1 Introduction

Afacan (2018) considers an object allocation problem where the objects’ priorities are random. Besides its richer theoretical scope, it has practical appeal. In many real-life object allocation problems, priorities come with large indifference classes.Footnote 1 Ties are first randomly broken, and then the outcome is calculated based on the obtained strict priorities. This, in turn, means that priorities are random ex-ante, thereby falling into Afacan (2018)’s setting.Footnote 2

Afacan (2018) proposes a fairness notion, so-called “claimwise stability". He then introduces the constrained probabilistic serial (CPS) mechanism. It is mainly built on the well-known “probabilistic serial" (PS) mechanism of Bogomolnaia and Moulin (2001). Informally speaking, CPS lets agents consume objects in decreasing order of their preferences until either relevant claimwise stability constraints start binding or objects are exhausted (whichever occurs first). Afacan (2018) shows that CPS is claimwise stable and constrained stochastically efficient (henceforth, constrained sd-efficient) in the sense that its outcome is never stochastically dominated by another claimwise stable matching.Footnote 3Footnote 4 No claimwise stable and constrained sd-efficient mechanism is strategy proof; hence, in particular, CPS is not strategy-proof.Footnote 5 Afacan (2018) also shows that CPS satisfies a weaker version of equal treatment of equals.

In this study, we provide two characterizations of CPS: (i) A mechanism is non-wasteful, claimwise stable, constrained ordinally fair, and surplus-invariant to truncations if and only if it is CPS, and (ii) A mechanism is constrained sd-efficient, claimwise stable, and constrained ordinally fair if and only if it is CPS. We also obtain the independence of the axioms.

Non-wastefulness is a standard property that requires all preferred objects to be exhausted. Claimwise stability is a fairness property, motivated by both the usual fairness notion in object allocations and the proportional allocation principle in claim problems. In terms of the latter, claimwise stability advocates that objects’ shares should be distributed in proportion to the probabilistic priorities. On the other hand, if we think of objects as perfectly divisible and interpret the assigned probabilities as the time-shares for which agents consume them, then claimwise stability rules out any time-share in which a pair of agents compete for the same object, but the lower priority one consumes it. In other words, it requires the usual fairnessFootnote 6 over the whole consumption process ( Bogomolnaia and Heo (2012)), where agents acquire objects’ shares over the unit-time interval at the speed of one.

Constrained ordinal fairness is an adaptation of the ordinal fairness property of Kesten et al. (2011) and Hashimoto et al. (2014), which is used in their PS characterization, to our framework. Given a matching, let us call the agent i’s total share of the objects that are at least as good as object asurplus of agent i at object a." If agent i’s surplus at object a is less than that of agent j while the latter obtains a positive share of object a, then constrained ordinal fairness guarantees that some claimwise stability constraint that is imposed on agent i for object a is binding at the matching. Hence, giving more of object a to agent i would violate claimwise stability.Footnote 7 Therefore, constrained ordinal fairness can be deemed a fairness property in terms of surpluses but subject to claimwise stability. The last axiom—surplus invariance to truncations—is a mild invariance axiom. It imposes that after an agent truncates his preferences below an object a, his total share from the objects that are at least as good as object a remains the same. More formal motivations of the axioms are provided in the model.

This study is the first to offer an axiomatization of CPS. The most relevant works are the existing PS characterizations. Bogomolnaia and Moulin (2001) axiomatize PS for three-agent economies.Footnote 8 Then PS has been characterized for any number of agents by Kesten et al. (2011), Hashimoto and Hirata (2011), Bogomolnaia and Heo (2012), and Hashimoto et al. (2014). Besides, a recent related study is Balbuzanov (2022) where the author proposes a “generalized constrained probabilistic serial mechanism" (GCPS) to accommodate constraints over deterministic assignments into (random) matchings. In a priority-free setting, Balbuzanov (2022) characterizes constraints as upper-bound inequalities. GCPS works as PS except agents stop consuming an object whenever the relevant upper-bound constraints start binding. While our mechanisms CPS and GCPS have similar logic, the former addresses the claimwise stability constraints, which are not captured in Balbuzanov (2022).

