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Final tensing and opacity in Podhale Goralian

  • Tomasz Łuszczek EMAIL logo


This article discusses phonological generalisations concerning Podhale Goralian, a dialect of Polish spoken in southern Lesser Poland. It is argued that Podhale Goralian has a process called Final Tensing, which changes ɔ → o before word-final voiced consonants and glides. Final Tensing interacts with other rules of the dialect, leading to both major types of opacity: underapplication and overapplication. The descriptive generalisations are first stated in terms of rules and then reanalysed in terms of OT constraints. Even though both frameworks deliver the correct results, it is argued that the OT-based analysis is by a small margin superior to the rule-based analysis. Furthermore, the sources of the opacity exhibited by the discussed processes are classified according to Baković’s (2007, 2011) revised typology of opacity. [1]

Tomasz Łuszczek Instytut Anglistyki University of Warsaw ul. Dobra 55 00-312 Warszawa Poland


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Published Online: 2022-12-10
Published in Print: 2022-11-25

© 2022 Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

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