)\le f(w-1)+ w f(m)\) by 2.1, it follows that \(\chi (G)\le f(w-1)+(w+2)f(m)\), contrary to (1). This proves (2).

(3) If PQ are cliques of G, both of cardinality at least w/2, then \(G[P\cup Q]\) is connected.

Suppose not; then there is a minimal subset \(X\subseteq V(G){\setminus } (P\cup Q)\) such that PQ are subsets of different components (AB say) of \(G\setminus X\). From the minimality of X, every vertex \(x\in X\) has a neighbour in V(A) and a neighbour in V(B). If x is mixed on A and mixed on B, then since A is connected, there is an edge \(a_1a_2\) of A such that x is adjacent to \(a_1\) and not to \(a_2\); and similarly there is an edge \(b_1b_2\) of B with x adjacent to \(b_1\) and not to \(b_2\). But then \(a_2\hbox {-}a_1\hbox {-}x\hbox {-}b_1\hbox {-}b_2\) is an induced copy of \(P_5\), a contradiction; so every \(x\in X\) is complete to at least one of AB. The set of vertices in X complete to A is also complete to P, and hence has clique number at most m, and hence has chromatic number at most f(m); and the same for B. Thus, \(\chi (X)\le 2f(m)\), contrary to (2). This proves (3).

If \(v\in V(G)\), we denote its set of neighbours by N(v), or \(N_G(v)\). Let \(a\in V(G)\), and let B be a component of \(G{\setminus } (N(a)\cup \{a\})\); we will show that \(\chi (B)\le (w-m+2)f(m)\).

A subset Y of V(B) is a joint of B if there is a component C of \(B{\setminus } Y\) such that \(\chi (C)> f(m)\) and Y is complete to C. If \(\emptyset \) is not a joint of B then \(\chi (B)<f(m)\) and the claim holds, so we may assume that \(\emptyset \) is a joint of B; let Y be a joint of B chosen with Y maximal, and let C be a component of \(B\setminus Y\) such that \(\chi (C)> f(m)\) and Y is complete to C.

(4) If \(v\in N(a)\) has a neighbour in V(C), then \(\chi (V(C)\setminus N(v))\le f(m)\).

Let \(N_C(v)\) be the set of neighbours of v in V(C), and \(M=V(C)\setminus N_C(v)\); and suppose that \(\chi (M)> f(m)\). Let \(C'\) be a component of G[M] with \(\chi (C')> f(m)\), and let Z be the set of vertices in \(N_C(v)\) that have a neighbour in \(V(C')\). Thus, \(Z\ne \emptyset \), since \(N_C(v),V(C')\ne \emptyset \) and C is connected. If some \(z\in Z\) is mixed on \(C'\), let \(p_1p_2\) be an edge of \(C'\) such that z is adjacent to \(p_1\) and not to \(p_2\); then \(a\hbox {-}v\hbox {-}z\hbox {-}p_1\hbox {-}p_2\) is an induced copy of \(P_5\), a contradiction. So every vertex in Z is complete to \(V(C')\); but also every vertex in Y is complete to V(C) and hence to \(V(C')\), and so \(Y\cup Z\) is a joint of B, contrary to the maximality of Y. This proves (4).

(5) \(\chi (Y)\le f(m)\) and \(\chi (C)\le (w-m+1) f(m)\).

Let X be the set of vertices in N(a) that have a neighbour in V(C). Since C is a component of \(B\setminus Y\) and hence a component of \(G{\setminus } (X\cup Y)\), and a belongs to a different component of \(G\setminus (X\cup Y)\), it follows that \(X\cup Y\) is a cutset of G. By (2), \(\chi (X\cup Y)>2f(m)\). Since \(\omega (C)\ge m+1\) (because \(\chi (C)>f(m)\), and f is near-binding for G) and every vertex in Y is complete to V(C), it follows that \(\omega (G[Y])\le w-m-1\le m\), and so has chromatic number at most f(m) as claimed; and so \(\chi (X)>f(m)\). Consequently there is a clique \(P\subseteq X\) with cardinality \(w-m\). The subgraph induced on the set of vertices of C complete to P has clique number at most m, and so has chromatic number at most f(m); and for each \(v\in P\), the set of vertices of C nonadjacent to v has chromatic number at most f(m) by (4). Thus, \(\chi (C)\le (|P|+1)f(m)= (w-m+1)f(m)\). This proves (5).