2 The model

There are finite sets of agents N and objects \(\hat{O}\). There is also a null-object, denoted by \(\emptyset\). It represents receiving no object. Each agent \(i\in N\) has a preference relation \(\mathrel {R_i}\), which is a complete, transitive, and antisymmetric binary relation over \(\hat{O} \cup \{\emptyset \}\). For its asymmetric part, we write \(P_i\), which is defined as \(a \mathrel {\mathrel {P_i}} b\) whenever \(a \mathrel {\mathrel {R_i}} b\) and \(a\ne b\). Let \(\mathcal {R}\) be the set of all preference relations. Object \(a\in \hat{O}\) is acceptable to agent i if \(a \mathrel {P_i} \emptyset\), and otherwise, it is unacceptable. We write \(q_a\) for the number object a copies in the problem. In the rest of the paper, for ease of exposition, we assume that \(q_a=1\) for each \(a\in \hat{O}\). However, as we discuss in Remark 7, the whole analysis carries over to the multi-copy case. The null-object is not scarce, that is, \(q_{\emptyset }=|N|\).

For object \(a\in \hat{O}\), we write \(\succ _a\) for its strict priority ordering over N. Let \(\succ =(\succ _a)_{a\in \hat{O}}\) and \(\zeta\) be the priority profile and the set of all such profiles, respectively. By going beyond these priorities, we let the objects have a random priority profile \(\Delta\), which is a probability distribution over \(\zeta\). Let \(\Delta (\succ )\) be the probability of \(\succ =(\succ _a)_{a\in \hat{O}}\) under \(\Delta\). We write \(\Delta _a\) for the (marginal) priority distribution of object \(a\in \hat{O}\) under \(\Delta\).Footnote 9 There is no restriction on \(\Delta\); hence, the objects’ priorities may be independent as well as correlated. We write \(supp(\Delta )=\{\succ \in \zeta :\ \Delta (\succ ) > 0 \}\) for the support of \(\Delta\). We define \(Pr_{\Delta } ( i \rhd _a j)=\sum _{\succ \in \zeta :\ i \succ _a j } \Delta (\succ )\). In words, it is the probability that agent i has a higher priority than agent j at object a. In the rest of the paper, we fix the set of agents and objects and write \((R,\Delta )\) for the problem.

For ease of writing, let \(O=\hat{O} \cup \{\emptyset \}\). A matching \(\sigma =[\sigma _{i,a}]_{i\in N, a\in O}\) is a matrix such that (i) for each \(i\in N\) and \(a\in O\), \(0\le \sigma _{i,a} \le 1\), (ii) \(\sum _{a\in O} \sigma _{i,a}=1\), and (iii) for each \(c\in \hat{O}\), \(\sum _{i\in N} \sigma _{i,c} \le 1\). Here, \(\sigma _{i,a}\) represents the probability that agent i is matched with object a. Let \(\sigma _i=[\sigma _{i,a}]_{a\in O}\) denote the matching of agent i. A matching \(\sigma\) is deterministic if \(\sigma _{i,a}\in \{0,1\}\) for each \(i\in N\) and \(a\in O\). Let \(\mathcal {X}\) be the set of all matchings. We write \(\mathcal {M}\) for the proper subset of \(\mathcal {X}\) that consists of the deterministic matchings.

A probability distribution \(\lambda\) over \(\mathcal {M}\) is called a lottery. Formally, \(\lambda =(\lambda _{\mu })_{\mu \in \mathcal {M}}\) is such that for each \(\mu \in \mathcal {M}\), \(0\le \lambda _{\mu } \le 1\) and \(\sum _{\mu \in \mathcal {M}} \lambda _{\mu }=1\). We write \(\sigma ^{\lambda }\) for the matching induced by \(\lambda\), that is, for each agent–object pair (ia), \(\sigma ^{\lambda }_{i,a}=\sum _{\mu \in \mathcal {M}:\ \mu _i=a} \lambda _{\mu }\).

