Correction to: Nature Chemical Biology Published online 23 May 2022.

The authors wish to acknowledge that the description of GC–MS parameters in our article was replicated from unpublished work by S. A. Bell and J. M. Winter. This affects the following text in the ‘Enzyme reactions’ subsection of the Methods:

“[P]erformed on an Agilent 6890 equipped with a 5973 mass selective detector and an Agilent DB5-MS column (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm […]). All injections were performed in splitless mode with helium as the carrier gas (0.9 ml min–1 flow rate) using 1 μl of sample (inlet = 250 °C) with the following mass selective detector parameters: TIC scan range = 40–500, quad = 150 °C, source = 250 °C, threshold = 150 and 3.15 scans per s […] initial temperature of 50 °C for 0.5 min followed by a 30 °C min–1 oven ramp to 280 °C and a 40 °C min–1 oven ramp to 330 °C with a 1-min hold.”

We apologize for the omission of the appropriate attribution for this text.