(6) \(\chi (B)\le (w-m+2) f(m)\).

By (3), every clique contained in \(V(B){\setminus } (V(C)\cup Y)\) has cardinality less than w/2 (because it is anticomplete to the largest clique of C) and so

$$\begin{aligned} \chi (B\setminus (V(C)\cup Y))\le f(m); \end{aligned}$$

and hence \(\chi (B\setminus Y)\le (w-m+1)f(m)\) by (5), since there are no edges between C and \(V(B)\setminus (V(C)\cup Y)\). But \(\chi (Y)\le f(m)\) by (5), and so \(\chi (B)\le (w-m+2) f(m)\). This proves (6).

By (6), \(G\setminus N(a)\) has chromatic number at most \((w-m+2)f(m)\). But G[N(a)] has clique number at most \(w-1\) and so chromatic number at most \(f(w-1)\); and so \(\chi (G)\le f(w-1)+(w-m+2)f(m)\), contrary to (1). This proves 2.2. \(\square \)

Now we deduce 1.5, which we restate:

2.3   If G is \(P_5\)-free and \(\omega (G)\ge 3\) then \(\chi (G)\le \omega (G)^{\log _2(\omega (G))}\).


Define \(f(0)=0\), \(f(1)=1\), \(f(2)=3\), and \(f(x)=x^{\log _2(x)}\) for every real number \(x\ge 3\). Let G be \(P_5\)-free. If \(\omega (G)\le 2\) then \(\chi (G)\le 3=f(2)\), by a result of Sumner [25]; if \(\omega (G) = 3\) then \(\chi (G)\le 5\le f(3)\), by an application of the result 1.4 of Esperet, Lemoine, Maffray, and Morel [9]; and if \(\omega (G)=4\) then \(\chi (G)\le 15\le f(4)\), by another application of 1.4. Consequently every \(P_5\)-free graph G with clique number at most four has chromatic number at most \(f(\omega (G))\).

We claim that

$$\begin{aligned} f(x-1) + (x+2)f(\lfloor x/2 \rfloor ) \le f(x) \end{aligned}$$

for each integer \(x>4\). If that is true, then by 2.2 with \(\Omega =4\), we deduce that \(\chi (G)\le f(\omega (G))\) for every \(P_5\)-free graph G, and so 1.5 holds. Thus, it remains to show that

$$\begin{aligned} f(x-1) + (x+2)f(\lfloor x/2 \rfloor ) \le f(x) \end{aligned}$$

for each integer \(x>4\). This can be verified by direct calculation when \(x=5\), so we may assume that \(x\ge 6\).

The derivative of \(f(x)/x^4\) is

$$\begin{aligned} (2\log _2(x)-4)x^{\log _2(x)-5}, \end{aligned}$$

and so is nonnegative for \(x\ge 4\). Consequently

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{f(x-1)}{(x-1)^4}\le \frac{f(x)}{x^4} \end{aligned}$$

for \(x\ge 5\). Since \(x^2(x^2-2x-4)\ge (x-1)^4\) when \(x\ge 5\), it follows that

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{f(x-1)}{x^2-2x-4}\le \frac{f(x)}{x^2}, \end{aligned}$$

that is,

$$\begin{aligned} f(x-1) + \frac{2x+4}{x^2}f(x) \le f(x), \end{aligned}$$

when \(x\ge 5\). But when \(x\ge 6\) (so that f(x/2) is defined and the first equality below holds), we have

$$\begin{aligned} f(\lfloor x/2\rfloor )\le f(x/2)=(x/2)^{\log _2(x/2)}=(x/2)^{\log _2(x) - 1}=(2/x)(x/2)^{\log _2(x)} = (2/x^2)f(x), \end{aligned}$$

and so

$$\begin{aligned} f(x-1) + (x+2)f(\lfloor x/2\rfloor ) \le f(x) \end{aligned}$$

when \(x\ge 6\). This proves 2.3. \(\square \)