Fact 1

(Birkoff-von Neumann and Kojima and Manea (2010)) Every matching is induced by a lottery \(\lambda\) over \(\mathcal {M}\).

Because of the above well-known fact, in the rest of the paper, we consider matchings instead of lotteries. A mechanism \(\psi\) is a systematic procedure that produces a matching for each problem \((R,\Delta )\). We write \(\psi (R,\Delta )\) for the outcome of \(\psi\) in problem \((R,\Delta )\).

2.1 The axioms

For an agent i and object a, let \(SU(\mathrel {R_i},a)=\{c\in O:\ c \mathrel {\mathrel {P_i}} a\}\) (the strict upper contour set of agent i at object a), and \(U(\mathrel {R_i},a)=SU(\mathrel {R_i},a) \cup \{a\}\) (the upper contour set of agent i at object a).

A matching \(\sigma\) is non-wasteful if, for any objects \(a,b\in O\) and agent i, \(a \mathrel {P}_i b\) and \(\sigma _{i,b} > 0\), then \(\sum _{j\in N} \sigma _{j,a}=q_a\). Note that non-wastefulness implies individual rationality.Footnote 10 A matching \(\sigma\) induces a justified claim if there are a pair of agents i and j and object \(a\in \hat{O}\) such that \(\sigma _{j,a} > Pr_{\Delta }(j \rhd _a i)+\sum _{c\in SU(\mathrel {R_i},a)} \sigma _{i,c}\). A matching is claimwise stable if it does not induce a justified claim.

To better understand the spirit of claimwise stability, by following Afacan (2018), let us utilize the consumption process representation of matchings by Bogomolnaia and Heo (2012). Each matching can be deemed as the outcome of a consumption process where, over the unit-time interval, agents continuously acquire objects’ shares at the speed of one and in decreasing order of their preferences. Agents’ attained shares are interpreted as time-shares during which they consume them in the consumption process.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Consumption process motivation of claimwise stability

Accompanied by Fig. 1, consider a pair of agents ij, object a, and a matching \(\sigma\). We can interpret \(Pr_{\Delta }(j \rhd _a i)\)—orange region R.1—as the time-share in which agent j has a higher priority than agent i for object a. Similarly, \(\sum _{c\in SU(\mathrel {R_i},a)} \sigma _{i,c}\)—green region R.2—is the time-share in which agent i consumes objects that are better than object a. Therefore, it is unarguably fair to let agent j consume object a over these regions, which amounts to \(Pr_{\Delta }(j \rhd _a i)+\sum _{c\in SU(\mathrel {R_i},a)} \sigma _{i,c}\). However, once agent j’s share exceeds it (more than R.1+R.2), he consumes object a during some time-share falling into the red region R.4. This is problematic on the fairness ground because over R.4, both agents i and j compete for object a (note that agent i would prefer consuming object a outside R.2), and agent i has a higher priority than agent j (R.3, the time-share in which agent i has a higher priority than agent j, includes R.4). That is, the standard fairness is violated for some time-share in R.4.

To make the motivation behind claimwise stability more concrete, let us consider a problem with three agents ijk, and two objects ab. Let \(Pr_{\Delta }(k \succ _a i)=3/4\) and \(Pr_{\Delta }(i \succ _b j)=1\). Let the preferences be such that \(P_i:\ a, b, \emptyset\); \(P_j:\ b, \emptyset\); and \(P_k:\ a, \emptyset\). Let us consider a matching \(\sigma\) given in the table below.

















Here, \(\sigma _{j,b}\) \((=1/2) > Pr_{\Delta } ( j \succ _b i) (=0)+\sum _{c\in SU(R_i, b)} \sigma _{i,c} (=1/4)\), constituting a violation of claimwise stability (there is no other claimwise stability violation). Agent i desires to consume object b after having done with acquiring object a’s share. As \(\sigma _{i,a}=1/4\), during a time-share of 3/4, agent i demands object b. On the other hand, \(\sigma _{j,b} > 1/4\) means that in some positive time-share during which agent i demands object b, agent j manages to consume object b (note that this time-share has the mass of \(\sigma _{j,b}-1/4 > 0\)). Moreover, in this time-share, agent i has a higher priority than agent j at object b.Footnote 11 This goes against the spirit of fairness that the higher priority agents should be treated favorably in receiving objects.

Remark 1

Claimwise stability considers agent i’s acquired shares of the objects that are better than object a. This is because agent i demands object a once he finishes consuming these better objects. That is, his object a demand is in the amount of \(1-\sum _{c\in SU(R_i,a)}\sigma _{i,c}\). On the other hand, if we considered the agent i’s object a share as well in calculating his demand, we would have underestimated the agent i’s demand for object a (that is, \(1-\sum _{c\in U(R_i,a)}\sigma _{i,c}\) might be less than the actual agent i’s object a demand, which is \(1-\sum _{c\in SU(R_i,a)} \sigma _{i,c})\). Thus, agent j would have been allowed to consume more than what is needed to ensure fairness over the whole consumption process.

Remark 2

Our model features randomness both in priorities and assignments. That is, it exhibits double uncertainty. This makes it hard to relate ex-post and ex-ante properties. Neither ex-post fairness nor claimwise stability does not easily imply the other. To see this, let us consider two agents ij and one object a. Suppose each agent has a higher priority with the probability of 1/2. The only claimwise stable matching assigns 1/2 of object a to each agent. This matching is not ex-post fair irrespective of the priority realization (either of the agents has a higher priority ex-post, yet in the matching’s lottery decomposition, it is always the case that the (ex-post) lower priority agent receives object a with the probability of 1/2). Similarly, any ex-post fair matching assigns the whole share to the (ex-post) higher priority agent. This assignment cannot be claimwise stable as each agent must receive 1/2 of object a under claimwise stability.

For a matching \(\sigma\), agent i, and object a, let \(F(\mathrel {R_i},a,\sigma _i)=\sum _{c\in U(\mathrel {R_i},a)} \sigma _{i,c}\). Matching \(\sigma\) stochastically (sd) dominates \(\sigma '\) if, for each agent i and object a, \(F(\mathrel {R_i},a,\sigma _i) \ge F(\mathrel {R_i},a,\sigma '_i)\), where this strictly holds for some agent–object pair. Matching \(\sigma\) is sd-efficient if it is not sd-dominated. Afacan (2018) shows that there does not always exist a claimwise stable and sd-efficient matching. Thus, matching \(\sigma\) is constrained sd-efficient if it is not sd-dominated by a claimwise stable matching.

While constrained sd-efficiency is weaker than sd-efficiency, it still implies non-wastefulness, as formally stated below. All the proofs are relegated to Appendices.

Proposition 1

In any problem \((R,\Delta )\), a constrained sd-efficient matching is non-wasteful.

Remark 3

To see how constrained sd-efficiency implies non-wastefulness, suppose that object a is wasted at a constrained sd-efficient matching \(\sigma\). This means that some agent, say j, would rather consume more of object a; yet this would violate claimwise stability (as, otherwise, \(\sigma\) could not have been constrained sd-efficient). That is, for some agent \(i\ne j\), \(\sigma _{j,a}=Pr_{\Delta }(j \succ _a i)+\sum _{c\in SU(R_i,a)} \sigma _{i,c}\). This implies that \(\sigma _{i,a} < 1-\sum _{c\in SU(R_i,a)} \sigma _{i,c}\).Footnote 12 Therefore, agent i also prefers to consume more of object a. However, for the same reason above, it would go against claimwise stability. This means that \(\sigma _{i,a}=Pr_{\Delta }(i \succ _a k)+\sum _{c\in SU(R_k,a)} \sigma _{k,c}\) for some agent \(k\ne i\). Note that as \(Pr_{\Delta }(i \succ _a j)+Pr_{\Delta }(j \succ _a i)=1\), agent k have to be different from agent j (as, otherwise, \(\sigma _{i,a}+\sigma _{j,a}=1\), contradicting our supposition that object a is wasted). Thus, no pair of agents simultaneously prevent each other from consuming more of object a. In the proof of Proposition 1, we also observe that it holds for any collection of agents of size more than two. Thus, whenever an object is wasted at a constrained sd-efficient matching, we must have a chain of agents of the size of infinity, where each agent prevents the previous one from consuming more of a wasted object. This, however, is not possible, as there are finitely many agents.

By following Kesten et al. (2011) and Hashimoto et al. (2014), we refer to \(F(\mathrel {R_i},a,\sigma _i)\) as “agent i’s surplus at object a under \(\sigma\)." We adapt the ordinal fairness property of Kesten et al. (2011) and Hashimoto et al. (2014) to our setting as follows.Footnote 13

Definition 1

In problem \((R,\Delta )\), matching \(\sigma\) is constrained ordinally fair if, for any pair of agents ij, and object a, \(F(\mathrel {R_i},a,\sigma _i) < F(R_j,a,\sigma _j)\) and \(\sigma _{j,a} > 0\), then there exists an agent k such that \(\sigma _{i,a}=Pr_{\Delta }(i \rhd _a k)+\sum _{c\in SU(R_k,a)} \sigma _{k,c}\).

In words, constrained ordinal fairness says that if agent i’s surplus at object a is less than that of agent j while, at the same time, agent j receives a positive amount of object a—an ordinal fairness violation instance—then some claimwise stability constraint has to bind for agent–object pair (ia). Therefore, giving more of object a to agent i would go against claimwise stability. In the presence of constrained ordinal fairness violation at the expense of agent i, we can increase agent i’s surplus at object a (by a trade with agent j for an arbitrarily small amount of object a) while preserving claimwise stability. Hence, constrained ordinal fairness advocates equality in terms of surpluses to the extent that claimwise stability permits.

Remark 4

Ordinal fairness violation is not solely based on the object a’s allotment, but on the total share of the objects that are at least weakly better than object a. Thus, it does not necessarily imply that agent i, at the expense of whom ordinal fairness is violated, receives a lesser amount of object a than agent j. However, the condition that agent j receives a positive amount of object a ensures that agent i’s surplus can be increased by taking away some positive amount of object a from agent j.Footnote 14 However, under a constrained ordinally fair matching, doing that would go against claimwise stability.

Remark 5

Constrained ordinal fairness partly justifies ordinal fairness violations on the basis of allocation. That is, the condition of \(\sigma _{i,a}=Pr_{\Delta }(i \rhd _a k)+\sum _{c\in SU(R_k,a)} \sigma _{k,c}\) depends on the agent k’s share from \(SU(R_k,a)\) at \(\sigma\) (the other term of \(Pr_{\Delta }(i \rhd _a k)\) purely comes from the primitives). While perhaps sounds contriving at first glance, it could be supported via a myopic view. Suppose agent i objects the allocation because of the ordinal fairness violation against himself at object a. That is, \(F(\mathrel {R_i},a,\sigma _i) < F(R_j,a,\sigma _j)\) and \(\sigma _{j,a} > 0\) for some agent j. From a myopic perspective, it is plausible to fix the other objects’ assignments and look for a possible increase in the agent i’s object a allotment, especially given the fact that agent j, for the sake of whom violation occurs, receives a positive amount of object a. Put another way, one can imagine that the assignments of all the objects except object a are taken as granted and search for a room to increase agent i’s object a allotment. Constrained ordinal fairness ensures that any such increase is impossible under claimwise stability. Our approach to justifying a violation based on the allocation is common in the field.Footnote 15

A mechanism \(\psi\) is <non-wasteful, claimwise stable, constrained ordinally fair, constrained sd-efficient> if, for each problem \((R,\Delta )\), \(\psi (R,\Delta )\) is <non-wasteful, claimwise stable, constrained ordinally fair, constrained sd-efficient>

A preference relation \(R'_i\) is the truncation of \(\mathrel {R_i}\) from some object \(a\in \hat{O}\) if (i) \(a \mathrel {P_i} \emptyset\), (ii) for each pair of objects \(c,c'\in \hat{O}\), \(c \mathrel {R'_i} c'\) if and only if \(c \mathrel {R_i} c'\); and (iii) \(c \mathrel {P'_i} \emptyset\) if and only if \(c\in U(R_i,a)\).

Definition 2

A mechanism \(\psi\) is surplus-invariant to truncations if, for any problem \((R,\Delta )\) and any agent i, \(F(\mathrel {R_i},a,\psi _i(R'_i,R_{-i},\Delta ))=F(\mathrel {R_i},a,\psi _i(R,\Delta ))\) where \(R'_i\) is the truncation of \(R_i\) from object a.Footnote 16Footnote 17

The invariance axiom above requires no change in agent i’s surplus at object a after he truncates his preferences from object a.Footnote 18 It is easy to see that surplus invariance to truncations is necessary for a mechanism to be strategy-proof; hence, it is desirable for the strategic concerns,Footnote 19 It is also of practical interest. In many real-life problems, there is a cap on the number of objects that can be ranked in preference lists.Footnote 20 Under such caps, it is natural for agents to truncate their preferences and submit a ranking only over their best objects. Our invariance property ensures that agents’ surpluses at their last object under the truncated preferences would remain the same even in the absence of caps; thus, caps do not hurt agents in this sense.

2.2 Constrained probabilistic serial (CPS)

We relegate the formal description of CPS to Appendix A. Here, instead, we informally outline how it works and run it on a simple example. Let us consider the objects as perfectly divisible. In the course of CPS, over the unit-time interval and in decreasing order of their preferences, agents continuously acquire object shares at the speed of one. An agent stops consuming an object whenever the relevant claimwise stability constraints start binding, or the object is exhausted (whichever occurs first). The algorithm moves to the next step whenever an agent stops consuming an object, and it terminates when each agent has consumed a total share of one.

Below, we run CPS on a simple example. Let \(N=\{i,j,k\}\) and \(\hat{O}=\{a,b,c\}\). The preferences are given below.

\(\mathrel {\mathrel {R_i}}:\ a,b,c, \emptyset\); \(\mathrel {R_j}:\ b, c, a, \emptyset\); \(\mathrel {R_k}:\ a,c,b, \emptyset\).

Let \(supp(\Delta )\) contain the following deterministic priorities.


\(\succ '\)

























Let \(\Delta (\succ )=3/4\) and \(\Delta (\succ ')=1/4\). Below demonstrates the working of CPS on the example.

Step 1. Each agent first attempts to consume his favorite object. The best object of both agents i and k is object a and \(Pr_{\Delta }( i \rhd _a k)=3/4\). Hence, because of the claimwise stability constraints that each of these agents imposes on the other one for object a, agents i and k can consume at most 3/4 and 1/4 of object a, respectively. As agent j attempts to consume object b, no constraint is imposed on him in this round. Hence, the agents start consuming their respective objects, and this round terminates at the time of \(t^1=1/4\) when agent k stops consuming object a. By the end of this step, each agent has consumed 1/4 of his top object.

Step 2. Agent k now attempts to consume his second-best object, which is object c. The others continue attempting to consume their previous objects. As the agents’ respective objects are all different, no claimwise stability constraint is imposed on the agents in this step. Hence, they start consuming their objects and keep consuming until time \(t^2=3/4\) when object a has become exhausted. By the end of this step, each agent has consumed 1/2 of his object.

Step 3. Agent i now attempts to consume his second-best object, which is object b. Hence, both him and agent j desire to consume the same object in this round. We have \(Pr_{\Delta }( i \rhd _b j)=1\). However, agent i has already acquired 3/4 of his more preferred object a. Therefore, agent j can consume at most 3/4 of object b. However, as he has already consumed that much, he is not allowed to consume more of object b. Therefore, he stops consuming object b, implying that the step terminates at the time of \(t^3=3/4\), and no agent acquires a positive amount of any object.

Step 4. Agent j now attempts to consume his second-best object c. Therefore, both agents j and k attempt to consume object c in this round. We have \(Pr_{\Delta }( j \rhd _c k)=1\). However, as agent j has already consumed 3/4 of his more preferred object b, agent k is allowed to consume at most 3/4 of object c. Note that agent k has already consumed 1/2 of object c up to this step. Hence, the agents start consuming their respective objects, and this step terminates at the time of \(t^4=1\). In the course of this step, each agent has acquired 1/4 of his object. By the end of this step, all the agents have acquired a total share of one; hence, CPS terminates. Below is the CPS outcome:





















2.3 The results

We are now ready to state our results, whose proofs are relegated to Appendix B.

Theorem 1

A mechanism \(\psi\) is CPS if and only if it is non-wasteful, claimwise stable, constrained ordinally fair, and surplus-invariant to truncations.

Theorem 2

A mechanism \(\psi\) is CPS if and only if it is constrained sd-efficient, claimwise stable, and constrained ordinally fair.

The independence of the axioms is shown in Appendix C.

Remark 6

Constrained ordinal fairness can be seen as very tailored to CPS. However, as we see in the independence analyses (in Appendix C), each property is independent of others. Moreover, for constrained ordinally fair mechanisms different from CPS, we can think of PS; and a mechanism that applies the agent-proposing deferred acceptance ( Gale and Shapley (1962)) whenever the priorities are deterministic, and otherwise CPS. As PS is ordinally fair ( Kesten et al. (2011) and Hashimoto et al. (2014)), it is constrained ordinally fair. One can easily verify that any (deterministic) stable matching is constrained ordinally fair in the deterministic priority domain.Footnote 21 This, as well as the constrained ordinal fairness of CPS, implies that the second mechanism is also constrained ordinally fair.

Remark 7

We present the whole analysis for the case of unit-copy objects. In the case of multi-copy objects, claimwise stability is problematic, as extensively discussed in Afacan (2018). Its caveat is that even though an agent may already satisfy all of his demand with some object a, he may continue preventing someone else from consuming the object through claimwise stability. For instance, consider a problem with two agents ij and one object a with the capacity of 2. Let \(Pr_{\Delta }(i \succ _a j)=1\), and both agents prefer consuming object a. Here, agent j cannot consume object a even if agent i receives 1 unit of object a (this is because \(SU(R_i,a)=\emptyset\), hence \(\sum _{c\in SU(R_i,a)} \sigma _{i,c}=0\) at any matching \(\sigma\)). Afacan (2018) overcomes this caveat by transforming multi-quota problems into those with unit-quota. The transformation is such that each copy of the same object is treated as a different object with the same priority as the original. Agents’ preferences over this extended set of objects are such that the ranking over the original objects is preserved while the same object’s copies can be ranked in any matter. We can find a solution in the artificial problem and straightforwardly transform it to the original problem (each agent’s share from an object is the sum of the acquired shares from its copies in the artificial problem). Similarly, any matching in the multi-copy problem can be written as a matching in the unit-copy problem in the same manner. Thus, we can only consider unit-copy problems without losing generality; thereby, our results can be invoked in a multi-copy object problem through its corresponding unit-copy object market.